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Everything posted by FountainLady

  1. He's beautiful! I hope he will heal up quickly for you. What do you call his color ? - I thought he was black and white, but now he looks like a liver chestnut color (I used to own horses and that's what we called this color) and white. He sounds like he's adjusting in well.
  2. I'm so very sorry ..... too many hounds .....
  3. Bonnie - I'm so very, very sorry. Words fail us at a time like this. Sending a gentle hug your way today.
  4. Come on Steven sweetie .... hang in there until they get this figured out!
  5. Oh no - I'm so sorry the seizures are back. I hope the vet can do something for him quickly.
  6. I also have one of the wonderful first aid kits from GEM .... It has pretty much anything and everything you could need. Unfortunately - I just went on their web site and couldn't find it any longer - they must be out-of-stock on them. I'm glad I bought mine this spring at the Greyhound Event of Michigan.
  7. We have our fingers (and paws) crossed that it will turn out to be something harmless.
  8. She's beautiful! Welcome from Michigan .....
  9. Our group requires us to keep an id tag with our information and phone number on it, they also require the dogs wear a tag with their contact information, phone number (and a registration number on it) and then there is the county dog license tag that has a trackable registration number on it, and of course, the rabies tag that also has the vets phone number and a registration number on it. If that doesn't help people get my dogs back to me, they are microchipped. Just wondering - don't most adoption groups require "their" dogs to carry tags tracing the dogs back to them, too? The most important thing to remember is to always keep your contact information (address / phone numbers) up to date with who ever your dog can be traceable to. Thanks for stressing the need to have traceable identification on your dogs at all times. I would much rather have the pople be able to pick up their phone and call me directly - if possible - if one of my dogs got lost .... but it is good to have a back-up plan, with another form of traceable id on the dogs. I know our adoption group has been called many times when a hound has gotten loose, and the person finding the dog couldn't reach the owners (no one was home) --- and our group will send someone out to get the dog immediately if possible. If you have a local group, you might want to check with them to see if they do this too.
  10. We have had both good and bad experiences .... When we had to put our Afghan hound Max down at age 14 it was a terrible experience & haunts me to this day. The vet we use only gives one shot (I didn't know you could do otherwise). Max was laying quietly when he gave him the shot, and then the vet left the room so we could be with him. The dog wouldn't die! Instead of passing quietly, his heart beat so loudly that you could no doubt hear it across the room .... it sounded like it was going to explode out of his chest! He fought the drug so hard that after a couple minutes the vet came back and had to give him another dose, to finally stop his heart. I wanted to stop the process after the first shot .... my dog didn't want to die! It was so terrible to know he was fighting so hard to live and we were killing him. When it came time to have to go through this again, 8 year later .... I really dreaded what I feared would happen again - but Pup on the other hand, passed quickly and gently with the one shot. It's never easy --- but when they go quietly and peacefully it is a blessing.
  11. When we lost Pup to Osteo the house was just too empty - after two weeks I not only mourned the loss of Pup, but I was missing the unconditional love I felt every time I walked in the door. For me our home turned into an empty shell when Pup died and we were dogless. I also worried about getting another Greyhound and trying to compare them to Pup (who was the perfect dog). But after a couple weeks, I had to start looking for another Greyhound. I decided to get the opposite sex and a different color dog than Pup - So we went from a sweet goofy fawn boy (Pup), to an elegant brindle girly-girl (Rainy). We adopted her a little over a month after we lost Pup. We still misss Pup every single day, but Rainy has brought so much happiness into this house, and once again - we have smiles on our hearts. Two years out, and we have adopted Doc --- and I now again have a Big Goofy Fawn Boy - to keep Rainy company.
  12. Welcome from Michigan !!! Nice to meet you!
  13. You can try scrambling up eggs with some cheese in them .... they will usually gobble them right up when they won't eat other things.
  14. Genie you were a gift to us all! I'll be looking for the brightest star in the sky tonight !!!! You now have a new job - as the Queen at the Bridge.
  15. I'm sending you a gentle hug Scott .... Run free sweet Will.
  16. When we adopted Doc at the end of January he had 2-3 nasty corns on each foot! I hulled them out myself and packed the empty holes with Bag Balm. I am happy to report that he has not grown any of them back .... Makes me wonder if corns are caused by something in the enviroment. I changed his food when we got him and he may not be exposed now to what ever causes them? He came from New York City to live in Rural Michigan. When we agreed to adopt him I had read all the old threads on corns here on Greytalk and wondered what I was getting in to. Who else has been successful in having corns go away & not return? Maybe we can find a pattern here and help out some hounds.
  17. CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!!!! This is such exciting news!!!
  18. Welcome from Michigan! It's nice to see that you are in the research stage - but I can tell that you already realize how special these critters are! They will only change your life forever, but it's not like this is a bad thing. You will soon find that there is a secret brotherhood between Greyhound owners, and you're going to meet some of the nicest, caring people along the way. There is a support group of unimaginable size waiting here on Greytalk for you, to help you along, and offer support and guidance when needed. And you have to be fore-warned .... they encourage chipping. (Greyhounds are like potato chips, you can't stop at just one!) Even the hard core, strictly single dog owner (I have always had one dog my entire life), soon breaks down and adds a second one. Hang on - you're in for a wonderful ride! Again .... welcome!
  19. I am sitting here in tears .... what you are doing is so wonderful and unselfish - to have him participate in this study ..... , and it has has to be so painful to have him away. I lost my Pup to Osteo two years ago .... THANK YOU SO MUCH for doing this. I hope this will be successful for Bodie & give him many extra months (or years!). Hugs, Hugs & more hugs !!!!!!! Cory
  20. What a lovely tribute to a wonderful boy. We all pulled so hard for him. He will be remembered fondly by so many of us Greytalkers ....
  21. Only partially blocked & opening back up !!!!!
  22. I have been praying for Brady all along .... and all I can say is WOO HOO !!!!! Here's hoping for a full recovery!
  23. I am so very sorry to hear of Arco just now - the bridge has welcomed a very special K-9. Sending you a gentle hug today!
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