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Posts posted by Xan

  1. That's right. LOTS of reasons to limp! Heck, Happy is limping right now, has for a couple days, but I can see improvement. Just a yard-play sprain or old injury (broken hock) playing up. Brilly broke his toe. My kitty Meepy started limping yesterday (12 years old: probably landed wonky jumping off the furniture). Heck, *I* limp some mornings! :P Wabi limps EVERY morning! ;)

  2. Hey, all. Trish asked me to post on her behalf, to get those white light, positive thought, prayers, healing energy going right away for Sam and her. Sam turned up limping a few days ago, and Trish is pretty scared.


    Sam came to her shortly after she lost her beloved Petie to osteo. Sam has become Trish's rock, her personal therapy hound.


    Sam has x-rays scheduled for 3pm Friday, which is as soon as she could get them.


    I told her we're only going to be thinking positively right now, visualizing nothing but simple answers and quick recovery. I bet she'll get him in there and it will be like taking your car to the shop 'cause it's making a wierd sound, and then it won't do it for the mechanic! :D


    So, while Sam is limping and obviously not at the top of his game right now, Trish needs your positive thoughts as much or more. Let's get the party rolling! :)

  3. Another fan of arnica (going to look up traumeel). I find it works best if you hit it early. The earlier the better. But even later it's better than not using it. I'm a big klutz and bruiser myself, so I keep it handy in both pill and gel form for me and mine.


    Hope Popcorn is feeling better soon! Poor boy!


  4. Oh no, Robin!! I'm so sorry. :(

    Chant with me, everyone: Fool the docs, Loca. Be healthy. Fool the docs, Loca. Be healthy!

    She's just crazy enough to do it! Right??


    Okay, if not that, then sslllloooooooooowwwwwwww growing, plenty of happy time left.


    My personal favorite way to picture Loca:


  5. So much caring and good advice here. :bighug


    One more way through is to really sit down, take a deep breath, and look at that scary time. Feel what it feels like. Let it wash over and through you without trying to control it. Even the biggest tidal wave flows back out to sea eventually, after which you can rebuild your life. This is not for the faint of heart, but it's one way through: head on.


    Otis knew you loved him and cared for him. He didn't blame you for his pain, and he's not feeling it any more. You were with him: that's what mattered to him. You, his person, his best friend, were there when he was hurting and scared, loving him, 100%. Try to remember that, too.


    :bighug :bighug :bighug

  6. Oh Otis! :(

    Now that he's free from pain, your's is just beginning. I hope you can find some comfort in Otis' peace are relief, even through the pain of missing him.

    :bighug :bighug :bighug

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