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Everything posted by Jackandgrey

  1. I'm so sorry to hear that. Sending positive thoughts to Petey, Trish and Adrian.
  2. Jackandgrey


    I'm so sorry. What a beautiful sweet girl.
  3. So pretty Aimee and I know she was happy and knew she was loved. I'm just so sorry it was for so short a time. Bless your poor battered heart.
  4. What a special day you've had together. I'm so glad. for Carrier
  5. The urine C&S simply takes the sample and grows it in a medium to see if there are any organisms that don't belong (C = culture) and then if there are, tests them to see what antibiotic kills them or that they are sensitive to. ( S = sensitivity).
  6. Oh sweet Darcy. You need many kisses and tummy scratches.
  7. Okay! Sounds like she is at the right vet now. There is no excuse for your treatment at the last place. I hope all is well or at least easily treated, with your girl.
  8. Oh I can only imagine how painful this is for you. I'm so sorry. Whatever you decide, we're here. for you and kisses for your Carrier.
  9. Lots of prayers for sweet Darcy and for you and Marc
  10. Jackandgrey

    Jordans Ride

    Oh Lord again! I am so very sorry for the loss of your Jordan. I don't have any words. I'm just sorry. Rest easy sweet Jordan.
  11. Jack did that exact thing one day. In the end I think he slipped on the hardwood coming around the bed and pulled/strained something. But he was fine when I left and limping big time when I got back and I wasn't gone long. I was so scared. But he was fine!
  12. I'm so sorry for the loss of that beautiful boy.
  13. I'm so sorry. Rest easy now sweetheart and look out for your mom.
  14. Marla it's time to eat now sweetie. Little black girls can be stubborn I know but enough is enough. We all to have you around for a long time yet so get those chops working doll face.
  15. Oh God. I am so sorry. I've been hiding from this since I read your so sad and shocking news when I came back from holidays hoping it would never happen. Your sweet Scooter will be so missed. But oh what a splendid life together the two of you shared. We'll all be thinking of you and hurting for you. Rest easy now Scooter boy.
  16. That's a tough one. My Jack from the day I got him at age 4 pants for everything. He pants when he's happy;when he's excited; when he's scared or nervous; when he's hot; when he's intent on arranging his bed just so..... I am going to be in real trouble if he adds panting with pain into his repertoire. Trying to figure these guys out sometimes is so tough. I hope it's nothing serious at all for your fellow.
  17. Jackandgrey

    Foxy Promise

    That is so very unfair. I'm so very sorry you lost your beautiful boy way too soon. I'm so glad you found each other for the time you had.
  18. What a terrible thing. I'm so very sorry. What a handsome boy.
  19. I'm so sorry for the loss of your little girl. Have fun at the bridge sweetie and watch over your dad.
  20. Somehow those very special hounds touch so many hearts and leave such big holes when they leave. Your Freddy was such a boy. My heart goes out to you. Rest easy now freddy and watch over your mom and dad.
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