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Everything posted by win4profit

  1. I wonder the same thing. We are well into our 3rd year with Slick and still cannot get firm poops on a regular basis. Just like you, we have tried many foods and have finally settled on TOTW. He still has spells where his poops start solid but ends soft. He has been tested and retested for all kinds of parasites and other internal issues. We have just accepted that this is his 'normal'. I will be interested to read the other responses.
  2. We bought a thunder shirt for Slick a few weeks ago and so far it does seem to be helping. My question is can I leave it on him while I am at work? We are expecting storms off and on all day. I worry because he gets really warm.
  3. It was not long ago you gave us an update on the pack and I was so happy to see that Arrow was doing so well. I am so sorry to see that he has gone to the bridge. My thoughts are with you and Mike.
  4. I'm glad you asked the question, Slick reacts just the way Whompus (love the name) does. Greysmom-greyt response, you have most definetly tried it all. We have been considering the Thundershirt and will probably start with that.
  5. Sequoia is the very reason we adopted Gypsy. I was never really attracted to the fawns until seeing all the beautiful pics of Sequoia running on the beach. Chris, I am soo sorry for your loss.
  6. I just love cuddle pics. I have always had two hounds but never once have I had hounds that would cuddle with each other. Congrats!
  7. He is one of my favorite hounds on GT and one of the reasons I want my next to be a cow doggie. So nice to see pics of him again.
  8. I am sorry he had to leave you so soon. I know what you mean about wishing you had taken the time and spent those extra minutes doing everything that pleased them.
  9. Gypsy and Slick tangled with a stray cat that has been wandering through our yard last night. It was dark so I didn't see much but I heard the commotion. What I did see was both the hounds with a cat in their jaws. I yelled, the cat broke free and crashed into the fence before fleeing the yard. Upon inspection, Gypsy has a scratch right below her eye and two small puncture wounds on her jaw. Slick has several scratches to his face and one right above his eye. I cleaned them up good last night and there are no apparent reactions this morning. I know puncture wounds are serious and need to be watched closely. Is there anything else I should be looking for? On a side note, I sure would like to drop kick the owner of this cat! How rude to simply let your pet out to poop and pee in my yard. Not to mention wrestle with my hounds who are in their own yard.
  10. We have the same issue with Slick so I am very interested to see some new ideas.
  11. I know how scary and shocking it is to hear amputation. I was in the same state of mind as you 1 year ago and if I could do it all over I would amputate immediately. Slick hurt his toe running in the back yard as well and we tried for 5 months to 'save' the toe. During that time we had to leash walk him, keep him from playing and jumping, stop him from licking, mostly keep him in an e-collar, change bandages, make countless trips to the vet for repairs and rechecks. Slick was so unhappy during all of this, he wanted nothing more than to run in the yard with his sister. We finally agreed to the amputation and it was amazing how fast he healed. Today, he runs like the wind and is happier than ever. I really want to urge you to do the amputation and save yourself the time and money and save Kona the misery.
  12. Sending prayers that they find the problem and she feels better right away.
  13. What a beautiful tribute. So sorry for your loss.
  14. Sending prayers that you and Jabari have many more happy days.
  15. Just got back from the vet and nothing is broken, the achilles is in tact, it is just a bad sprain. We will give him metacam and it's back to leash walking for the next few weeks. I took a few more pics this morning that I will post after work.
  16. I lost my Logan to LP. Unfortunately, I did not learn what is was until months after he was gone. Evidently the emergency vet didn't recognize it either. It was terribly tragic and is a very painful memory for me. I agree with galogomom, it is better to let them go 5 minutes early than to see them suffer as my poor boy did.
  17. Seriously, Slick has only just healed from his toe amp and now this... Yesterday I was out picking up the yard and Slick was out with me. I was in an area of the yard behind the shed so I couldn't see him. I know he was doing laps because every few seconds he would run past me, turn and be off again. By the time I came around the side of the shed he was on the back patio holding his back leg up. While I was cleaning his feet I noticed that his front leg was bleeding a little, and of course he was holding up his hind leg. Once I got him iniside I checked him out and thought that maybe he pulled a muscle in his hip. By late last night it was clear that he was in some serious pain and I gave him a Tramadol. This morning he was still not putting any weight on his leg so I decided against giving him anything for pain hoping that this would keep him quiet while I was at work. When I got home, I could clearly see that the problem is not a pulled muscle in his hip it is his hock, it is very swollen. I have an appointment with the vet tomorrow morning. We have some metacam so I will keep him comfortable until the vet can see him. Here are a few pics I got while he ate his dinner. Sorry for the double post, I can't figure out how to delete.
  18. I haven't been on GT all week so just reading this. I am so sorry Chevy and you had to go through this. Prayers that Chevy continues to heal.
  19. What a difference a day makes. By the time I got home she was wound up and ready to go. From the moment I opened her pen door she took off in a blaze, picked up a stuffie and was off to the races. After many laps around the house, I got her to settle down long enough to get her coat on her and then she ran some more in the yard. Guess all my worrying was for nothing. Silly girl!
  20. Gypsy went in yesterday for another dental to remove all the upper front toofers. Our vet had been trying to save these teeth but unfortunately bacteria and infections have taken hold. The decay was so bad that she was unable to stitch her up so the poor baby is hurting. Last night was awful, she wimpered and cried much of the night. I cuddled with her and comforted her until she was able to fall asleep off and on through the night. I got up once just to see that she was still breathing because she hadn't wimpered for 2 hours. The good news is that she is feeling a little better this morning and ate her breakfast with no difficulty. I gave her some pain meds before leaving for work. I feel terrible leaving her after she had such a bad night but had no choice. We could sure use a few healing thoughts and prayers today.
  21. We are feeding Slick 1 1/2 cups in the morning and 2 cups at night. We add a little can food in the morning and nothing in the evening. He is starving!!! ( or so he has us believe) So my question is, should we be feeding him more. FYI, he is 80 pounds.
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