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Everything posted by Trudy

  1. We can't keep having all these AK resident hounds... people are actually going to start thinking greyhounds do just fine up here Welcome from Kodiak.
  2. I didn't want to offer 2 ink color options, but since the black won't show to well on some of the darker colors....
  3. For those ordering the DARK colors - I've been told black doesn't show up so well on those really dark colors. So I'll let them use their judgment and change to white ink on shirt colors they feel needs the white ink in order to show up well. If you aren't ok with that... please let me know.
  4. Please send it to the address provided in the first post - NOT through greytalk. I need these all in one place and need to have them all - the email I get through greytalk often ends up in my junk folder - which isn't checked.
  5. 10/1 update I'm planning to place the order on MONDAY, OCTOBER 6. If you'd like a shirt and haven't already sent me an email, do that before Monday morning. The dark colors will be printed with white ink on the back - leaving which colors those are to the company doing the printing 9/26 update If you have questions about the shirts... PM FrostyBottoms And yes, the Bella run a little small as they are a "junior" shirt. 9/25 update For those ordering the DARK colors - I've been told black doesn't show up so well on those really dark colors. So I'll let them use their judgment and change to white ink on shirt colors they feel needs the white ink in order to show up well. If you aren't ok with that... please let me know. If you missed it - details can be found here: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...p;#entry3593001 I will plan to order in early October. What I need BEFORE I place an order... TYPE/SIZE/COLOR of each shirt you want If you let me know you want a shirt(s), I will be expecting you to follow up on that and actually buy said shirts. I'm not going to request you pay ahead of time as I don't know for sure yet what shipping will be. Don't count on these for Dewey this year as I don't think they will get here that quick and customized and sent back out and arrive to you in time. So, I'll start up something to be able to track TYPE/COLOR/SIZE and person. I DO NOT need to know yet any customizing info. Please email me trudy at simplytreats dot com subject: GT tshirts TYPE - fitted/short/long COLOR - make sure the color is available for the shirt you want and remember the back image will be BLACK SIZE - again, make sure the size is available in the shirt you want Again, I'll order these in early October - I'll be sure to order what everybody wants and I'll likely also order a few extras in "popular" sizes.
  6. Ok, so I have at least 84 shirts requested so far I will plan to order in early October. What I need BEFORE I place an order... TYPE/SIZE/COLOR of each shirt you want If you let me know you want a shirt(s), I will be expecting you to follow up on that and actually buy said shirts. I'm not going to request you pay ahead of time as I don't know for sure yet what shipping will be. Don't count on these for Dewey this year as I don't think they will get here that quick and customized and sent back out and arrive to you in time. So, I'll start up something to be able to track TYPE/COLOR/SIZE and person. I DO NOT need to know yet any customizing info. Please email me trudy at simplytreats dot com subject: GT tshirts TYPE - fitted/short/long COLOR - make sure the color is available for the shirt you want and remember the back image will be BLACK SIZE - again, make sure the size is available in the shirt you want Again, I'll order these in early October - I'll be sure to order what everybody wants and I'll likely also order a few extras in "popular" sizes.
  7. Here's the image that will go on the back in BLACK (without the shadow): Here are shirt options... Fitted short sleeve woman's shirt: Short sleeve regular shirt: Long sleeve regular shirt: How pricing would work - PLUS SHIPPING FROM ALASKA!! One shirt I SHOULD be able to ship for $5.00. More shirts than that, I don't know yet. T-shirt with BACK IMAGE ONLY Fitted Short Sleeve: $13.75 (choice of color) Short Sleeve: $11.50 (choice of color) Long Sleeve : $12.75 (choice of color) Please add $1.50 for 2X and above OPTIONAL customized embroidered front: One item - $2.00 Two items - $3.00 Three items - $4.00 (options - embroidered running grey, GreyTalk.com, GT username) (no isn't an option for the poll because I don't care about those results - I need to know how many shirts people are willing to order to determine if we will do this)
  8. Ryan sheds very little. He gets brushed just so he doesn't feel left out. The only hair that really comes off him is what ever is left of Jet's in the brush He used to shed quite a bit, but not so much in the last few years. I mean he still sheds, but noting when compared to Jet
  9. Looks like the screen printed image on back is winning, so I'm looking into a few options for shirts to give you some choice (current thinking is short sleeve normal tshirt, long sleeve tshirt and a more fitted tshirt)
  10. I haven't altered poll results in a long time... now to try to remember how to do that There, that was easy
  11. I'm the one customizing, so yes, affordable Might be able to flip the dog, not sure - will try that later.
  12. Ok, going to try this again. First off, WE will not offer ones screen printed on both sides. If you want something like that, we would be happy to provide you images Second - cost - not entirely sure yet, but for non extended sizes, it will likely be $10-15 Thrid - umm, haven't gotten there yet Images Embroidered Image - this is the only decent one I could find that I can actually use (if you find something else, shoot me a link and I'll take a look) GT Images - 2nd one is the one on the back of the business cards For the poll - embroidered will mean.... embroidered image and/or Greytalk.com and/or GT username - and will be on the front left chest area - it's customizable so it can be any combo of the image, Gretyalk.com and GT username For the poll - GT image will mean.... one of the three oval images (the 2nd one is the business card image) - we may be able to alter the oval images a bit, not sure on that. If it is decided to go with a tshirt that has a screen printed image, we will have to order in some form of bulk and as Mo will be happy to tell you, that normally means the person who ordered said shirts will be stuck with lots of extras that you have to figure out what to do with. I don't really wish to be stuck with a bunch of greytalk tshirts, so we'll need enough people interested at a time to make ordering them worth the time/effort/money. If we do it that way, they will likely be normal tshirts, not a more fitted version. I'm on my way to Walmart after I post this to see what is there for tshirts. I don't really have much of a local option for shirts here... Walmart or ummm... Walmart - that would be for embroidery only options. Edit: Looks like the screen printed image on back is winning, so I'm looking into a few options for shirts to give you some choice (current thinking is short sleeve normal tshirt, long sleeve tshirt and a more fitted tshirt)
  13. We will NOT be screen printing on the front and back. Back only
  14. TaDa! The image The trial on a tshirt I hooped it a little too tight in the corner, so part of the line of his head is in his ear but there are more options to figure out. Can do the image with the GT username under it Can do the image with GreyTalk.com above or under it Can do the image with both GT username and GreyTalk.com Or.... the middle one is what is on the GT business cards, but we could have one of the images screen printed on the back of a tshirt and with that, the front could be plain or have any of the above (image/GreyTalk.com/GT username - not the business card options) embroidered on the front Doing something with the image on the back would require me to order a decent number of shirts in a variety of sizes - so that would require a bit of pre-planning (maybe pre-ordering) so I would have the number of sizes/colors/etc needed. Doing just the embroidery on the front, I'm pretty sure I can find t-shirts at Walmart (probably Hanes) - I've not looked yet. Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? We will not be screen printing on the front and back, ONLY the back if we opt to go that route.
  15. Law and Order is on ALL the time in one version or another!
  16. home with more power in Seattle. The server farm is moving somewhere else in town.
  17. I brush jet outside - weather permitting. If I have to brush her inside, the vacuum comes out and she gets to stand next to the vacuum while I brush her and use the vacuum to suck the hair off the brush as I go.
  18. Time - Friday night to Sunday evening/night or whenever they get everything in the new location and up and running. I have no control over any of it. They start when they start and they are done when they are finished
  19. baking soda, peroxide, dish soap. Did you try it with the peroxide?
  20. Starting Friday night, Sept 26 until Sunday evening, Sept 28, GT will be down. The server is being moved over the weekend.
  21. First and foremost, this is a board about retired greyhounds as pets already in homes. Regardless what I do, I'm not fair. Restrictions on posting personal GURs is not new. Jeff will close any GUR thread he finds. But personal GURs started to get out of hand. We started having posts for GURs of a couple of hours. That's just plain using people when there is no reason you can't get the dog yourself. Yes, there are times when a person truly can't get their own dog - even from their local adoption group. And when those are explained to us, we allow those. But we've seen far too many members of GT being taken advantage of. How many of you have donated money/goods/etc to members of the board for "issues" only to find out later that maybe that "issue" wasn't so much an "issue." Nobody is forcing you to volunteer your time/money/vehicle for GURs, but that isn't the point. Greytalk's (admin) stance is if you are adopting a dog, that dog is your responsibility. If your dog is 2000 miles away, you make the effort to get your dog. There are groups all over the country to find dogs and a local group is often more than willing to find you a dog. So unless there are extenuating circumstances, GUR for personal dogs, not allowed. Group dogs - ongoing debate about this. In an ideal world, dogs go on hauls and end up at groups, all expense paid. I'm pretty sure we all know we don't live in an ideal world. But we go on the thought that if a group is trying to get a dog to them and there isn't a haul going their way, their first course of action should be to call on their members/volunteers. Exhaust that source first. Can't get the dog to the group with the group base, then we are willing to listen. But the group getting the dog... needs to organize their GUR, not just say we need a dog to get from point A to point B. We've had tickets submitted about GURs in the past for groups and we've allowed those to be posted. Unfortunately, GURs aren't a black and white area for the GT admin - there are gray areas and we haven't fully figured out what those areas are yet - that's why we've still not added anything to the thread on what members need to know.
  22. the policy - we don't have one. But for the most part, they aren't allowed on GT. Long distance adoptions - you want a dog not local to you, we feel it is your responsibility to get your dog. Many people have done it. If you can't make the trip or find a haul or a flight to get the dog to you, then maybe you need to look to your local group to find a dog. Groups - sometimes we leave some leeway for group requests, but again, we usually try to close them. Now for those of you that are going to go into EEG and send me a list of all the open GUR threads.... yeah, I left some open. If I don't see them early on and the planning and filling of legs is already in full swing, I leave them. So, I guess to be fair to the people that don't post their GUR threads until I'm on the board, I'll close them all. There is a pinned thread of willing to transport - feel free to use that list and PM people.
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