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Everything posted by gazehund

  1. Holding you guys in our thoughts and prayers here. Thanks for the updates, I'll stay tuned to this thread for more. Hang in there!
  2. I am so very sorry for you loss. I know some of what you are feeling.
  3. No advice, thoughts or experience Heather. Many, many prayers for Harmony. Please keep us posted as you know more. :hope :hope
  4. I am so very sorry, I know all too well what a difficult decision this is. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Morgan today.
  5. Cathie and Bill I am so sorry for your loss. Jenn's photos in another thread hit me so hard I could not breathe for a moment. We lost Bones 6 days ago to the same exact thing, in the same exact place. Rest well Annie. No more pain sweetie.
  6. I am so very sorry for your loss. I find myself saying that WAY too much these days.
  7. Nancy and Martin I am so very sorry for your loss. I cannot overstate how much I hate cancer. Rest well beautiful Pumpkin and wait for your people to join you.
  8. We have talked Judy but please know I will continue to think about you, your family and your beautiful girl. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. It is eerily familiar to what we have just been through and it it truly awful. Rest well beautiful Renie. You are loved.
  9. Happy GOTCHA day over the rainbow sweet Bailey. We miss you sweetheart. Michelle
  10. Dem Bones 02/09/1999 12/28/2008 We love you baby boy.
  11. I am so sorry for this devastating diagnosis. Been there, done that and it stinks. Take Logan home and enjoy every moment you have with him. :grouphug
  12. EXACTLY our feeling as well Heather. He would have moved heaven and earth to stay with me, but it just was not to be. So...............he left on his own terms. The VERY same way he came into our lives. A gentleman to the very end. He was never anything else.
  13. I am so sorry for your loss Mary. 19 years is a very long time to live with a beloved pet. Rest well sweet Tigger.
  14. Oh Judy. Know I am thinking about you and your beautiful girl. I do believe I know some of what you are feeling.
  15. Many, many, many prayers Judy. Please keep us posted.
  16. gazehund

    Dem Bones

    Our good boy is at peace. He had been doing well and had a great day today. After dinner he had a massive seizure. DH and I got him to the vet. With us at his side we said our goodbyes. Rest well gentle soul. Kia, Mom, Dad, Aunt Liz and Trish will all be there to greet you. I know your sun and moon rose and set in me. I will see you again. We love you.
  17. gazehund

    My Best Friend

    I know that feeling Amanda.
  18. I am so sorry for your loss Anne. :f_red
  19. No cancer is good news Judy!! If anyone can find a way to keep her comfortable until her issues are under control it is you. Good luck and please keep us posted.
  20. Fine can't be bad can it? Keep us posted Judy.
  21. You know I have been praying for you and Renie all along Judy. Please let us know how Miss Renie fares. Here's to a soft tissue injury!
  22. Thank you everybody. So far DaBones is doing well. The tumor is growing, but he does not have any pain. I am not giving him every dose of pain meds that has been prescribed as he does not seem to need them yet. He is eating well and is happy. He moves around under his own power, going upstairs and outside on his own. He has always been a calm, quiet boy and that continues to be the same. Every day is a gift and we are making the most of each and every one we are given.
  23. If you are a selfish and irresponsible dog owner than I am right there with you. Amputation is simply not an option for Bones who is dealing with osteo right now nor was it for Kia whom we lost in March. I wholeheartedly support the folks who have decided to go that route and I pray every day their dogs do well. Several of them have done very well and I am happy for them. I respect their choice to amputate and my real friends respect my choice not to. Everybody else just does not matter. This is not a test. There is no right or wrong. There is only what you decide is the best course of action for you and your dog. What helps me the most is to focus on the moment you are in. If your dog is comfortable and happy in that moment, don't worry about anything else. Not what is going to happen tomorrow, how will this all play out, what do people think (that is a serious non consideration for me). None of that. Enjoy the time you have with your dog RIGHT NOW. While he is still with you and feeling well. I wish you the best. This is a tough road to walk, but as a very dear friend me, I am not alone in this. Neither are you. Take care. We are here to listen.
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