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Everything posted by win4profit

  1. Glad to hear it wasn't the dreaded C word. Logan does the same thing, he gets all brave and macho at the vets office.
  2. I wish Logan's corn problems would go away. I hull them regularly and have applied every topical that has been suggested. Unfortunately, they always return within weeks Good Luck with Keeley!
  3. from Ohio. I also lurked for months before I got up the nerve to register and make my first post. I love Mandy's ears!
  4. Ok, Gypsy's eye is not looking any better. It's not looking any worse either. We have been putting the drops in every 3 hours since Thursday. Our vet told us if it was not better by Saturday to bring her in and have someone take a look at it. So we take her in this morning and the vet (not our regular vet) looks at it and suggests we check the pressure in it. Her pressure is normal however, there is obvious swelling and the blood vessels on both sides of the eye are causing her eye to look as if there is an oil spill. He also stained her eye and said he could not see any scratches or trauma to the lens. He gave us a new bottle of eye drops that contain a steroid to help reduce the inflamation. We are to let our vet know on Tuesday if there is no improvement and then we will probably have to see an opthamologist. So in the last 3 days we have spent $170.00 to find out Logan has allergies and we still don't know what's wrong with Gypsy. Here's a photo of Gypsy and her beautiful eyes. She won't let me get a photo of her eyes now!
  5. The vet says Logans ears look just fine, no sign of mites or infection. We are going to give them both Benadryl for a few days. The vet was most concerned about Gypsy's eye. I took a couple of photos and showed him along with my best description. She is getting drops several times a day and if it is not any better by Saturday, she has to see the vet. So mostly good news.
  6. Nope, they had their Frontline a couple of weeks ago. Late last night, Gypsy's right eye seemed glassy and she was squinting. My best guess is allergies, but why all of a sudden and why only 1 ear and 1 eye?
  7. Ok, here is how it started.....I came home from work Monday and Logan shoves his head between my legs a demands ear scritches. I thought to myself that he was being a bit pushy but just figured he had a particular itch that was bugging him. So anyway, later that night I notice that he is shaking his head several times within an hour. I go and get a couple of cotton balls and check his ears. Nothing, no ear wax, no blood, no anything. So Tuesday I notice that he is holding his head kinda to the side and is still shaking his head. I get a light and peek in his ear, it is not red or hot or stinky. So tonight I come home and Gypsy is now starting to shake her head. I made a vet appt for tomorrow at 5:00 but what could this be??????
  8. What a handsome boy. I'm so sorry for your loss
  9. Just finished reading your blog and felt the highs and lows right along with you. I cried over your agony about not knowing if you were doing the right thing and laughed at the thought of the pack jingling in their bells. to you and the family.
  10. Sorry to hear about Emmy's sudden blindness. It will certainly be harder on you and Mike than on Emmy, she will adjust in record time. I look forward to the pics of her enjoying her new bell ball. to Andy for being there for his sis.
  11. win4profit


    I am so sorry
  12. win4profit


    I'm so very sorry
  13. Hello and welcome from Dayton Ohio!
  14. I just called and Gypsy is doing greyt. They had to pull one tooth that had roots exposed The tech I spoke to said she was up and standing in her pen and staring at her as we spoke. I'm sure she was trying to charm her into sneaking her a cookie or two
  15. Not for Gypsy, but for DH and I Gypsy is the most food motivated hound I have ever known and she is not going to get her breakfast. God help us
  16. What a beautiful smile she had. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  17. Sending prayers for many, many good days and also a for the beautiful face.
  18. Good news! The lab results came in today and it is not cancer. and it is not infected. So we are calling it a hygroma (sp?). The vet is not convinced and wants us to keep a very close eye on it. I googled hygroma and it sure sounds like that is what it could be but Logan sure doesn't fit the majority of the symptoms. From what I read, it seems these develop due to pressure from laying on hard surfaces, for ex: cement or hard wood floors. All but the kitchen is carpeted and they have more beds than we have sense. Plus the fact that Logan is upside down 75% of the time anyway. So for now, we are just very happy that it is not that horrible C word. Thanks for all the prayers.
  19. I have done nothing but cuddle and spoon with Logan all day today.
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