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Everything posted by gazehund

  1. Yikes!! Thanks for posting. Prayers for Soul and his worried Mom.
  2. In talking with the orthopedic vet about Bones' fractured shoulder I was told yes, a little lameness ( if it occurred) would be completely normal. He is 12 weeks post op and doesn't have much of a limp at all now. He is almost 11 years old to Timmy's 2 years. I wouldn't worry about it too much unless it doesn't resolve with a little rest. Edit to add. Will it get better over time and build up? Probably not, but it might. Have to wait and see on that one!
  3. Good news, thanks for the update. Continued good thoughts for your grand old man.
  4. Too early for an update? Many prayers for your old guy from upstate NY.
  5. It "should" be spent by now, but in case it isn't, I would not recommend using heat on it. I used baby oil and a Q tip to remove Bones' patch. I just started at the end, rubbed some oil on his skin, peeled a little bit more and so on. No way would I just rip it off of her. I had it off in about 3 minutes. Good luck!
  6. Awww, the portrait captures Arco perfectly Karen! Hugs to you.
  7. Just seeing this now. Glad to hear your girl is feeling a bit better today. FWIW my dogs have been eating raw ground pork (and pigs feet and bacon) for years. I'll have to tell them they should be dead instead of so darn healthy. Continued prayers for you and your girl.
  8. Excellent!! So very glad to hear it. Continued best wishes to you and Rocky!
  9. I apologize also. I just am not understanding the problem I guess. I wish you and Rocky the very best. Rocky would most certainly be welcome to live out his days with us if there was no other option for him and you were MUCH closer. In my mind, there has to be another way. Good luck!
  10. A little more information would be good. What has led you to believe fostering Rocky or putting him down are the only two options you have? We would love to help, but your post is a bit vague.
  11. How is Pepper feeling today? Thinking of you.
  12. Accidents happen. I know this to be true. Best wishes to you and Pepper. Please keep us posted on how he comes along.
  13. I am so very sorry for your loss. As far as adopting another dog. if you feel like you want to go look at dogs today, go! There is no right or wrong to it. Only what feels right for you. We lost Kia in March. There was no plan to add another dog to our pack for a while, if ever. Then I got a PM from a very good friend. She knew we weren't looking for another dog, but she strongly felt this dog would be a perfect fit for our home. I took one look at her and knew she was coming home. She was still an active racer at the time. I had fun watching her finish out her racing career while I waited for her to retire. I made arrangements to drive to Alabama to get her on my Fall vacation. The trip was wonderful. Getting to spend a bit of time with some very good friends was priceless. And Miss Tru? Well, she has fit in perfectly with our pack and has helped us with a whole lot of healing. Healing we didn't even know we had to do. She is a gift and we adore her. Thanks Miss Heather! Trust your heart. Please let us know when you are ready to bring another hound into your home and heart.
  14. Actually, it's spot on! Yep, it is. When Bones was injured we were not sure the leg / shoulder could be saved. Amputation was an option. The shoulder was successfully repaired at a cost that was more than amputation would have been. Best wishes to you and your girl. I'll be keeping both of you in my thoughts and prayers.
  15. We're good. All paid and I received shipping notification. Thanks Trudy!
  16. SWEET!! Welcome home Thane!! Happy Belated Birthday! :confetti
  17. gazehund

    Sweet Mama Ro

    I am so very sorry for your loss. :f_red
  18. I am walking this same path with Pearl. She is only 7.5 and right now is doing well. I am thinking of you. Gentle hugs to Mama Ro and some for you too.
  19. I got my e-mail Trudy, thank you. I'll respond from home tonight. Thanks again!
  20. All the healing thoughts and prayers I have headed your way for Riley. Hang in there Lucy.
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