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My brother's dog Jasper left us this morning just a few short weeks after being diagnosed with Osteosarcoma.





In my mind he was full grown when he came home to my brother and his family, but the pictures from those days show he still had some growing to do.


He always attracted a lot of attention on walks on at the doggie park, and I had not seen a dog that fast or able to leap that high in my life at that point. It had a lot to do with me adopting a greyhound; I wanted a similar dog, but you don't go down to the pound and get an Ibizan Hound. So I started looking at Greyhounds, and it just made a lot of sense. So he did his part, even if just a little bit, in finding a greyhound cousin a home. Once I adopted Zuni, I started calling him 'big head,' since his head was so much bigger than hers.


Zuni and I went down to visit a couple of times and they had fun chasing each other around the back yard. It had to have a dream come true to have another dog as fast as he was.



He had a life that all dogs would want, my brother works from home so they were together almost constantly. He had at one point his own car (for trips to the doggie park) and his own couch. And he got frequent visits from me, which meant at the very least a W-A-L-K, so naturally he was fond of me.


My brother had this to say--

I've been thinking about it and decided Doggie Heaven and Squirrel

Hell are probably the same place.


Love ya buddy.

Edited by Pepperjack
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I'm so sorry for your loss of Jasper. He was a fortunate boy to have an extended family to love him. He'll find lots of fast friends at the bridge. Godspeed Jasper! f_yellow


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Guest vahoundlover

I am so sorry :cry1 My deepest sympathies to you and your brother. Tho Jasper is now running with the other Angels, he will forever be in your heart.


Godspeed Jasper :f_red

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Guest Greyhoundbaby

Our hearts are with you...


May your brother find comfort in the love of friends and the many warm memories he has of Jasper.


Karen with Tapsy, Julie and Gryf

Shania wagging Hello from the Bridge where she made a new friend today.

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