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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. What a handsome, spirited looking fellow. I am so sorry for your loss.
  2. Good question - I checked and she said mainly for when she's there. There are two hounds sharing the house and while they have a great relationship, she doesn't want to take any chances. Lots of great suggestions - she's going to try "Find the Lady" tonight - please keep them coming! Thank you!
  3. So glad she's doing better! Like the family imaging specialist
  4. A friend who is not on this board has two hounds, one of whom is going through chemo for a form of cutaneous sarcoma. She is on a 3 month (just extended to 6 months) on-and-off protocol and is restricted in terms of exercise and exposure due to her suppressed immune system. This little girl is 7 years old, and bored. Her owner got her a Tornado toy but she's mastered it so the challenge is gone. Owner is looking for ideas to mentally tire her pup out without being too demanding physically. Your thoughts and ideas would be most appreciated - specific solutions, references to good books or videos on the subject, anything at all. Thank you!
  5. What a beautiful hound. I am so sorry for your loss.
  6. Oh no! I haven't posted much but follow this thread and I am so very sorry this happened to your poor little guy. Bruising from a bite can be very painful - are you able to ice it (insulated) at all?
  7. Someone should confirm this, but I believe you could use an opioid such as Tramadol without conflict with the NSAID (i.e., no need to wait) - they are sometimes given together. Tramadol doesn't have the anti-inflamatory properties, but will help with the pain. Dosage depends somewhat on the pain severity but as an example, Jaynie pulled a ligament in the outer toe of one of her hind feet - it's painful - and she's on 100mg of tramadol every 12h. ETA: Jaynie weighs 63 pounds.
  8. Karen I am so, so sorry. Monty was one of my GT favourites for a long time. Gospeed sweet boy, you were so loved.
  9. Like everyone I am so relieved the issue is simple and treatable. I am amazed your regular vet didn't figure this out. Feel better soon Doolin! Now that she knows what the problem is, your mamma is going to be all over it. And just think, you should be able to have all kinds of goodies to eat again soon too!
  10. I have been feeding Jaynie the Royal Canin low protein kibble and she likes it just fine and has done well on it (she is not in chronic renal failure but did not recover full kidney function following acute kidney failure about a year and a half ago - the internal med specialist who treated her suggested this diet). My clinic is currently recommending the Purina over the Royal Canin, so I will discuss a possible change with Jaynie's internal med specialist the next time we see him for a checkup.
  11. That's great! We'll continue to hold all of you in our thoughts and prayers.
  12. My goodness, you certainly have your hands full! Is Doolin back home with you did he need to be admitted? Sending continued prayers - please update us with results when you have them. Will also keep Kodie in my thoughts - I grew up with GSDs and love them.
  13. Brie, you and Doolin have been on my mind all day. Sending continued prayers for your sweet boy.
  14. Checking in again. You both have been in my thoughts all day. I pray there are answers and Doolin is on the mend.
  15. I believe Michigan State University is the best place to have a thyroid panel done. They do a thyroid plasma membrane test (apparently the gold standard test) along with the full thyroid panel. For a nominal fee their endocrinologists will also provide an interpretation of the results.
  16. Checking for an update on Doolin. Hope you got to either the eVet or Angell and that they have found the problem and are helping your sweet boy. You are both in my thoughts.
  17. I wonder if it would be worth putting him on one of the IBD prescription diets (with or without the horse poo) to see if it would settle his system down and give him time to heal, then start introducing things back one at a time or whatever the process is in these cases. RobinM has been around this block with Beau, she could probably tell you how they determined what he would tolerate. Poor Doolin. Hope he feels better soon!
  18. It pretty much boils down to this: have them hulled either all at once, or in combination with dremeling as has been suggested. With your girl in so much pain, it's probably time to let go of the research and take action. Please let us know how it goes.
  19. Here is the link Batmom referred to. http://www.grassmere-animal-hospital.com/corn_hulling.htm It has photographs and explains the process very clearly. My suggestion would be to show it to Dr. Tedaldi. Hulling is, in my experience, more effective than filing.
  20. Exactly my experience - I told my vet about it - he was skeptical but decided to try it and kept the Grassmere article up on the screen for reference. I held Rickie, it went exactly as described and he was very excited about it at the end. A couple of other vets at the same practice have also done it since then - it isn't difficult at all and is most definitely not surgery. That it isn't is, in fact, the whole point and benefit.
  21. Run with the wind sweetheart. You were and are so very loved.
  22. My Rickie had corns on the two weight bearing toes of his left foot. One is very large. I've had the vet hull them and one stopped coming back but the other two come back pretty quickly. I am going to start doing the hulling myself. My dentist has ordered the tools I need and I will do it first at the vets so they can supervise, then on my own. It's quick, painless, and it works. One thing you can try is to put a drop of Abreve into the hole after the corn is out. I did this last time with Rickie as soon as we got home, but the area puffed up and I felt bad so didn't continue with it. Next week when we hull I am going to give it 12 - 24h and then put on the Abreve. I will say one of the corns seems shallower to me this time, so there may be something to this. Dr. Feeman is the one who recommends the Abreve, I think daily for a week or so after hulling. He also says you can have the vet run a surgical laser around the area after hulling, which we haven't tried because vet doesn't have one.
  23. Thinking of you both today Kate - Nedra for everything to go smoothly, and you because of course you are worried. I am sure what while she's out, Nedra will be dreaming of all the extra spoiling she'll need while her stitches heal.
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