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Posts posted by Xan

  1. Well, that IS a lot.... Maybe it's just having to get comfortable again after all the handling and so forth, a bit of sprain or something, and she'll fool you all! :D It could happen, and that's where I'll be putting my attention and energy! :)


    In the mean time, Mahogany, try to get some real food in you. And plenty of water to wash away the bad stuff.

    :bighug :bighug

  2. Ah. Free at last. A terrible gift we can give our special loved ones, a beautiful sacrifice.

    Sprite obviously was loved, and your love for her will keep her with you forever.


    The pictures are wonderful. The second and the last are my favorites. So much of HER in them, so much life.

    Thank you for sharing both her life and her passing with us.

    Many hugs as you pass into this next stage...


    (May I add that last one to my collection of beautiful reference images, for possible use as a painting or drawing at some point? If I do use it, I'll let you know, and you can have first dibs.)


    Take care of yourself, now. Take it easy...




  3. Echo, take it easy, girlie girl!


    Side note: is aspirin safe? I had been given to understand dogs really don't do aspirin well.

    Googled for my own info, too, and this seems to summarize the general idea:

    Aspirin (dogs only)


    Aspirin is ok for dogs, but not for cats. To reduce stomach irritation, use buffered aspirin or give aspirin at mealtime. For chronic arthritis pain, we have prescription drugs that are much safer and far more effective. Giving your dog aspirin more often than twice a week is a probably a bad idea.


    Use 5 grain (325 mg) aspirin tablets.


    A 60 to 80 lb dog may be given one tablet twice a day (every 12 hours) or 1/2 tablet three times a day (every eight hours). A 30 to 40 lb dog gets half as much; a 15 to 20 lb dog a quarter as much. You should always consult with a vet before administering aspirin.

    Here's more detailed info.

  4. I notice you say his teeth are bad and you're doing CET rinse 2x/week. Just as a point of reference, I brush once a day (2 dogs get an electric toothbrush), and CET rinse 2x/DAY. Even so, I'm not sure if it helps much. But some. 2x/weeks seems like it wouldn't do much of anything..... :unsure:


    Disclaimer: I'm no vet! ;)


    I hope Alan feels better SOON! No clots, buddy boy!!


  5. When Happy was being sooo picky (and she came to me so skinny you could file your mail using her ribs :P ), I tried lots of stuff. I ended up soaking her kibble and adding about 25% of the total meal as canned, then mushing it up 'til it was all the consistancy of canned.


    Are his teeth bad? Happy's teeth were so bad when she came (and now only has half of them left), I think it was just too painful or difficult to deal with the little rolly polly kibbles. Mashed, she can kind of wolf up mouthfuls more easily. She seems to enjoy the fish oil supplements, too. Mmm! :P And a dollop of non-fat plain yogurt. And a sprinkle of nutritional (not brewer's) yeast (has B12: appetite stimulant as well as gives vigor, and all the pets LOOOOVE it!) (but go easy on it, or you'll get nasty farts! ;) ) And a ground-up glucosamine tab.



    Good luck finding just the right mix for your old guy!

  6. Oh Mara! I'm so sorry! :bighug :bighug :bighug


    How wonderful there was another greyhound owner there that was willing to be with you through the very sad moment of letting her go. That's so loving. I'm glad you got home safely afterwards, too.


    I love what you say about her name. That knowing her, that learning her, that loving her is what makes even the pain of losing her worth the joy of having had her with you.


    We're here for you as long as you need us.

    :bighug :bighug

  7. Wabi and Happy both have some discharge occasionally. Wabi's is strongly fishy (EW!!!) while Happy's is more interesting to the other dogs than to me (I notice them noticing rather than noticing it myself). We kicked Wabi off the couch and had to wash a blanket 'cause of her fish-tookus the other night. :P

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