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Blake you were one specal hound. Your mom and day did all they could but didnt want to keep you here just for them. I know you are waiting at the front gate at the Bridge for you beloved sister Scarlett. One day soon you two will be romping round the bridge pain free waiting for you mom and dad.


Run Free Sweet Boy :angelwings:gh_run:angelwings

Cassie: Pikes Clara Bell Swoop: My Man Swoop

BRIDGE ANGELS Psi:WD'S Aleford 3/17/00-4/25/10 Snowman: Gable Snowman 1/9/96-2/14/08

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Run free, sweet Blake.

Mary, mom to kitty Rebel.
Always missing Sherri (SO DELICIOUS) (12/6/2005-8/29/2018) kitties Marley (4/2000-12/3/2015) and Beady (4/1998-2/24/2006) and Dalmatian Daisy (7/25/1984-5/13/1999).

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work

and give to those who would not - Thomas Jefferson

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Paula & her pups--Paneer (WW Outlook Ladd), Kira & Rhett (the whippets)
Forever in my heart...Tinsel (Born's Bounder - 11/9/90-12/18/01), Piper, Chevy, Keno, Zuma, Little One, Phaelin & Winnie
Greyhound Adoption Center ~ So Cal rep for Whippet Rescue And Placement

For beautiful beaded collars, check out my Facebook page: The Swanky Hound

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