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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. GreyPoopon

    My Boy T

    What a horrible shock. I'm so sorry. I'm especially sorry since you've endured so many losses recently.
  2. Poor little sweetie. that she is finally on the road to recovery, and that she heals quickly and well.
  3. I'm glad Marti is fine. I hope that Lucky Girl is one of the last-forever dals. Good thing you caught it early.
  4. I'm sorry. I hope things look better in the morning.
  5. I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Cora.
  6. GreyPoopon

    Thank You

    I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Wahoo.
  7. Believe me, I know about those thoughts. I hope that Llenny recovers quickly and well without a trip to the vet.
  8. Yes, I think alone training is the way to go. A crate may be necessary too, but with or without it, you're going to have to help Wally get used to spending time alone. Wally probably will be depressed when Hobbes goes. Attention and activity might help, but--as with people--it takes time. I'm so sorry you have to face this so soon.
  9. Glad he's feeling better. Hope the doxy takes care of things rite qwik.
  10. Could be the Deramaxx. Could be a foreign body in her stomach or somewhere further down. Could be IBD. The main symptom of Minnie's IBD was vomiting, although we didn't realize what she had until she also ended up with recurring HGE. If it's inflammation, either due to Deramaxx or IBD, a couple of days isn't enough for it to subside. I agree a vet visit is a good idea. X-rays and blood work might be in order. If it's the Deramaxx, some stomach protection might fix her right up. I hope the cause is quickly found and easily remedied.
  11. Yikes! What a brave girl! I hope she heals quickly and well.
  12. Poor Ollie. I hope he recovers quickly. Poor you. You've really been having a time of it. I hope everything settles down soon.
  13. Without in any way minimizing your loss of BarbieJade--I do have some idea how you feel--or of your other losses, I have to say that what struck me when I read your post was "Zeus will greet me, he will be joined by AnnaBanana, DonnieDude, Gremlin and Moe". Yes, you've endured a lot, but you've opened your heart and home to other lucky hounds. And as I walked the girls tonight, I thought about how BarbieJade paved the way. She might not have wanted to share her home with another female, but she taught about the special nature of broodies, and now three others know how glorious a retirement can be. Nice job, Queen BarbieJade. You too, Stepper and TigerPower.
  14. I am so very sorry. I was so hoping that Happy could win this fight. Happy was a very special girl, and you wrote a lovely tribute. Godspeed Happy.
  15. I am so very sorry. I hope that Hobbes has many more good days ahead, and that you all enjoy it as much as possible.
  16. Glad things went well. Hope she's home and happy now.
  17. I am so very sorry. I'm hoping hard that the full biopsy is negative.
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