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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. Great to hear--scritches all around.
  2. A lovely site . . . . and Duke was gorgeous. Welcome to GT, btw.
  3. . . . in . . . out . . . . in . . . . out . . . . hugs
  4. Sending many squealing/squeeking-noises-are-just-diva-noises thoughts across the pond.
  5. Sending lots and lots of good thoughts and white light to Fran and her family today!
  6. Nothing, but nothing beats a Darcy-on-a-very-windy-day picture!
  7. Farewell, Argus--run pain free and please send your sister her new guardian angel today or tomorrow. You meant the world to your family, that's obvious--and I'm giggling at "He would lie in front of a mirror and gaze lovingly into his own eyes."
  8. Bobby, good thoughts are coming your way.
  9. Oh dear! Sending things-moving-right-along thoughts your way.
  10. I'm trying to figure out what color bikini would be best for the Gorgeous One . . . . a green perhaps?
  11. White light is coming your way for your entire family; White Pebbles will follow in 2 weeks.
  12. That's also called "jerking your chain" . . . . nightie night Darcy.
  13. *Doing a happy-bath-dance here* followed up by *doing a lessening itching dance*
  14. "I'm ready for my scene, Mr. DeMille"
  15. Patsy

    Goodbye Mf

    As someone who majored in Theatre in college, your memorial to MF is especially poignant . . . . thank you for sharing her with us all . . . . what a legacy she left!
  16. What a great friend Joe is! Carrier, do lots of resting and healing today cuz tomorrow you GO HOME!
  17. What wonderful news, and I'm glad your heart is still ticking! Ear rubs for Carrier and perhaps an Adult Beverage for you after this afternoon's visit and when you're tucked back in your hotel?
  18. Dear Miss Oh Woe Is Me, good thoughts are coming your way for excellent chest x-rays . . . . you just concentrate on getting better and helping your mom cope . . . . and oh yes, . . . . keep perfecting the woebegone look, you have standards to maintain!
  19. Just checking in with cyber hugs and encouraging-the-phone-to-ring thoughts.
  20. Fluffy, you stick up for your rights--if they're going to trespass on your territory, they MUST rub your tummy! Hugs to you, Hannah.
  21. "talking"--way to go, Fluffy! You tell them, girl! Hannah, I know the car being on the fritz isn't generally considered a "good thing" . . . . but if your DH hadn't been home . . . . yikes!
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