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Everything posted by gazehund

  1. Hi all! Nothing really new to report on DaBones. His Doc continued the antibiotic as a precaution for two more weeks. He is off everything for his stomach. Four more Plavicox then he is done with that. The swelling is gone, the bruising is gone, he is eating everything he can find. Tomorrow the staples come out, but he has not touched them. We have expanded the x - pen to enclose the whole living room to give him a bit more freedom. We can't let him have the whole house because we know he would try to get upstairs and go out the dog door. Not time for that yet! We appreciate all your good thoughts and prayers. Thank you all. DaBones is still sailing right through this like nothing. I thought his age might be against him in his recovery, but not so at all. He is amazing.
  2. gazehund


    I am so very sorry for your loss.
  3. Awwww, thanks Stinker. As long as Kari doesn't offer to swap for Passion, I think we will be good.
  4. That he does Miss Mary, that he does. I did. Wow, that is an old photo. That was Pearl's first outing ever! Yep, Bones was never too interested in meeting and greeting. Troublemaker........ Did you go downstairs and sleep with her? I blame Capt'n Jack! DaBones ate his entire breakfast this morning. He is NOT happy about being in the x - pen, but he will just have to deal. Many thanks to ALL of you for your support and prayers. Special shout out to Jenn for suggesting the Arnicia Gel. The bruising is almost completley gone! Heather ( I'll take you up on that trade by the way) for suggesting hosing the lower leg. The swelling comes back when he off of his feet for a while, but it dissipates very quickly when he moves. AND for making me laugh when I REALLY need to laugh. You kill me girl! Jordan, for all things medical, food suggestions, reassurance on the drugs he it taking and being a good Jewish Mom! Thank you all, the boy is sailing through this so far.
  5. O.K. guys...............who wants this dog? I mean seriously. He is standing in the dining room howling at the top of his lungs. Is he is pain? Doesn't seem like it, but if he keeps it up he could be. Is he hungry? Probably not, he just finished off the cat's food. Is he thirsty? No, he has plenty of water. What then? He wants to go upstairs because that is where he normally sleeps and he normally is in bed by now. He is practically stomping his feet and throwing a hissy fit. The bill is paid, he is free.............WHO WANTS HIM???
  6. I am sure he didn't Janet. He may have had an accomplice (Capt'n Jack). The blanket is a great idea. Thank you I'll do that tomorrow. Got my pin. Thank you!
  7. So I am driving up the driveway after work right? I hear barking. Hmmmmmmm.. What the heck is she (she being Pearl) barking at? Alas............fair lady was wrongly accused. WHO is standing at the window yapping his dang fool head off (like he always does) but big yellow dog??? :eek I had left big yellow dog in his x -pen this morning, peacefully snoozing away. I go charging into the house thinking I am going to find him in a million pieces. Nope, standing there on all fours wagging his tail with a big stupid grin of his face. " HI MOM!!" Wanted to smack the boy. The x - pen? Not moved. Not an inch. Just the way I left it except the dog is on the outside. Oy!! DH went outside to do something in the dog yard. Closed the patio door behind him. I am out in the yard and who do I see standing on the deck in all his glory but BIG YELLOW DOG??? :eek Yep, out the dog door he went. I thought I was gonna faint. He had a cheese stick and a bowl of milk with Ensure tonight plus a little bit of his pasta and hamburger I made up for him. He is doing pretty good I would say. A picture of Frankendog tonight. Needless to say we changed the configuration of the x - pen. Short of jumping over ( Dear Lord perish the thought) he won't get out of it tomorrow. I am going to have a good stiff drink now............and I don't drink.
  8. It is never too early to start the chant! Best wishes to your little girl. Please keep us posted as you can.
  9. We are getting there Pam. After the patch came off he did nibble a little bit on his hamburger and rice. He has four more days of the totally disgusting antibiotics and then he is done.
  10. Thanks everyone! Bones continues to improve by leaps and bounds every day. Dr B. grossly underestimated the remarkable resiliency of the greyhound! Feel free to close this thread if you wish mods. Thanks!
  11. Awww thank you! I forgot to add. His staples come out on the 20th Jordan.
  12. Agree with everything you said here Jordan. Bones "acts" like he is hungry but does not want to attempt eating. Does that make any sense? I did boil him up some hamburger and rice for dinner, but he was not interested. The patch is off. It came off very easily. Bones is still doing very well. He seems to have had a peaceful day at home and I hope he continues to improve. My only concern with him at the moment is his appetite. Thank you everyone!
  13. That is great news, after only a couple of days. Yay bones! Heal dem bones! (PS-My husband got righteously indignant for you when I told him about the greyhounds are wussies comment.) Atta boy DH!! Dr. B changed his mind at least about my greyhound and I changed my mind about him. Win win situation.
  14. Happy 11th Birthday over the Rainbow sweetie. for you Hilda.
  15. Jordan yes, he is shaved. He is on Plavicox (Rimadyl I think?) which does not thrill me. He will be off it as soon as he is able. He is still not eating, but drinking well and staying hydrated. No vomiting but I think he is nauseated from the antibiotic. He went outside this morning under his own power. We had been lifting him down the stairs (two small ones), but he made it clear he would prefer to do it himself. He did his business and right back in the house. He rarely knuckles under anymore, he is full weight bearing. After he walks he is a little whiney, but I put the comfrey compress on and that seems to soothe him. Arnicia Gel for the bruising and hosing for the swelling have done their job. The swelling is almost gone and the bruising is greatly reduced. He is confined to an ex-pen with food and water and was quite comfortable when I left him this morning. I'll take the patch off tonight when I get home. Canola oil it will be. Thanks everyone! I appreciate your input and experiences. My boy is amazing.
  16. I am so sorry about your sweet girl. Thanks for the heads up. I'll let everyone know how we do.
  17. WOW! Another thing that never would have occurred to me. Thanks Jenn. People are whacked. Thanks everybody, I have a plan!
  18. Oh, oh, oh, oh and OH!! Yikes, thank goodness he has you. Yeah, DaBones will be fine. Thank you! Cool. That would have never occurred to me. Thanks Jenn!
  19. Brilliant!! Way to go beautiful Asia!! :yay
  20. October. I am road tripping to Alabama and I can't wait!! Amen Jody. We are hanging tough though. Thank you for the good thoughts. Hugs and smooches right back at you guys! Another Amen Sista!! I have always known about them, just never had to use them before. I know Kerri and I thank you ever so much. You and everyone else near by who has made the same offer. Thank you! We are good so far. Exactly. Good for your sister!!
  21. Last DaBones thread, I am sure you guys are tired of hearing about him! Patch comes off tomorrow. Vet tech suggested mineral oil and cotton tips and just work it off ever so gently. That sounds like a good plan to me. What has worked for you all? Many, many thanks. Any and all thoughts appreciated.
  22. Thanks Heather!! I just went to the local pharmacy looking for it............forgetting it is a veterinary application. The pharmacist said she had never heard of it. Duh, light bulb lit. No, you would not have ever heard of it. Sorry to waste your time. Oy!! I am off to Tractor Supply to see if they have it. They should. I'll let ya know and thanks! I agree he needs to move a little bit. He knuckles under (like the photo) when he first gets up, but after he is up for a minute, he will put full weight on it and walk correctly. Right now he is sacked out cold. He is doing great!
  23. I agree. I know that you weren't crazy about this vet based on your initial meeting with him but it looks like he came through for Bones. Hope your boy is feeling better soon. He did indeed. I have changed my mind about him. Don't know Jordan, there were no witnesses present by the time I got to him. Only explanation though.
  24. Thanks Marcia, you are right. He is not eating. He IS drinking though so I am not worried about him not eating yet. He is acting interested in his food, juts doesn't want to try it yet. Pearl is the perfect patient. She takes her pills with no complaints. Frankendog not so much. He is very laid back and calm, but he has always been stubborn. If I have all my digits by the time he is done with his pills, I will count my blessings. See what I mean? Frankendog on his feet because he wanted be here. If you are more comfortable up there sweetie, so be it.
  25. No worries Wendy and thank you for the suggestion. I will add probiotics when the antibiotic is done. UPDATE: The boy had a pretty good night. We did not do an evening out at all. He was resting comfortably so we just let him be. Early AM he was a bit whiny but it was getting close to time for a pain pill. He got that and went right back to sleep. This morning he went outside under his own power. We stand on either side of him of course, but he is pretty mobile. We lift him down the two small steps he has to get down, but he prefers to walk himself back up. I hosed the lower leg again this morning. More comfrey compresses and more Arnicia Gel. Right how he is back to bed with a heating pad on his shoulder. He seems to like that the best. The swelling is greatly reduced as is the bruising. Thank you Heather and Jenn! I don't have any Nolvasan on hand Heather, but I will go out today to get some. Thank you! He is still draining, but not too bad. All and all he is doing very well on the road to recovery! We thank all for your kind thoughts, suggestions, and prayers. DaBones is going to make it and so are DH and even me. I will update as necessary but mods feel free to close this thread. Thank you! Here is a pic of Frakendog from this morning. The anesthetic fog has lifted and he is more himself. He will feel much better when the staples are out. The other sicky is watching over her big brother.
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