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Everything posted by Aerosmom

  1. Ouch! Poor Charm. I'd take him to the vet -- looks like it's big enough to stitch up and maybe drain. Feel better Charm!
  2. Sending many prayers for your family.
  3. Cricket got a funny look on her face when she read this over my shoulder and asked us to charge the camera battery for her. She has been following Winslow's progress and thinks he's quite something. Edited to add: She actually swims without a bikini just a flotation device but she seems eager to try on my bikini or my daughter's. Pictures of both swim therapy and the bikini at home might be in order.
  4. Sending prayers for Carrier and also for a safe journey home.
  5. It's been two weeks since Cricket hit a horribly low point -- a day when I actually thought she was heading downhill without any hope. Luckily for her, the neurologist had refused to refill her antibiotic he had prescribed for a week after the chemotherapy (he said it wasn't his specialty any more even though I pointed out that her white blood cell count was at its lowest after the chemo) so the runny nose returned and she was crossing her legs walking and was basically a mess. I called my local vet to see if they would refill the antibiotic so Cricket wouldn't be miserable but I mentioned that I didn't feel very hopeful about Cricket's situation. The vet read over all her files (Since I was switching to this vet when all of this happened 14 months ago, they really hadn't seen much of her since she went from the e-vet to the affiliated specialty hospital.) and called me back and suggested that maybe we try two antibiotics in tandem and see what happened. Her thinking is that the chemo didn't really work, our area is tick infested and the spinal inflammation could be immune-mediated due to TBD that wasn't completely eradicated. She also pointed out that despite all the tests that she still hadn't been diagnosed with anything specific other than spinal cord inflammation. I have been haunted by this possibility and felt as if the neurologist too readily dismissed this as a potential reason for her troubles. After the chemotherapy and another $1300 bill (including a discounted MRI/spinal tap), he had sent me home with a written discharge note that said if she didn't improve significantly in a week that I should consider the quality of her life. So we started her on Doxycycline and restarted the Baytril...two days later she was standing and walking a little. She has lost a tremendous amount of muscle due to the prednisone and lack of movement -- she sat in a crate for three days at the specialty hospital and hasn't been able to move much since then. I brought her to the specialty vet a little over a week ago for the swim therapy only to be told by them that she was too tired to swim. (but not too tired for them to take my $160.) Her neurologist saw her then and I explained about the dual antibiotics, and despite this he suggested that I call him to schedule more chemo for her. I got the impression that he wasn't entertaining any new theories about her health. Yet it was okay for me to consider the quality of life issues.... Anyway, my local vet suggested a swim therapy place only 10 minutes from my house and they had an opening last Friday. (much more reasonably priced btw). Cricket swam for eight minutes and we have her booked for tomorrow and the following week. Over the long weekend, we took her to her favorite walking place with Aero and Roo and she walked the first day (with a harness) for about 10-15 minutes. Yesterday she walked for 20 minutes, including climbing a big hill (steep enough for winter sledding). Her gait still isn't perfect and she easily loses her balance, but we're finally seeing some progress in the right direction. Today when I got Aero and Roo ready for a walk, she stood up and walked to the front door because she wanted to come too. Unfortunately unless I have a helper, it's too hard to hang onto her harness, Aero's leash and juggle Roo at the same time. So I had to take her separately. Cricket has such guts and determination. After all she's gone through, she still loves life and wants to try. I have my fingers crossed. It's only been two weeks on the dual antibiotics and I've seen a lot of positive progress. Her runny nose is clear, her eyes are bright and her spirit is strong. The prognosis isn't without some concern, but it certainly seems a lot more positive than it was two weeks ago when I was told to consider the quality of her life. So keep up the GT prayers!
  6. Sending prayers and s for you and Max.
  7. Don't worry. Aero's used to it! Almost everyone calls him a girl.
  8. Hi Secret Santa! It's Kanga Roo! I read how horrible Mom's poetry attempt was for my brother Aero's reply, so I'm going to keep her out of the picture. Toys! I love toys! I like the ones that make noises so I can chase them until my tongue hangs out of my mouth. With my neck finally reaching 13" inches, I can actually fit into big dog collars now! I've tried on one of my sister Cricket's collars and it fits, but don't tell her I'm borrowing her clothes. I am a red fawn girl so I think I look great in bolder colors like red, orange, green, and blue. I tried really hard to stay still while Mom tried to measure me, really I did! From my neck to tail, I'm now 26", but since I'm growing like a weed, I might be a little bigger next week. My chest is still small -- 15" from shoulder to belly, and I weighed 35 pounds a week ago, although that's likely different by now. I'm almost as tall as my brother Aero, although he is much bigger and stronger than me. I can jump really high, just like a Kanga Roo! I will try hard today to stay still and stretch so Mom can get some pictures of me, so be patient they will be coming soon! I am so excited about Secret Santa! Mom said I have a puppy friend to give surprises to so I guess that makes me a Secret Santa too. That's worthy of a happy Kanga Roo hop! Oh, my mom is happy with any gift, probably she likes candles better than chocolate but I bet she'd have more fun watching me enjoy my gifts more. (really! I asked her and I'm not making it up!) Thank you Secret Santa for asking all about me. I can't wait to find out who you are!
  9. A response from Aero comes very fast Not to worry, evil elf, you're not the first nor last to call me a female so pretty and sweet Mom says I am still of the male gender even though my coin purse is empty of tender and I will curtsy for a treat My leg is long, but not endless it stops at twenty inches From ear to ear, my neck stretches for fifteen Nape to tail covers a distance that's twenty-nine between Red brindling runs down my back colors of red, orange, green or blue are a snap to keep my handsome looks on track Male I am, but big I'm not Sixty-eight pounds I've thought My tail will wag with gratitude for my Secret Santa's attitude Stop Mom's bad poetry please! She is too bad to even tease.
  10. I'm so sorry for your loss of Peatie. He left for rainbow bridge knowing how much he was loved by you and his family. Godspeed to Peatie
  11. Did your vet say that there was an advantage to waiting? I made an appt. for mid November for Roo. Our vet said it's less expensive if it's before six months and the dog heals quicker. If it makes a difference, I don't mind waiting. The whole idea of Roo, anesthesia and surgery has me worried like an overprotective mom.
  12. Sending many prayers it's soft tissue. The biopsies aren't always enlightening -- Dr. Cuoto suggests a fine needle aspirate because I think there is a risk of shattering bone if it is cancer and a bigger needle is used. Is there any way to forward copies of the x-rays to OSU to have them look at them? In Snickers's case, which was osteo, we did the fine needle aspirate and it was inconclusive. The x-rays were hallmark osteo and Dr. Cuoto and another radiologist confirmed the diagnosis.
  13. I'm so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful poem to honor her with.
  14. I keep looking at Brody's last picture. There's so much hope in his eyes. God bless him. I'm saying prayers for him.
  15. I have some rubber backed rugs that I bought when Snickers had her amputation, but I might buy some more. Cricket is handling some of the "open" stretches okay, but she definately likes the flat rugs for traction. Poor Cricket, our first floor except for the living room and computer room is all tile or wood. I think it gives her mroe confidence to have her rug islands.
  16. Cricket continues to make progress -- this morning she heard me getting breakfast and she walked all the way into the kitchen area to eat. After breakfast (she's standing independently throughout the whole meal too, although her back legs sink almost to the floor), she walked back into the family room. She still needs help getting outside, but the frequency of bladder accidents is much better because she's able to stand up by herself. Before I had to lift her so she could stand and every time I'd apply pressure to her bladder, we'd have some leakage. Her muscles are getting a little more toned, but I hope with her increased movement and the aquatherapy scheduled for next week she'll get stronger and stronger. I think her weakness is holding her back a lot.
  17. That poor little baby. I hope he's on the road to a full recovery. So much for common sense at the shelter -- how could they keep him longer?
  18. Aero, Cricket and Kanga Roo are in on the Secret Santa fun!!!!
  19. She was way too young! I'm so sorry.
  20. Oh no! I can't imagine the shock and sadness.
  21. Oh my God! Cricket just got up and walked from our family room, into the foyer (slippery tile floor and a corner), through the dining room (another corner) and onto her cushion in the sunroom -- probably about 40 feet! Alone, unassisted and without falling or sliding at all. I can't believe it!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it. I was in the depths of despair yesterday because she was doing so poorly and now we have some real progress. I'll have to give her doctor a call tomorrow and let him know that she did that. I think he wanted to see some sign that the chemo might have worked. I hope we continue to see more independent walking!!!! I think I'll sleep better tonight. Keep those GT prayers coming! They seem to be working some magic!
  22. Thanks for the tips. I actually just got a Doctors Foster and Smith catalog (with a $5 coupon too ), so I'll sift through it when I have a chance to sit. Cricket is now booked for a swimming therapy session in a little over a week. She'll be at the Mass Vet Referral Hospital in Woburn. I really appreciate all the positive comments. It's so hard to stay positive when your emotions are all over the place with every little bit of news/feedback. Cricket is in good spirits today. Right now she's chomping on a bone. She is going to be a spoiled diva very soon, but if all this helps her, it's worth it. She's a very special girl and has been so brave and determined. Thanks!
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