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Posts posted by Xan

  1. Happy, my sweet pretty 9 year old, adopted in October, came to us with some skin issues, including a weird irregular lump on her sternum. She appears to have corns on both left feet, and limps or holds up her front right leg after any exertion, and limps on the left rear to one extent or another all the time, but more in the last week. (She broke her hock on that side when racing. We've been thinking she overdid and strained/sprained something; no swelling or heat, and flinching is minor and seems to be connected to her outside toe.) She's got a rash that won't go away on her sternum as well, and a couple random little bumps like pimples that come, stay for weeks, then break and go away. She also has a cough whenever you touch her throat, even stroking it lightly.



    I took her to one vet who gave her antibiotics and a cortisone shot for the skin stuff, and said he didn't like the look of the lump, but to watch it for now. The skin rash got a little better for a day or two, then flared worse than before. I've been wiping it gently and putting bag balm on it twice a day, which seems to help with the biting/scratching and general inflammation, but is not curing it.


    I'm NOT afraid. I'm NOT!! Right? Right. :nod: These are just a sort of old-gal laundry list of symptoms, right? Right. So, she's got an appointment with a new vet tomorrow morning. He's got some specialized background in cancer in dogs, so it seems appropriate in this info-gathering stage. Not that she has cancer. Nope.


    When she got here, she was so skinny, her tailbone was a raised ridge above her hips, and you could hide your fingers between her ribs. She's finally found a good appetite, and has gained her weight, but we're not letting her do much, so her nice muscle mass is fading away. Ah well. At least she's got some padding, now.

    Here's her lump and rash, which was looking pretty good the day I took this picture. You can see she also has some of that dark stuff in her pores, but that's going away.








    And just a picture of her to help you visualize her happy and well! :wub:


  2. She's a pretty girl, do I detect something in her eye that says she's entirely capable of training you to be proper greyhound companions? :lol


    She's a pretty girl, do I detect something in her eye that says she's entirely capable of training you to be proper greyhound companions? :lol

  3. Hope, Wabi's right eye leaks a bit most of the time (her facial deformity, maybe pressure on her sinuses??). The vet gave me this steroidal ointment to put on twice a day to keep the skin from getting burnt, but I felt leery of steroids for her whole life.... So, I started using just Bag Balm, once a day, smeared on in the drippy area, and it words fine. No more itchy sore bald spots! :)

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