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How Long Before Dinner Does Your Grey Start Bugging You?

Guest Amy_Bee

How long before dinner does your grey start bugging you?  

248 members have voted

  1. 1. How long before dinner does your grey start bugging you?

    • Over 3 hours
    • 2-3 hours
    • 1-2 hours
    • less than one hour
    • My grey doesn't ask for dinner. He knows when it's time.

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Howie is the only one that arses me. I think they have designated him the "Hungry Hound Club" representative. It generally starts about 30 mins. before normal dinner time.

Missing our Raisin: 9/9/94 - 7/20/08, our Super Bea: 2003 - 12/16/09, our Howie: 9/17/97 - 4/9/11, our Bull: 8/7/00 - 1/17/13, our Wyatt Earp: 11/22/06 - 12/16/15, and our Cyclone 8/26/05 - 9/12/16

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About 30 minutes before dinner all three of my dogs start staring at me. If I move towards the kitchen they are right there with wiggles and happy talk.

"Then God sent the Greyhound to live among man and remember. And when the day comes God will call the Greyhound to give Testament, and God will pass judgment on man."

Persian Proverb

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half hour before meals i am the object of intense scrutiny by two horrible monsters. any movement at all in any direction vaguely pointing to the kitchen is interpreted as 'IT'S TIME!'


same for the normal walkies, their internal clocks are also set & compensated for the seasonal sunrise/sunset changes.



Wayne Kroncke

Vegetarians: My food poops on your food.

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Guest jupiterooos

I usually get home around 5:00. Dogs go out, dogs come in, and Jupiter stares at me. I relax for a few minutes and watch the Simpsons, Jupiter stares at me. The Simpsons ends, and he starts barking!


On the days when I come home early, it just throws everything off. Sorry, pal, you can stare and woof all you like - I'm not feeding you at three!

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Guest rosebudd

mine get fed raw once a day and thye are constantly looking at me about 2-3 and on seeing if I am making their food or mine. It drives me and my hubby nuts. Even when I was feeding twice a day they were like this. Leo tho is always looking for food no matter if he just ate or not. also I voted wrong its more like 2-3 hrs not over 3.

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Guest GunnyGirl
Mine never bug us for dinner, although we do try not to be late with it. Breakfast is a totally different story - if we try to sleep even half an hour past breakfast time (6:30), Gabe will bark and whine and cold-nose us until we get up.


Gunny is the total opposite. During the week breakfast is around 5 am...on the weekends it could be anywhere between then and 9 am. She likes to sleep in on the weekends too. But dinner? OMG...she starts the full-court press about 2-3 hours before its actually time...its supposed to be about 7 pm, which is when she gets dinner during the week, but on weekends, we can't hold out any longer than 5:30 to 6...

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Guest poopsie1

Stanley gets fed every morning at 4:45 and in the afternoon at 4:30. He doesn't usually bug me in the morning but if I go one minute beyond his feeding time in the afternoon he starts barking in my face. Dan has yet to give me a reminder but I figure it won't be long.

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Perhaps it is the schedule but on nights when I am home (like right now) I get stared at and pumped for food possibilities all the time: they get fed at 11:30 morning and night due to my work shift ending at that time. But I can see in their eyes that right this minute would be preferable. As well as more food than usual: that would also be preferred!!


However, since the nighttime meal is so late, they always fall asleep while waiting so I sometimes have to wake them to be fed!!!


My goofy twosome!

Bow Wow Wow Yippie Yo Yippie Yay :)


Johanna with hounds: Woodie (Molly's Marvin) (Grenade X Kh Molly) and Petra (Make Her a Pet) (Dodgem By Design X Late Nite Oasis)

and forever missing Hurley (Jel Try Out) (Gable Dodge X Kings Teresa) with Kalapaki Beach in Kauai as the background

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Guest ctgreylover

I usually feed Tony when I get home from work so no bugging me but.. Tony spent 3 weeks with Gramma and Grampa and he did continually place his nose at the cabinet with his food an hour or so before dinner. He also would go to the treat area several times a day. Since getting home, he has been a bit more demanding for treats and meals if I am not quick enough!

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Guest GreyFox

We generally give Doodles her dinner between 5:00 and 5:30 - she starts her "dinner-time watch" around 4:00! She has her breakfast around 7:00. She used to come walking with me at 6:00 a.m., but when the darkness and cold came she decided that just wasn't proper! Now she lays on her bed with one big brown eye open and fixed on the kitchen, and the moment the kibbies hit the dish, she is behind me!

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Guest mymainegreys

We try to be really good about feeding our greys 12 hours apart but sometimes life gets in the way. Like yesterday.....breakfast at 8 AM, dinner not until 10:30 PM as we were out later than anticipated. Anyway, their schedule was thrown completely off and woke me up at 3:30AM to go out. When they came back in they were doing their happy feed-me dance in the kitchen. They had just eaten dinner 5 hours before!! Needless to say, I didn't feed them then but everytime I rolled over in bed, my boy Herbioe was up and in my face like...."Hey Ma, remember, we peed, now it's time to feed"


I use to think they had an internal clock but now not so sure.....maybe it's just routine......

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well, blue and millie are still as i posted above, but we went for a walk on the farm across the road this morning about 8am past the cows and their calves in one of the fields, blue playbowed and wanted to play with them (no way!). a few minutes after we were past them, they started bellowing REALLY loudly, a few minutes after that the farmer showed up with a couple bales of hay for them. guess our doggies aren't the only animals harassing their human servants, and they knew exactly what time the farmer should be feeding them too.


Wayne Kroncke

Vegetarians: My food poops on your food.

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Guest DebSzal

Gracie gets me up like clockwork at 6AM and expects to be fed. She will not give up until food is in her dish. If I try to ignore her she stands over me in bed and barks, scratches and nips. All undesirable traits we are trying to get rid of! She is more patient for her second meal, which is between 4:30pm and 5:00pm. Sometimes she doesn't get fed until 6pm when DH gets home. She does not display any of the actions that she does for her morning meal!. She does expect to be fed when I get home at 3:30pm but we try to stall her feeding time till at least 4:30pm by keeping her occupied with other things.

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Guest larock

I's breakfast at our house...


During the week our household gets up a 5am so the houndies get fed around 5:30am.


On the weekend the wee warning woofs usually start any time after 5am and will continue until we get up at 6am to feed them. Usually David gives in and gets up at 5:30 on Saturday AM to feed and let them out - then they all come back to bed!


We know who's houndie-whipped at our house!



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Guest WI_grey_mom

Breakfast isn't the problem. DH and I are up at 6:30 to 7 every day so get their meals at 7 am sharp and they'll sleep until it's time to potty and eat.

Dinner is different. I get home at about 5:30 -6 pm daily. And from the moment I get home until 7 pm, any shift in movement causes a seemingly sleeping greyhound to be at full attention and at their bowl before I can say "settle down!". A low sad whine will be emitted from one or another intermittently keeping me aware of the passing of time.

Minute by minute they get antsier and antsier until 6:45 when they start pulling out all of the stops. I get the standing, staring, statue dogs that burn holes into me. If I make the mistake of looking directly at them, the ears go up and the rooing begins.

Finally at 7 I make the trek over to the bowls and Bo grabs his favorite Hedgie stuffy and starks pacing around the house in excitement, "food is comin', food is comin'!"

Once they have licked their own bowls clean they switch and make sure the other did a thorough job of it.

1/2 hour later they begin asking for some yummy treats... Poor starved pooches! :lol

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Guest shortcat

My 3 guys are very good. They only start a half hour before meal time. The only problem time is when the clock springs forward or falls back! :colgate

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You mean some dogs actually stop bugging you? One of our boys is a complete chow hound... and the second he hears anyone in the kitchen, or rather even just heading toward the kitchen, he comes running, with his very best, "Thank goodness it's FINALLY feeding time" look on his face. When does he NOT bug us? :)

Edited by Amica
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  • 1 year later...

Our two get fed dinner at 6:00 and almost every night (I kid you not) , like clockwork, our boy would come upstairs around 5:40 (if he wasn't already up here) and 1-2 minutes before 6:00, he was on his feet talking/whining/being silly to get my attention. He did the same in the morning if I slept too late. He had an amazing internal alarm clock.


Our girl would sleep through everything if we didn't get her up. :lol

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Breakfast is not a problem, they get fed when I get up to go to work at 5:30. During the weekends they let us sleep in.

Supper is at 4:30 and they start bugging us just after 4 PM. So that's not that bad.

Tin and Michael and Lucas, Picasso, Hero, Oasis, Galina, Neizan, Enzo, Salvo and Noor the Galgos.
Remembering Bridge Angel Greyhounds: Tosca, Jamey, Master, Diego, and Ambi; plus Angel Galgos Jules, Marco and Baltasar.

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Guest mountain4greys

All ours come piling into the room about 10 minutes before it's time to eat. Sometimes when I'm on the computer, they'll wait until 5 minutes before they get fed.


Their watches keep better time than mine. :lol

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Guest Gemma

Peyton doesn't bug me until he hears me pick up the bowl. Unless his dinner is really late (over an hour), he has faith that it will arrive without him needing to supervise me. ;)

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