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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Don't look too hard It will come..... Several months after Austin went, maybe even 6 months, I was baking and felt his spirit so strong that I turned and fully expected to see him. I have no doubt he was there. One day shortly after Greytlady94's Molly left, I was driving to work and saw Molly chasing Magic in a beautiful field. I could have reached out and touched them I felt. Sometimes the other dogs tell me there is one (or more) visiting. Pablo has become more comfortable with our visitors . Still, every once in a while I have to tell him it's ok.
  2. It should, but you have to experiment. That is what Ivey started on. Try every 12 hours and move to 8 if she shows discomfort. You have to talk with your vet about upping the meds if every 8 hours does not work. I talked to Ivey's vet every time we upped meds. I remember my acupuncture vet saying that tramadol is usually under dosed by most vets (many are not familar with the drug). I think with Ivey we did 50mg twice a day, then moved to 4 times a day, then went to 100mg alternating with 50, then to every 4 hours. It's not an exact science. It depends on the dog and how they tolerate and use the drug. I knew when we got to 100mg every 4 hours and it stopped working, it was time. I was very concerned about her leg breaking. However, that said, you can add morphine to the mix for pain control as well as neurontin. There are lots of options and combinations.
  3. Yes, the needle aspiration and avoid the biopsy. Send everthing to Dr. Couto asap. If there is a need for speed, have them call & talk to him or one of his staff. They are very good. Sending prayers.
  4. Try tramadol for the pain. You can get it at WalMart and it's not expensive at all. Ivey started on twice a day than moved up to 100mg every 4 hours at the end. If I remember right, you can use both metacam and tramadol (ask the vet) Keep her out of pain--don't scrimp on the meds. Sending prayers.
  5. Sending prayers! It's why I say take it all the first time. Also, some vets don't leave enough skin to close the tail. Hopefully this time she will be fine!
  6. I suggest you email Ohio State's consult "line" Consult: greyosu@osu.edu and join the Circle of Grey group Circle Of Grey Sending many prayers.
  7. Greytlady94 had a girl with this problem and she had surgery at A&M. Worked well!
  8. It sounds like he was coughing from a heart problem. You did all you could
  9. Were it me, I'd not do anything and retest in 2-4 weeks. I bet he's got an infection going on, or just a stabilizing effect. He's not been off the track for 6 months yet. I would not mess with drugs.
  10. I too would like to know where the report on the research is.
  11. Sending my sympathy to all who love him
  12. Acupuncture, fluids and chinese herbs. Sending prayers.
  13. I remember ..... telling her story reminds all of us so we can pass the information on.
  14. Burpdog

    Elite And Petite

    Run like the wind now sweet girl--no more hurting
  15. Yes that is Sport! I really love this old guy chicken -- Not sure....hmmm...she preferred lemon pepper.....can we tell from that?
  16. I can send you the kidney papers. Email me at Burpdog@msn.com Do he need a dental? I would treat him with antibiotics first and see if the numbers come down. I have had many with no obvious infection clear up (one of the greyhound mysteries)
  17. Give her a soft hug from me. Sending prayers!
  18. Although there have been quick fixes with both acupuncture and chiropractic, most times it's a process to go through and results depend on many things. Again, I am fortunate to have vets that are extremely good and honest. They don't treat if there is no reason to. They steer me to western medicine when necessary (more than I like sometimes ) Rob Roy: we tried, eastern, western -- just was not to be. I have no doubt Austin was given months of life (good life) because of acupuncture. Magic--chiropractic and Wal Mart chickens gave her a good 13 months Every dog is different and so are the results. I think of Marilyn's Sport, diagnosed with kidney failure two years ago. Because of getting fluids, acupuncture and herbs he is still ticking. The end is getting near, but this sweet boy (I just love little old ones ) has had a couple of good years because of the combination of east & west.
  19. Sending prayers. Those look nasty. Did they do laser to finish them up?
  20. Sending prayers. Have you called your adoption group?
  21. Sending my sympathy & hugs. I'm glad she had her last months with you!
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