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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. I'm so sorry. Godspeed Cougar.
  2. They thought he was pretty interesting. And he needed to be checked again after he had his bath. So far, it's been going well. Things may be a bit more entertaining when he decides to venture forth.
  3. Zydeco Dancer! (Photo is from June '06; colours are a bit strong.) This is quite a departure for me. In fact, if I'd managed to get the photo I wanted, the title of this thread would have been "One of These Things is Not Like the Others". There are three differences, of which two are visible in the pics. One of them is fairly apparent here (Tally middle and Jessie right): Both are here, although you'd need a magnifying glass see one of them (Jessie to the right): Both are obvious here (it was cold today and the poor dog just wanted to go back in): Got your choices ready? The differences are.... 1. No stripes, 2. Dangly bits, and 3. (the non-visible one) Younger. I'm supposed to stick to white-faced fuzzy-butted brindle girls born in the year between my oldest (Perry) and youngest (Edie). He's a white-faced fuzzy-butted red fawn boy born almost a year too late (actually the same day as Tally but a year later). So of the five key characteristics, he has only two (fuzzy butt and white face). Oh well. My Story: The plan was to let the pack shrink gradually. I loved having eight, but when one needed special care--as was true for over nine months (March '09 to January '10)--it was too time-consuming and exhausting. But not three weeks after I lost Piper, I started to forget about the extra care. The pack was shrinking way too soon and way too fast. I found myself wondering if I could adopt one of the seniors recently mentioned on GT. Then I had a look at the available broodies at an organization that will adopt dogs to Canada. While I was mulling over how to arrange local support in case the dog was a bad fit or a cat zapper, I was reminded about a senior boy (9 1/2) who was back at a nearby kennel for the third time. His Story: Zydeco Dancer ran his last race when he was just over 5 1/2. He arrived at GRA Canada as "Dancer" in June of '06. He was adopted fairly soon. After about 2 1/2 years--Winter '09--he ended up back at GRA as "Apollo". After a bit of TLC, he was adopted again. This time, he lasted about 9 months. In December, he was returned to GRA. He'd been back for almost two more months of TLC when I started considering him. Our Story: I called Bill of GRA and asked if Apollo was still available. Yes. Would he fit? Long pause. He probably would. I asked about the apparent lack of enthusiasm. Bill was just wondering if he had any info on cat safety. He said he'd look at his files. Later, I called and left a message about when I could make the 90 minute drive. On Thursday February 11, I went to GRA to pick up Apollo. "Apollo" didn't work for me as a call name, and after a couple of impermanent placements he needed a fresh start, so I decided to change it. I thought about reverting to "Dancer", but he seems a bit big and un-Dancer-like (you should see him trying to go down stairs), so now he's Graham. When we got home, he met The Other Two (Jessie and Tally), and went for a short walk with them. Then he met The Core Four (Perry, Minnie, Betsy, and Edie), and went for a walk with them. He walked into the house, let me wipe his feet, glanced at one of the kitties, went into his crate, and immediately laid down. He is perfectly happy in his crate--even when the door is open, he prefers to stay there. Out of it, he's a bit worried. He's started to relax on walks, and is showing a lot of enthusiasm about them (up and ready to go when I let him out, waving tail, even a few happy snaps). He was a very good boy at the vet clinic on Friday, where he met his new vet and stayed for a while to have a bath. He's starting to learn his new name and some basic commands; he starts school on Thursday. So far, he's been a true gentleman. I know there's a goof in there somewhere--I'm seeing signs of it already--but he's going to need some time to relax and realize that he's home for good. That's enough blather. Let's see some more pics! On the dog beds: With Tally, just about 5 hours after they met. He didn't even flinch when she laid down butt-to-butt: In his safe space: Starting to fall asleep: Sorry about the blur here--I just love the expression in his eyes: Relaxing: In my office today. We'd been doing a bit of training: Welcome Home Graham!
  4. Glad he's feeling better. Hope he's 100% very soon.
  5. Metacam. Girls tell me it's tasty. Or the generic meloxicam. Not sure if it's as palatable.
  6. I'm sorry. I hope he's in the 10%. Yes, between the stress and the manipulation needed to get the x-rays, it's not surprising he's whining. I hope he feels better soon.
  7. Whew. I guess Officer Elsie will have to take it easy for a while. I hope she feels better soon.
  8. I'm so sorry. Godspeed Casey
  9. I am so very sorry. There is nothing one can say that can help with the loss of such a special girl. Godspeed Pearl.
  10. I'm sorry. I hope he's home and healthy soon.
  11. He is absolutely gorgeous. Gorgeous. Congratulations to you and especially to Roscoe. You are a good person. He is a very lucky boy. I hope you have lots of time together.
  12. I'm so sorry. Godspeed Annie.
  13. They both look great! I bet Apollo will be keeping up with Whitey very soon.
  14. I am so very very sorry. I was so hoping that Pearl would make it around the corner that Piper couldn't navigate. You and Pearl tried so very hard. Godspeed Pearl.
  15. I'm glad Echo is feeling chipper this morning. Let the healing continue!
  16. I am so very sorry. My sympathy to Darlene and her family.
  17. OUCHOUCHOUCH!!! I hope Echo feels better--ear and pride--soon.
  18. I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Charley.
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