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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. June 10, 2007 Things here were good.. All of Winslow's lab work came back.. Everything is good. The vet said a bit of a low thyroid, but after discussion of Greyhound thyroids and since he has absolutely no symptoms, we all decided it was just normal for Winslow. As Dr. Couto put it, when I asked him about Winslow's thyroid levels.. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" Good advice. So, his 1 month oncology exam is all good!!!! Winslow had another swimming lesson today. It's exciting to watch him getting stronger every time. He has been swimming laps and now understands how to turn around in the water and go back the other way. He's now up to 3 laps before resting between. It just keeps getting easier for him. He has no hesitation going into the water any more. He loves it. Now I just have to say "Turn" and he does it. He's very proud of himself! I'm beginning to see more of the "old Winslow" returning-- confident, fit and really happy. Instead of being tired because he's sick, now, he's tired from his workout. Glynis
  2. Sending my sympathy. I know how you feel. Very similar to Rob Roy They can run like the wind now.
  3. Sending my sympathy It's so good you had him to love!
  4. Talking with Teri Rogo this past weekend she mentioned what she feeds and there is a supplement or med that Dr. Stack added to her boy and he's done well for several years. I'll email her and try & find out all the information.
  5. If they were big ones it will be several days before he stops limping. Assuming vet didn't go too deep
  6. Sending prayers. I'm off to Abilene but you know how to get ahold of me If she does not respond quickly, make sure they test for bartellonis which appears to becoming more prevalent. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=113219&hl= ps - have them use North Carolina State for all further tick testing!
  7. I've had quite a few do that. Bothered me more than them How old is older?
  8. Sending my sympathy I know how much Katie meant to you!
  9. If your vet cannot figure it out, find another vet
  10. June 4, 2007 As you can see Winslow has taken to swimming. He likes it because he doesn't get hot! This boy hates the heat. Just wants his AC.. Tomorrow is his 1 month oncology check up. I am hoping it will be good. He doesn't seem to be having any problems. I'm going to get another kidney and liver check up, too. He had a normal test last time and I took him off the denosyl but have continued with the milk thistle and vitamin E. I just want to be sure it's still normal. The psychology of swimming is this: I have noticed that Winslow seems more confident of himself now that he is getting exercise. He doesn't seem to be as clingy (something that started after his surgery) and he's getting up during the night and sleeping on his own bed. When we are outside, he's happier and not fearful of other dogs... even growling at one yesterday... He hasn't done that in a long time. Instead, he was hiding behind me. He seems to sleep better, too. The behaviors that I thought were going to be permanent seem to be fading. I really think it's from swimming and actually getting out there and doing something again. When he comes out of the pool and I cheer, he is really happy. It's easy to see his sense of accomplishment. Glynis
  11. why not add morphine and neurontin to the tramadol?
  12. May 31, 2007 ).... someone was asking about why Winslow is swimming? Winslow cannot run. He has a bone spur on the front foot that sometimes gave him trouble when he ran. I was about to have it removed but he got sick. Removal now is out of the question. So is running. We just can't have any accidents or lameness in his remaining legs. He no longer has the stamina for long walks. His hind leg gets too tired, but he still needs exercise. Swimmng is the safest with no impact. It provides the exercise of a good run without any of the hazards. Having worked with horses, I know they do this as rehab for everything involving the legs. Why not with dogs? When I asked the cardiologist and the oncologist if Winslow could do this, they thought it was a fabulous idea. I'm not the only one. Many others have already discovered swimming as rehab for their dogs. Many rehab vets use underwater treadmills now as well. This pool does a good business with dogs and horses. It's designed for easy entry and exit with rubber on the ramps. There is a great big dog washing station for afterward. They do not chlorinate as heavily as people pools. For Winslow, it's perfect and he likes it. Glynis June 2, 2007 Diane, Winslow had swimming lesson #2 today. He learned how to do a u-turn in the smaller pool. Here is a series of photos taken by our friend John Frye who went along to cheer and document the event. We arrive. Winslow waits his turn on the sofa. Winslow suits up. Swimming Cheers Hugs All done! Glynis
  13. Look at the Springtime products. The Joint Health has it all in there. Tootsie likes them better than Fresh Factors, although she eats them both www.springtimeinc.com
  14. Neither my chiropractic vet nor acupuncture vet will give the shot. As they say, all old dogs have some degree of LS. If he (your vet) is uncomfortable with giving the injections, I would not let him do it! Find a vet who is. Sending prayers.
  15. I do know how you feel My Eliza went into IMHA from rimadyl and lasted only 5 days (and fought like heck those 5 days). Sending sympathy and hugs. You tried and she tried.
  16. Sending prayers. Make SURE they culture the urine.
  17. Sending prayers you have quality cuddle time
  18. Burpdog

    Cassie Jo

    I know how you feel Run like the wind pretty girl!
  19. Massage would be good. Just massage--don't worry about how Something is better than nothing. Pay attention to whether you feel the muscle quiver/twitch. I'd research the chemo drug being used and also email Ohio State if you have not. Here is a good link explaining the chemo drugs: Chemo Drugs Also, I don't think Max was on anything 2 weeks post op. I'll try & get ahold of Kathleen. The drug mentioned for phantom pain in this thread sounds great!
  20. Sounds like the vet does not know greyhounds... Would be a good idea to give the information for joining Veterinarians for Retired Racing Greyhounds I wouldn't be putting anything on it.
  21. I was so afraid of this This is how I remember them
  22. Here is one of your posts but it looks like he was still having some screamies: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...44441&st=40
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