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Everything posted by Trudy

  1. I had Jet before I had a fenced yard and we walked at least 3x a day, regardless of weather. We aren't thrilled with walking in heavy rain, but we do it now and then. I try not to let more than a day go by where they don't get a walk, even if it is just a quick one due to really heavy rains. Chocolate - I've done about 15 pounds of chocolates in the last few days and by the time I'm done later this week, will have gone through about 25 pounds of it. I also seem to have earned "baker" for our Tuesday night gatherings here - fine by me I love to bake, but I don't love to eat it all. I was sent home with 2 recipes suggestions for next week Jeff hasn't been to Hawaii since he was stationed there years ago - before I knew him. This patrol has only been S Korea and Japan so far. Hawaii isn't in the plans for this patrol. I have the option of trying to meet the boat, but as they can't plan on boat seizures, they can't make promises to stick to their initial port call schedule, so I didn't find it worth it to try to meet him in Japan for only a couple of days and have a good chance of him actually not being there when I was. Retirement? Somebody should tell my boss I'm retired. I still have my job from/in NY. My project won't end until maybe late this year. Until the salmon issue is umm, not an issue, we'll find some short/easy trails that Ryan can do - which limits us severely, so we'll probably just stick to the dumpster walk for Ryan and then a longer solo walk with Jet later in the day. GT crash - I killed it Sunday night, checked on it Monday morning and went about my normal morning routine. It was fixed when I came back to it. I normally check GT at some point in the morning to see if anything needs attention then go about my normal stuff. I have a life outside of GT (really, I do!). I work at home, so when I am doing work, I can check GT often - who's going to yell at me I charge active work time Online window shopping isn't exactly the same, but it works
  2. Pretty little chinese fishing boat that tried to play a game of hide and seek with the USCGC Munro From the Captain: Yesterday afternoon, while on patrol, the lookout sighted a somewhat unusual looking fishing boat, sitting still. It was hard to see at first due to the rain, fog, and approaching sunset. As we closed to get a closer look, the vessel started their engines and took off. Silly people - they don't know our engineers and the shape of our engines. We followed them for hours as they tried to outrun us, maneuvering through the fishing fleet in an effort to shake us, even extinguishing their lights (that doesn't work with all the technology we have), and coming at us. We launched our small boat with [removed] serving as point man in attempt to get the vessel to stop, communicate, and verify what appeared to be all the indications we could see of a vessel outfitted for high seas drift net fishing. The master of the vessel finally realized they weren't going to get away and stopped his vessel. After countless hurdles including plenty of expensive phone calls to Juneau and Beijing, we conducted a Cooperative Boarding with our FLEC ship rider that lasted until well after the sun was up. With clear violations of the United Nations moratorium against high seas drift net fishing, we received word this afternoon to support our FLEC ship rider who seized the vessel on behalf of the Government of China. We are now in the process of coordinating where we'll rendezvous with a Chinese FLEC vessel to turn the vessel over with our people remaining on the vessel as a custody crew in support of the People's Republic of China.
  3. Ryan ate around 9 and 6. Vet didn't have an issue with it.
  4. I used to give it to Ryan about an hour before meals.
  5. Dogs thought it was great! They are pretty good with "leave it" and I never actually had to yell "drop it" so that was good Jet tried her best to pee on them all! There was just way too many of them for her to get even close to all of them though :lol
  6. Well that was a nasty trip to the beach.... You can't walk on the beach without stepping on a dead salmon. It is absolutely disgusting!
  7. It is so wet that when I just remembered to grab the mail out of the box... it was all open for me already
  8. If it works for a dog, it's a fine food for that dog
  9. Ryan gets brushed just so he doesn't feel left out. He doesn't really shed anymore. Used to be the other way around... white hair everywhere and no Jet hair to be found. The last few years Jet sheds enough for us to build 4-5 more greyhounds and Ryan hangs on tight to what hair he has - he's rather naked to start.
  10. For the last 2 months, I've brushed Jet almost daily. Outside when I can or inside next to the vacuum when the weather doesn't allow outside. We are finally at the point that the shedding is starting to drop and if I miss a day, hair doesn't just jump off her when she blinks or exhales. She's blowing her coat. So yes, it could be medical, but it is most likely just a seasonal shedding.
  11. The latest update for the helo crash Thursday night. One crewmember is still missing. http://www.honoluluadvertiser.com/apps/pbc...ING01/309050013
  12. Why yes, yes they are! So it's official. After 2 hours and lots of money at the DMV.... The mattress where the dumpster used to be... it gave birth to a bag of trash Jet is making progress with loose dogs running up to her. Today we had 4 dogs her size (labs and lab mixes) run up to us while we were looking out over the cliff. The guy apologized since he didn't see us before he let his dogs out of the car to run around. Jet didn't try to eat any of them. Kodiak has NO idea how to do road construction. It took me at least 10 minutes to get out of the DMV parking lot due to construction on the road in front of it And I have a very very sweet husband
  13. Someone will come along and take it for their house I think that happened a few times already... not much left to this one.
  14. Oh, are you coming to see me? no, to see Jeff - he has to be there for fork and knife school :lol But, since I know how to use a fork and knife already... maybe
  15. Maybe January to head to CT. Maybe not. Nothing planned yet.
  16. No, dumpster was removed a month ago because people are idiots and don't keep the lids closed and leave trash all around the dumpster so the bears can have lunch. That happens enough, the dumpster is removed to keep the bears from returning to that area for quick snacks (next to the soccer and ball fields (gravel fields... can't imagine playing soccer on rock)). Maybe the bear is tired so they offered up a place to nap
  17. This is Kodiak... and I can't give the details or I have to close my own thread But the guy asked if I'd let Jet off her leash to work with his dog. I told him my dogs have no concept of moving vehicles and the road, so no, they were staying leashed. He said his current dog wouldn't run into the road (his previous 9 week old puppy did and that's the story I can't share)... until a truck with a barking golden (barking with a ball in his mouth) went by and the dog ran out into the road to go after the dog/truck. And then as I was driving to Safeway, there is a mattress where the dumpster used to be... dumpster hasn't been there in over a month. How do they think that mattress is going to go anywhere??
  18. The blood in the eye doesn't really concern me, it's how much his eyes are dilated. Since they are both that much, maybe it isn't an issue, but another vote for call the vet first thing in the morning to see if he needs to be seen.
  19. If the urine test shows nothing, I'd look at what other options exist before just doing an MRI - those don't come cheap. Yeah, UTIs are painful, but antibiotic resistance sucks. And tomorrow is already here for some folks
  20. So I was talking to Jeff last night while he was in Japan. It felt like 95 there. It felt like 42 here. I told him when he called quick before they left that he could find me in Mexico if I wasn't here when he gets home
  21. Last year's baby sitting in the same tree next to the yard. The neighbor's dog was standing with his feet up on the deck rails just focused on the sky. Looked up and there's this baby from last year
  22. halibut not too much snow here.. but we ice - so Wendy's pic may not be far off I'm going to the "pet" store to check out the fish selection :lol I already know they don't have squat. Feeder gold fish are $1.00 each for the little ones you can get for $0.20 or less anywhere else and tiny gold fish start at $10.00 If they even have anything there - they have maybe 10 tanks. I don't have my hopes up. And shipping next day... my drive arrived next day... 2 days later, so not so sure about even shipping fish in. oh yeah, and the nice days we've had in the last 2 weeks. Nice fall days (though no leaves to turn colors here)... except it is AUGUST!!!! There really wasn't much of a summer here - maybe a week or two.
  23. Ok, so you go to Tokyo... where would you eat?? Dennys? :lol Then decide on Korean for dinner boys :lol Alaska - we were in Tok and Anchorage before we got here. Beyond that, nowhere (well, the places in between). Expensive to get off the island. $400 ferry ride with the car (each way) and well, kind of need a car with where the ferry drops you off (either 9 hour ferry or 22 hour ferry to get to Homer or Whittier) or a round trip plane ticket. There may be rentals in Homer or Whittier, but still $100 each way without a vehicle or stateroom, per person for the ferry.
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