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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Either a TBD, meningitis or poisoning perhaps? Which antibiotics did they give her? Is she giving any pepcid, zantac and carafate?
  2. Burpdog

    Foxy Promise

    I'm so glad he found you and you found him in time.
  3. Hopefully she is on the correct dose of 5mg per # of body weight twice a day(?) Some of them handle the doxy well, and some don't. Pepcid and carafate will help her through if the doxy bothers her!
  4. I doubt one can of ensure a day is going to hurt him Did she also do chiropractic?
  5. I've always given it whole and it works that way. I take it whole and it works just fine. The only reason I see to liquify it is if you have a mouth or esophagus issue.
  6. I hope you find out the cause. When Burp had recurring infections (actually they were never really gone), we did 3 weeks of baytril and finally it was gone! I did switch to filtered water and it made a big difference. Acupuncture and herbs can help.
  7. They have but not sure if any on this board. Check out Circle of Grey where I first saw a grey diagnosed with it. Also, e ewingii is more prevelant than I think is known. It requires a PCR test also, and takes time.
  8. No matter how long they are with us, it's never long enough I can just see her running through the meadows and having fun.... Sending my sympathy.
  9. Burpdog


    I've been thinking of you and yours today. Run like the wind Sarge!
  10. October 4, 2007 We are feeling really good about this! No matter what this foot thing is, it's not cancer. Winslow had company today. Ute stopped by to visit him.. He sure played up the boo boo for her. Then I showed her the video of him running around the yard. Mr. Spoiled Butt is watching tv after being served dinner in bed. He's taking the bedrest thing very seriously. Glynis. October 5, 2007 Good Morning Diane, Well, last night I found out that ALL BENADRYL IS NOT CREATED EQUAL. Before I took Winslow back to the vet, I asked if I could give him Benadryl instead of Tramadol. My thinking was that he wasn't having that much pain and we didn't know if this foot thing could be a bite or something. ( I had 3 benadryls here that I got from the vet back in January. They were little red capsules.) He said go ahead. Well, the Benadryl seemed to work well. Although it didn't do much for the swelling, Winslow slept well, wasn't agitated (too much Tramadol does that) and seemed to be less painful. At the vet visit on Wed., Dr. Calo said I could keep giving him the Benadryl so I asked for more. He said just by the plain Benadryl at the drugstore... Since Benadryl now gives their meds all kinds of names, I went on their website to see which ones didn't have all kinds of additional sinus medication. OK... it was Benadryl Allergy. They were 25mg. tabs. (the ones from the vet were 50mg). I bought them. I gave him 2 at about 6pm. yesterday. An hour later he was panting, his eyes were wild, he was urinating every hour. He wet the bed and he was obviously agitated. He had this same reaction after his amp when they gave him codeine. I fed him small amounts of food and kept giving him more water trying to flush this crap out of his system. After about 11 hours (5:am) he was fine again and sleeping peacefully... He's totally over it now. I'll call the vet this morning and tell him. No more Benadryl from the drugstore. There's something in there that disagrees. I would bet there's an additional antihistimine. ( I have the same reaction as he had when I take NYQUIL.) I would suspect the Clavamox, but he had 4 doses of that without incident. I also think this diarrhea episode last night may have been part of the Benadryl problem because he only had it last night. I am giving acidopholus as you suggested anyway because the antibiotics will kill off the friendly flora. That was a really good idea. He had his Clavamox this morning, without incident. Craig got home just in time for the action last night. Poor guy got no sleep. He's feeling the Deja Vu of Winslow's amp, living in the basement, drug reactions, etc. We are all doing better this morning and hoping to see some improvement in Winslow's foot. It's still very swollen and very sore although I have seen him put it down more and he's ok if I touch it, GENTLY. Well, there's a lot of laundry this morning.. Glynis October 6, 2007 Good Morning Diane, Here's an update from Casa De Winslow: Last night, the big boy slept pretty well. He got up maybe once to go out, and didn't need help going. He's got the pee thing figured out. The poo is a different matter. I changed sheets a couple of times yesterday because he seems to step backward before hopping away. Speaking of poo, the big D is now a little d. I think the acidophilus is really helping. We also increased his morning yogurt by a tablespoon. No complaints from Winslow on that. The swelling on his foot is going down slowly. It's down from malamute to german shepherd size. There is a big bruise where they shaved for the aspiration. I'm not sure if it's the cause or just a result of the swelling. The concern is that he's still not putting weight on it. If his toes touch the ground, he doesn't scream, but he's still running on 2 cylinders. They xrayed every part of his front end and found nothing to cause this. Hopefully it will go away soon. Winslow is a good patient. The vet said bed rest, Winslow said "Oh yea!". He couldn't be happier. He loves being served his food and water in bed. He receives visitors who climb right in with him. He has his tv, computer, fanny and toys. He makes no efforts to get up, except moving to the dog bed (where I sleep!) so I can make the big bed for him. I would be concerned about this, but Winslow is VERY OBVIOUSLY not sick. He is demanding. He whines for his treats and knows exactly when it's mealtime. He's such an alarm clock. He's playing with toys in bed and gets up to turn around, throw a toy for me to retrieve and flop back down again. This is like having a small child with chicken pox. I read to him. We play the shell game. I try to keep his mind active so he doesn't get bored. The good thing about this is that we are living in Craig's office. While Craig is working, I can get out and do what I need to do. Winslow loves "daddy day care". I can hear Winslow saying," The last time we did this, I didn't know I could have it so good. This time, I'm taking full advantage!" We go back to the vet on Wednesday. I'm not trying to move out of the basement too soon. I want him to be well before he has to start using the stairs again. We still don't have a reason for this. I'm not sure if the antibiotics are fixing it or if it's just going away on it's own. Truthfully, I don't care as long as it goes away.. I'm not going to continue probing for an answer unless it remains painful. We know it's not cancer, and that's most important. Since Winslow's amp, I have said that my worst nightmare would be if something happened to one of his remaining legs. Well, it has and we are surviving. We all feel very fortunate that this isn't a lot worse. We smile. Glynis
  11. Try some lunch meat Dog cookies, human cookies Sending prayers!
  12. Sending my sympathy and hugs. Remember the good times--I don't think he'd have made it without the two of you letting him be who he was.
  13. No change that I am aware of. I use vets that still give shots every year (not to my dogs but the rest of their clients) even though their own organization has guidelines that differ. Seems I read something about this on another list. How long has the vaccine been out? No, I wouldn't give it.
  14. Use Interceptor for heartworm prevention -- it covers whip also
  15. I wouldn't worry too much yet. Get a tick panel done on him. If you can walk him a mile a day it would be good He's only off the track a few weeks and he is a baby. Could be a lot of things, growing up is one of them. Is he a big boy? How much does he weigh and how tall is he?
  16. She's getting an adjustment today so she should feel pretty good when I get home. I've scheduled the vet to come again next week. <sigh>
  17. If one knocks her out, not sure I'd do more. The standard dose is 1mg per # of body weight. I give Mizzy 50mg every 12 hours, and she gets the Tavist inbetween every 12 hours so I'm alternating.
  18. She's eating better. It appears she needs the zantac
  19. It's going in spurts here too. Mizzy is on Tavist and benedryl daily and on really bad days I give her a little pred. I am on Allegra 180 and have had to take benedryl at night several nights this past week. I don't think I'd change food if she is doing well on it just yet. You might ask the vet if a short term, low dose pred is in order. I've tried 4 or 5 foods with Mizzy and she appears to be best on BilJac frozen. Even so, she's still on all the meds..... as a p.s.: I've got them on fish oil caps and Mizzy is on cod liver oil too. You might try the fish oil at 5 or 6 a day and see if it helps.
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