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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. Oh no! What a horrible situation. Still hoping...
  2. GreyPoopon


    What a horrible shock. I'm sorry.
  3. I'm so sorry your precious girl had to leave so soon. Godspeed Della. Run any direction, make the furniture slide, and have a fine time with your new friends.
  4. Betsy, you have developed quite the palate haven't you? Please stop sharing your secrets with my angel baby! I'll try to keep her away from the keyboard. GreyPoopon
  5. Edie burps up if she drinks too much at once. I try to keep her from overdoing it. When I mentioned it to my vet, she said that greyhounds were notorious for it. Middle-of-the-night urping would worry me a bit.
  6. Fenway: Bitter apple is yummy. So is Tobasco. So is habanero sauce. Ole! Betsy
  7. It's wonderful that his surgery went well. for a benign report.
  8. GreyPoopon


    It's wonderful that Caesar finally found Ken, and then you: grumpy, growly, snappy old farts need to be appreciated too. He sure was a handsome guy. Godspeed Caesar.
  9. Poor Fenway. But that third pic is wonderful. Betsy has a PS: Fenway When you get sick of the boot, eat it. That's what I did. Betsy
  10. Oh Lacers, please be careful. Your Mom will have a heart attack. I hope you feel OK tomorrow, but not so well that you get silly again.
  11. I'm so sorry you lost your Starry. Congratulations on Gypsy.
  12. Oh, this is wonderful news!! Here's hoping for firm poops and a healthy appetite.
  13. for Scooter. It's too bad you have to wait. Minnie has a little bump on the rim of her lower lid. It's a cyst, and has drained/fallen off and refilled a couple of times over the past several years. When we first talked about it, the vet said it could be removed if she was under for something else, but fortunately she hasn't been.
  14. The problem is that they can get so sick so quickly that the treatment can be too late.
  15. The vets here (Southern Ontario, Canada) had stopped vaccinating for it, but it's recurring, and now some (including mine) recommend it. The vaccine doesn't cover all strains.
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