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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Sending my sympathy She's a beautiful girl.
  2. The Solid Gold canned tripe isn't too bad (if you don't warm it up) The Prarie kibble according to them is made so you can rotate proteins. The grain free is appeals to Tony on occassion as does the Fromm's pork and the gold (I think). He likes variety. I've found boiled meat works well and if that doesn't, I buy low fat meat and fry hamburgers (both turkey & beef). We have resorted to turkey sausage (sweet). On any given day, we (or should I say Tony) have available: hamburgers, roast beef, chicken, kibbles (different kinds) and he really likes the grain free Prairie biscuits (which I feel are just as good as kibble) and he loves the Mexican Maria Gamesa cookies. His breakfast is usually liver & cookies. This morning he was hungry and ate a hamburger too. Acupuncture has "saved" him to this point. He is the one with Valley Fever and has been on fluconazole since last September. He is due for a blood test and probably has a few more months on it. He was picky before he started the meds (well, he was dying too). When he was real bad, I took him in for a B shot. It always helped. The ohter food she might like is Honest Kitchen. P.m. me your address and I'll send some samples from my stash Like Greytlady94, I will not feed high fat to a senior.
  3. Crying with you. I'm sure they both have been to Jodie's biscuit factory
  4. I always use stomach meds with doxy. Carafate works well as does zantac. Boiled meat mixed in with the kibble or canned. 8 weeks at 5mg per # of body weight
  5. Burpdog


    She sounds special and her doing the circles reminded me of my Scooby--they can do their spins at the bridge together (maybe start a contest!). I get a feeling of what she meant to you. Sending my sympathy
  6. She did for specialists but used one or two on the island
  7. Let me contact Dot & Tony's owner who used to live there. I know there is a vet that saved Tony's life when he sliced an artery on the beach and took care of several of her greys.
  8. Sending healing prayers. Have you tried Honest Kitchen? Fixed Isaac, Dot & Mizzy up!
  9. When I read your description of her and experience with her, I cried. Not just for your loss -- it brought back memories of some of mine Sad tears for you, happy ones for me. Sending my sympathy
  10. What a handsome guy Sending my sympathy
  11. Sending my sympathy I know how hard it is
  12. Sending my sympathy I know how hard it is
  13. I've had two done at home, both on the same day <sigh> I put all the other dogs in another room. I let them come out & smell them before they were taken away. Quite honestly, not sure which I "like" best. My vet has a huge tree we park under and they go in my van (at least the majority have). It's peaceful, nice and convenient.
  14. I haven't read all the replies. I would start her on Fresh Factors from Springtime Inc. Re eyes: always a specialist (from experience)
  15. Burpdog

    Ww Kool Kirston

    Sending my sympathy
  16. Sending my sympathy. Crying with you.....
  17. If her stomach is bothering her, is she on stomach meds? Also, use potatoes or pasta instead of rice. I used boiled meat only.
  18. Has he been wormed? Any stomach meds?
  19. If I remember right, pred is not a good choice for greyhounds. If his stool firmed up, I don't see IBD. For Dottie, Honest Kitchen worked and for Isaac the same. They both had pudding poop. Do I like SD? No, can't stand it, however if that is the only thing that works, use it.
  20. I'm now adding Preference to Mizzy's food and poops have improved. Dot is still very good as is Isaac. I think I need to win the lottery or sell a lot of biscuits.....
  21. He is doing fine and passed his chiropractic appointment today on to Mizzy who is punky. I took him along for the ride and he wanted to do the treadmill <sigh> He loves that thing
  22. I was told Tony would be on them for around a year (that was last September). He is due for a blood test in the next week or two to check the titres. Protatek said he would need to stay on the fluconasole two months after a normal titre reading. So, if the next test is normal, he'll be on the med another two months, making the year mark! He has been on milk thistle and stomach meds as well. Fluconasole is 145mg (I think--I'll check when I get home) twice a day. btw -- he has had an extremely good acupucture vet from beginning to now. I believe her herbal combination used at the start of treatment, and needling pulled him thru. He looked like he was dying back then....
  23. Sending my sympathy I know how hard it is
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