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Everything posted by Jackandgrey

  1. If you've had him ou for nice long walks on pavement his pads might be protesting a bit. They're used to sand and may toughened up a bit before ready for extended pavement walks. By the way really really envying you your nive warm weather and any pavement at all
  2. I have nothing helpful to offer. I'm so sorry. for you and for Alex.
  3. Just don't even know what to say except I'm so sorry
  4. Thank you so much! I'm already so glad I joined this group I sent him an email and we'll see if he replies. Oh he will reply. to you and your baby.
  5. Well damn that wasn't what the news we were hoping for. But now it's it's kick cancer's butt time!
  6. Waiting with you and thinking good thoughtd for Carrier.
  7. Waiting is worst part. Thinking of you while you wait.
  8. I'm so sorry. Pain free forever Harley.
  9. I'm so glad Harlwy is home. I missed his whole original thread so just went and read it. What a nightmare for. What a fighter you are Harley
  10. Oh I'm so sorry. How very sad. Wrangles you will be so missed little one.
  11. How sad for you. I wish you a life time of love in the next days.
  12. How lucky you are to get such a fabulous pup but also so much history!!!! and pictures of your boy. How wonderful. Welcome.
  13. Keep eating Darcy and feel better soon sweet girl. Thinking about you every day from the frozen tundra.
  14. Jackandgrey

    Y Knot Onyx

    I'm so glad he had you.
  15. I'm guessing you meant hemangioma Jen. Sarcomas are always malignant.
  16. I hope and pray it's not cancer. But please don't feel guilty about the time spent. Your dogs don't tally it up in a plus minus column. You are in the house with them and you love them. they know that . Hoping for the pain relief he needs soon.
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