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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Ask for panacur again. Or, you could always buy it otc.
  2. Have you done panacur? If not, do 5 days and see what happens at the same time: See if the meat works to tighten them up. Won't hurt to add the Digest stuff. Have you done any blood work since this started happening?
  3. Have you tried boiled chicken? Also, you might try boiled roast instead of ground meat if the ground meat doesn't work. The Fresh Digest is otc digestive enzymes. What color is their poop?
  4. Have you tried boiled meat only. No rice.
  5. Although dentals are frightening, if they are necessary, they are necessary. Princess just had her first ever dental at 13 yrs 8 months and did fine. If the nodes are swollen only around the mouth/neck I wonder if it is a tooth/teeth issue. With Mizzy, her's was a fractured rear molar that had to come out.
  6. How horrible Please give my condolences to their Mom.
  7. Possible. I'd give her a pepcid, tagamet or zantac and see if it helps.
  8. Sending lots of prayers! I'd get the ultrasound as soon as possible. Worried about this turning into an ER issue
  9. Very high WBC for a greyhound. Has she had a tick panel run? How much doxy is she on? The other values re RBC, HCT are great!
  10. I was replying to that post. Home is fine, work still is not. Are you saying the IC version is working for you?
  11. However, the IE8IC which is the latest IE update still doesn't work, does it? Not working for me at work in all aspects. Some of the layering is fixed.
  12. Fly sweet girl once again.
  13. It's her house. She has a right to protect it if necessary from another dog.
  14. Doesn't the product insert say if vomitting occurs to stop the drug and call your vet?
  15. He is. It is such a shock to lose them quickly. He'll let you know
  16. Other dogs need me. They are loved too so it helps. Can you foster?
  17. I know how you feel. At least she had a good 19 months. Run like the wind sweet girl.
  18. Solid Gold Holistique Blendz if you want a kibble.
  19. Never used pain meds for the boys. Sometimes on the grils. The boys if it's a simple neuter act like nothing happened.
  20. Sending my sympathy. Very long time to have a feathery friend
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