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Everything posted by gazehund

  1. I don't know how the time goes by so fast CL. I can't believe it has a year. Thanks for the walk down memory lane.
  2. How terribly sad. I am so sorry.
  3. gazehund

    Sad Day

    I am so very sorry for your loss. Rest well Scarlett.
  4. For what it's worth I am right there with you. Pearl has been diagnosed with kidney disease also. No IV fluids and no special diet at the moment and she is doing very well. It is DaBones and his stomach issues that are exhausting me at the moment. Hang in there and keep at it .
  5. Oh Liz. I have no words. Words are not my thing. Please know we are thinking about you and your family. I am so very sorry for your loss Rest well Nimby. You are loved.
  6. How did it get to be a year already? I am so sorry for your loss Mary.
  7. There are no words. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  8. Oh Mare. I have no words. I am so very, very sorry for your loss.
  9. I have no words Judy. Please know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Rest well sweet Emmy. You are loved.
  10. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  11. I'll bring ya some when I see you in about 5 WEEKS!! No........I am not counting. MUCH........
  12. I adopted Pearl as a super spook. She has come a million miles in the 5.5 years she has been with us, but she is still a spook and still considered special needs (at least to me). She also has developed kidney disease and will be on meds the rest of her life.
  13. Well..........crap is all I can say here. :grouphug
  14. Oh good to know this Kerri. I shop at Hannaford every week. Thank you!
  15. Thanks Xan! Pearl (and my other two) do indeed love their nutritional yeast. I don't use anywhere near two tablespoon full (which is not to say you can't; I just don't). More like one teaspoon full. My guys LOVE it!
  16. Thanks for the info everybody. Pearl is on the Calcitriol. As I understand it she is a candidate for that because her calcium levels are normal. She gets a cardiac drug to help keep her BP normal. I ordered the Azodyl (her vet o.k.'d it). She is doing great right now. If the Azodyl helps even more, that would be wonderful. Thanks to everyone for sharing your experiences and wisdom. You guys are awesome!
  17. I had never heard of it either until Xan suggested it. If you try it, get ready because it REALLY increases the appetite. Misty now begs for food and she has never done that.And when I tried it for Misty, she was dealing with a viral infection and a very upset stomach because of meds she was on. Oh NO!! All 3 of mine are beggers! For all the good it does them, but they still try.
  18. Me too! Thank you for bringing it up. Multigreys........can you expand on the phosphorous binders please? Thanks!
  19. BRILLIANT news Judy!! :yay Well done Misses Xan and Claudia !!! My dogs will stay on it as long as they continue to enjoy it. The nutritional benefits are worth it! I have to add I have gotten more than one useful tip through idea exchanges such as this thread. GT gets on my nerves at times, but information such as this is worth any little momentary aggravation. Thanks to all who so willingly share what works for them!
  20. Don't beat your self up. Trust me from one who knows; no good will come of it. Concentrate on getting Sadie's illness under control and both of you will feel better. I promise. Please keep us posted and I am glad you have an answer. Good luck!
  21. Xan, the only health food store we have here is GNC and they don't have nutritional yeast, all they have is brewers yeast. Is this the same? If not I'll have to order some on line. I'm willing to try anything at this point. Part of the problem is she will not eat anything and I mean anything unless it is put in the blender. If she has to chew it she won't even try it. We are so stumped with this because her mouth has been checked inside and out!! I don't care if I have to blend her food for the rest of her life, I will if she will just eat enough to stay alive! edited to say: I just found out that Brewers yeast and Nutritional yeast aren't the same. Have no fear my friend Emmy....it's on the way, will be there tomorrow. Now you have to promise everyone you will eat!! This is for you Beat me to it!! Judy all three of my guys are some of the several hounds Claudia mentioned. My guys are eating well on their own now, but MAN they love that stuff. Keeping my fingers crossed it will do the trick for Emmy too.
  22. Speaking of paying it forward, which you and I have kinda done for each other in the past; I took the tip you passed on to Claudia and tried it for my dogs. They LOVE it!! So I think you are one up on me at the moment and I thank you! :lol
  23. It's a start Judy. Hang in there and keep at it!
  24. Pearl is doing very well Dee, thanks for asking!! To look at her, you would not know she is sick. She is going to benefit the most from having a new, young dog in the house I think. She lost her playmate when Kia left. Now, she feels well enough to play and the boys are not interested in playing with her. Tru will take care of that! Crazy old man is just keeping on keeping on. He has the potential to outlive all of us!
  25. Judy, I have been here too. Pearl was diagnosed with kidney disease shortly after Kia left. One of the side effects of the disease is nausea. She went a solid 2 weeks without eating anything but milk and Ensure. I thought I was going to have to let her go. Finally, the Pepsid (10mg twice a day) kicked in and she started to eat again. Now she eats both meals everyday, is gaining back the few pounds she lost and begs for more food. To look at her, you would never know she sick. I know how frustrating and scary it is to see them looking so frail. I found no matter how frustrated I was, the more calm and normal I could keep things, the better she did. She is a spook. Keeping things as she is used to them is very important for her. Also went through this with Bones because of the antibiotic he is on. He is chow hound though. As soon as he had the first couple doses of Reglan and Pepsid, he started to eat again. Now, he is off both and doing very well. Hang in there. I do know how you feel and it is not fun.
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