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Marble Left For The Bridge

Guest 2greygirls

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Guest 2greygirls

Thank you everyone for your thoughts. I am so very sad, but I know she's happy. I can feel her with me, and Leda seems so peaceful. I do not know when I will be able tyo upload pictures, so I will say a few things now.


LR Marbled Girl was a valiant little girl. She ran AA, always giving her race MOm heart attacks, as she never backed down, and would just as soon roll in the turn than give ground. She lived her life the same way. Leda and Marble were never apart, as they retired to brood about the same time. Marble never got pregnant, and was adopted out a couple months before I got Leda. The story isn't clear, but what we do know is this, Marble's first adopter abused her, she was found returned ( thank God), tied to the kennel sink, freaked out and skinny and covered in poop. I reciedved a call from their Race owner, who asked me if I wanted Leda's sister. As Leda was having some seperation issues, I said yes. I took Marble home the dya I met her. She settled in with her sister, and they were inseperable. Marble was an angel , the best ambassador greys could have, she would approach everyone on the street, drag me to meet people, sereptitiously place her head in strangers hands as they waited for the lights to change. She once got a woman who was so afraid of dogs to hug her, simply by standing close to her, and gradually working in a serious greyhound lean. Marble loved to play. She and Leda would tear around the dog park playing ball, of course play would pause as she stopped to say hi to every human there. She learned to throw the ball for herself, and could easily spend the afternoon amusing herself. She was very attune to my emotions, and was the first one their when I needed a hug. She was ther queen of the roachers. Many a night I awoke to one of her feet dangling in my face. She slept with me most nights. She was a quirky girl who'd hide from thunder, and tremble at the sight of anything resembling a train..we never figured out that one. She was a sculptor, skillfully arranging the household belongings in piles, perfectly symmetrical. Marble was many things..most of all she was my little Marble-loo, and Leda's devoted sister. I miss her terribly. I can't imagine I ever will stop missing her, She was swo very special, a tough little nut made of fluff. Runfree my sweet Beautiful Girl, Momma misses you. Say Hi to all the bridge angels, and watch over your sister. Tell her she can't leave yet.


Thanks again to everyone, the well wishes really do help.

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Guest skywalker

Know Marbles is in a fantastic place with all her old friends and new. Always keep her close to your heart. My prayers and thoughts are with you!


Edited by skywalker
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I am very sorry for your and Leda's loss. Marble sounds like a wonderful girl.

Drake - Fortified Power x Cajun Oriel

Janney - Ronco x Sol Happy

Waiting at the bridge: Sirocco - (Reko Sirocco) - Trojan Episode x Reko Princess; Nikki - (MPS Sharai) - Devilish Episode x MPS Daisy Queen;
Yukon - (Yak Back) - Epic Prince x Barts Cinnamon

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