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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Is he possibly just grooming himself? How long does he lick? Have you washed his feet when he runs in the grass? Did you check the nail beds? Maybe he just needs defarting?
  2. Can you get a picture of his feet? Benedryl is fine if it's external as is Tavist 1 If it's food, it's just masking the problem. With all the food problems over the past year, I would hesitate to keep feeding a food that recently started problems. Something has changed.
  3. If food causes gas in my house, food goes. My dogs don't fart! It is very possible they changed the forumula. Itchy feet can be from food or grass. Where do you live? How are his ears? Mouth?
  4. Food allergy most likely. Many times companies change the formula without saying anything. Can you get some Duck & Oatmeal or potato and see if he clears up? Eagle Pack or Natural Balance are two I can think of. Price wise it should come out around the same because you should be able to feed less.
  5. Burpdog

    Okie Kechi

    Another beautiful angel.....
  6. Sending prayers. I've seen that several times in the seniors and they perk up with an adjustment.
  7. also do a TBD panel as tick borne diseases can cause seizures too. If the thyroid is low he will have to take thyroid meds the rest of his life. No big deal
  8. This dog needs to see a vet asap. Hopefully you can get someone to help with the vet bills? Do you have Care Credit in Canada? Sending prayers.
  9. I'm so glad he had you, and you had him. Such a gift to be sent off with love....
  10. Burpdog

    Sarah Is Gone

    Sending my sympathy
  11. Burp drank a ton of water due to h pylori. I feel in the greys, this could be the reason for what has been termed DI. It is quite possible many get h pylori on the farm (can come from drinking stagnant water). Can you get CORE there? It's more reasonable in protein and fat.
  12. I am confused as to whether she really needs a dental? Also, many do it but I never give vacinnations the same time they go under anesthetic, and if and when I do vaccinations, I split the rabies and others up in different visits. Email me at Burpdog@msn.com and I will send you the greyhound information I have from Drs. Stack & Feeman.
  13. Could be a lot of things. Did you ask to be on a cancellation list in case they can get him in sooner? How fast did this occur? I know here, the vet can get a dog into the specialist within hours.
  14. What kind of treats and what kind of food? Possible they have changed the formula?
  15. See if the vet will try doxy at 5mg per # of body weight and see if the limp gets dramatically better or goes away. You will know in a week. Also, has a specialist read the xrays?
  16. I don't give vaccines once I get the "kids" (usually--on occassion there might be one). Between the track and the adoption agency, they are usually vaccinated for life!
  17. Every time I have asked, espcially with debilitaed animals, I have been told to give heartworm meds. Sending prayers!
  18. Sometimes you have to go into the middle to save the dogs lives! Tell him he "done good" I hope he is better quick! Fights happen--nothing you should feel guilty over. Learn from the experience......
  19. It's always good to have the vet look at a lump of any kind Sending prayers! It's probably nothing.
  20. If you get in the middle of a dog fight (doesn't matter what breed), you get bit. They are focused on the fight, not the human. All but one dog fight I've had has been over food. Keep them separated when food is around. Also, when I have two that have had a fight, I separate them for a few days when I leave. The one fight I had that was not over food (I am assuming Rob Roy trounced on Austin), I separated them the rest of their lives when I was not there. I hope your DH heals and understands Loki was not aiming for him, but the other dog. I remember tripping once and as I was trying to stop from falling on Shadow for some reason I screamed, scared the crap out of him (I must have been quite a site flying through the air at him and screaming) and he bit me. I had several bites on my head. Fortunately, I didn't land on him. He was the sweetest guy and I never had a problem with him afterwards.
  21. Add a 1/2# bear cake and a bear stuffy for $15.00 to my specials
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