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Posts posted by RaineysMom

  1. :( that was so hard to watch :(  It SO sucks when something's going on with our babies that we are powerless to help.  No advice (didn't look like a seizure, at least like what our Rainey had) but sending many prayers she'll be ok.  :grouphug 

  2. On 5/22/2021 at 9:54 AM, lukasmom said:

    Well, I had a good test with Rootsies this morning.  Carter had a squeaky tummy this morning and  he does not eat when this happens. He wanted his cookie which he took a put it by a bed. Neko promptly ate it. I put some Rootsies on both their breakfast. He came up ,smelled the bowl and started eating. He ate the whole bowl! Then I gave him Neko's cookie which he ate.

    Will be curious to see what his next poop looks like, typically they are really soft like pudding.

    So far we are loving Rootsies.

    has Carter been tested for hookworms?  For the past 5-8 years now hounds have had hookworms that are resistant to the standard deworming meds (i.e. Drontal Plus, Panacur, etc.).  Our Rick (adopted last November) has them as does every single hound that I know that have been adopted in the past year or so.  Rick gets the squealy stomach and inappetance when they are active :(

  3. My angel Larry had corns on 3 of 4 feet and couldn't have survived without his Therapaws (you can buy them online).  I have 9 still (all used) - where are you located?  If you are nearby I can give you a couple to try.

    also, I would Dremmel his corns down to the pad level every week or so and that seemed to help.  I used to have the vet hull them out (using a dental root elevator) but I swear they would come back in worse and larger every time so I just did the Dremmeling for the last few years.

  4. I was going to suggest amantadine (relatively unheard of drug for the most part, for pain anyway) -- it was a miracle drug for our Larry and his back end issues - gave us 5 more months with him -- but you are already using that.  Sending prayers you can find out what's going on.  Sounds like a disc issue to me but hard to say.

  5. 4 hours ago, greysmom said:

    Unless you're going to try the Flexor Tenotomy surgery (which *appears* to be curative, though at the exprense of cause a sprung toe), corns are really all about management.  You have to find something that works for you and your dog to give them at least a semblance of mobility, and that isn't a horror to accomplish.

    You can find lots of info, both on the surgery and management strategies on FB - Greyhounds with Corns, is the name of the group.  It's worth joining FB just for that page.  Some of the new things people are trying with varying degrees of success are painting the corn with nail varnish, colloidal silver application, and the cimetidine cure (high doses of cimetidine given daily over a long period of time).

    the cimetidine route was the ONLY thing that help our Larry's corns.  We bought generic (Walgreen's) brand as it's quite expensive.  We stopped it due to unrelated issues and from there just ground them down.  It seemed like whenever I had them hulled, they'd come back 2 times as large each time so I stopped doing that (plus it was $30 every single time and they needed to be done every 6 weeks of so!).  Good luck, I know how much they suck.

  6. I second the suggestion to make your own broth.  You can use boneless cuts (trimmed of fat) or pieces/whole chicken.  I add a chopped carrot or 2 to the broth to add a little flavor then those are toppers (yum, chickeny carrots!) on Rick's food.  I do use a "soup sock" (or you can use cheese cloth) to put the carrots in so I don't have to worry about getting any bones in with the carrots.  I also save the meat (carefully picked of any bones!) for snackies and toppers too.

    I'll reduce the resulting stock down a bit to concentrate it (so less room to store in the freezer) and add some water to it in a measuring cup before nuking it to warm up and put on his kibble to soak.

    I too have been somewhat concerned about the onion and garlic in the box stock so I avoid it (why give them something that might be bad if you can easily make your own safely :) ).

  7. On 2/12/2021 at 5:21 PM, savvyPRchick said:

    This is Lulu loving on my oldest just before she went to the Rainbow Bridge. She LOVED the tiny furless puppy. LOVED. And my oldest would stop crying if put next to her. I really wish Lulu had been able to be around her longer.

     No photo description available.


    My oldest as a newborn (she was bawling until I put her next to Lulu):

    May be an image of 1 person


    And our pregnancy announcement:

    No photo description available.

    OMG the cuteness!!!!! :kiss2 :kiss2 :beatheart 

  8. 1 hour ago, savvyPRchick said:

    I  was wondering if you were still on here... it's why I added the photo! They were such cute, crazy puppies! LOL

    I was always so happy that someone on GT adopted one of the pups :D  she was just beautiful.  I'm so glad you were her mom! :kiss2

  9. 13 hours ago, savvyPRchick said:

    And my pickup of the GUR in Chicago. 


    hey!  That's ME in the middle there! :) yeah, I remember Ms. Jones :) (your Lulu) :kiss2  Bruce made me drive because he knew how dangerous me in the back with those puppies would be (I wouldn't want to let one go :lol )  Good to see you back! :)  congrats on the soon-to-be fostering/adopting :yay

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