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Posts posted by RaineysMom

  1. On 10/9/2021 at 12:07 PM, MP_the4pack said:

    Me too. There are no words to describe it.

    me also, with our Zeke last year.  I had no idea he even had osteo until it broke.  I never want to go through that ever, ever again.

    I am so very sorry.  Sending many hugs :grouphug

  2. my Rick has a regular harness because he goes batsh*t when he sees a squirrel -- I mean OUT OF CONTROL -- jumping, spinning, hitting into me (nearly knocking me over!).  Nothing has worked trying to change this behavior :(  He's super treat motivated but if there's a squirrel?  NOTHING gets thru to him.  I could be a giant piece of raw beef liver (his fave) and he'd only pay attention to the squirrel.  We've named him The Squirrminator. :blink:

    he'd break his neck if we just had the usual collar (that were FINE for all our other hounds... <_< )

  3. you did the right thing.  There's never a 100% way to predict how these guys will turn out once in a home since everything's so new.  She just wasn't the right fit for you and thankfully you realized it quickly. 

    with 3 of our 5 coming in as bounces from their first home (Rainey, Larry and Zeke), trust me there is the right home for this girl!  It just wasn't yours, and there was no way to know this ahead of time.  

    There IS the right hound out for you, perhaps a little older one like Jerilyn suggests, whose personality is a little more known and is more laid back.

    sending hugs and thank you for doing the right thing for you, for the pup and for your kitty, too!

  4. On 7/17/2021 at 1:50 PM, macoduck said:

    BTDT  https://forum.greytalk.com/topic/327490-fly-invasion/

    This is what finally worked here: https://www.hotshot.com/products/flying-insect-control/flying-insect-killer.aspx

    Plus we always have the clear sticky clings on the windows. I hate looking at them but take some satisfaction that the little buggers stuck on it won't be bothering me again.

    I got an electronic fly swatter from Amazon (arrived yesterday) but so far (thankfully!) no flies yet to try it on.  I'm leery about using any kind of chemicals.  What's the dish soap/vinegar thing?


  5. hope to get some good suggestions.  Our new boy Rick is HORRIFIC with flies!  Our angel Larry was bad (scared of them) but Rick is leaving him in the dust.  They bother him SO much.  The worst part is that he will go after them and ram his mouth/nose into our sliding glass door or front glass door trying to get them and I fear he will really hurt himself.  Even worse is the flies tend to want to hang our on the window screens (our screens are on the inside then the window cranks out).  We have mini blinds on every window and I really worry he will get caught up in them and hang or strangle himself trying to get them off the screen if we were not here!

    and they just show up in droves - like yesterday, there wasn't a single one in the house all day until like 3pm (we did just come in from a walk but the door was only open for 1.5 seconds) and in minutes there were literally 25 flies all OVER.  All different sizes so it's not like they just hatched somewhere in the house!  Really weird.

    does anyone know what *really* works to capture flies in the house?  I had tried a roll thingy that they were supposed to be attracted to but it didn't do anything.

    thanks in advance for any help!

  6. I used to feed our Zeke raw in the morning and then kibble at night, he did find on it (when he DID eat).  I would get beef/lamb hearts, beef liver, and green tripe from My Pet Carnivore but they don't have truck deliveries anymore (and it's $$$ to have Fed Ex deliver).  Please do some reading on raw, you have to make sure they only get 5% organ meat per day or things get BAD (liver, spleen, pancreas, kidney are organs - tongue and heart are muscle meats).  Ground hamburger and turkey are good and easier options (I spent hours every week hand chopping up the heart, etc. as Zeke didn't like it chopped in the food processor, HAD to be by hand :blink:

    raw is perfectly safe as long as you keep things clean :)  your girl is BEAUTIFUL!  (and looks 100% greyhound to me!)

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