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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. I remember Ivey's $400 ER visit and stay the next day at the vet because of eating gravel. Sending prayers!
  2. Some don't tolerate Ace very well. Depending on how much you gave him, it could be the problem. I've had some dogs not walk for 12-24 hours. I don't use it anymore. Do you have a certified chiropractor close?
  3. How old is Hobbes? What are you feeding?
  4. Sending hugs and prayers. If I have a choice, home is best. The second best is the under the tree at my vet's office in the car
  5. They can have phantom pain and neurontin will help
  6. Sending lots of prayers for Darcy! I am now just catching up....I thought everything was going well for her....
  7. January 21, 2008 late morning Thanks! Well, here we go again. After observing Winslow's reluctance to get up, I have decided to get us downstairs ASAP. I did manage to get 2/3 of the back yard clear for toilet purposes. This will get Winslow off the stairs and off the ice. He can do nothing but rest that foot and hopefully we won't be down there very long. Craig is in NY, so this will take most of my afternoon. Down is easy, but he'll be home when it's time to bring everything back UP. Meanwhile, Winslow is on the bed with his ice block. He knows it makes that foot feel better. He was licking it last night. It must have started then. Who knows? Glynis
  8. January 21, 2008 Good Morning Diane, How's everything in Burpland? We hope all is well with the pack and that your winter is mild. Here, it's not so easy. If I could even find one bit of humor in this, I would make a video called "Tripods on Ice", but this just isn't funny. As you know, Mr. Pickybutt will NOT poop in his own yard. Nope-- he was "forced" to do it when he was recovering, but hated it... He has to go at least 3 blocks from our house, regardless of weather or time of day. He also has pee stations along his route that MUST NOT be missed. He's been like this since the beginning, so 4 years later, it's pretty much irreversible. So, we walk out in rain, snow, sleet, hail and dark of night so Winslow can poop in the comfort of his very own spots. (We have been vacationing at the same place every year for 3 years. Yes, he has his own spots there, too. Also at the vet's). Now, the problem is frozen snow. When it snowed, Oh, it was FUN! We ran around and rolled on the ground and stayed out most of the day. But then the unthinkable happened. It all turned to ice. Winslow just cannot maneuver the ice on 3 legs. I shoveled the yard out to the sidewalk so he can walk on the cleared sidewalks, but he cannot get to his TOILETS!! He cries about it, tries to do it and loses his balance, poops all over himself or paces around and then poops in some really embarrasing place, ie..a neighbor's driveway. I keep baby wipes just inside the front door. By the time we get home, he's usually sporting a poopsicle on his tail. He peed on his beloved deck last week. I could tell he was not happy about it, but he made a choice of that over going out onto the ice. Can't say I blame him. I probably would have done the same thing. We try to help him out, show him cleared places he can go, and do whatever we can to make it easier for him, but ice is ice and it's just too slick and too jagged to walk on. I was putting mushers wax on his feet to make things a little more comfortable but since they dumped all the gravel in the streets, I've had to stop using the wax because the gravel sticks in his feet. We don't even mention boots to him. Winslow is just distraught about the whole thing. He hates going out. It's like someone came along and changed his whole world. We had a bit of this last year, but he was still confined to our yard and surrounding area when the ice hit. He had just had his surgery about 6 weeks before. So this year, it's like a new event. We are hoping that all of this goes away soon and Winslow can resume his routine. Aside from that, all is well here. We're still cold, he's still hot. When he's out on the deck, "sunning", I go out and feel his ears and feet because I'm concerned about frostbite. Warm. Always warm. Our neighbor, Lori made some baked treats out of chicken liver, eggs and a little rice flour. She's bringing some today for Winslow to try. I'm sure he's going to love it! He needs a bright spot. Meanwhile Winslow is looking for a place for us to move that is 40 degrees year round. No ice, rain is ok. Glynis Dear Glynis: Poor Winslow Don't they make a de icer you can take on the walks?....... Diane Yes, they do, but this ice is inches deep and to de-ice all of his spots would require a truck. I use that petsafe de-icer on all of our sidewalks and stairs Glynis Well, I'm sure Winslow would approve the purchase of a truck..... I know he would. I would also be willing to drive him to his spots. I just came from the store and sure enough, he's limping again on that front foot. He's either twisted it or bruised a pad. I have ice on it now, he likes it. Hopefully it will go away. Regardless, I'm cancelling all plans for this week because I suspect a move to the basement. That could happen at any moment. Once he's really limping, he can't do the stairs and I don't want to aggravate it by forcing it. Now, it's 40 degrees here. I bet I can melt the entire yard if I drain the water heater. Since it's on a hill, the water will run off before it freezes up. I think it's worth a try.. Winslow won't be happy about being forced to poop in the yard, but it looks like that's going to be the only option during icy times. What a mess. Glynis
  9. Call the vet. Was it bright blood? How much?
  10. I think both Winslow and Carrier were massaged. If you have an acupuncture and/or chiropractic vet that can come to the house, it would help. Sending prayers!
  11. Most vets do not understand/accept alternative or eastern medicine. Sending prayers
  12. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy
  13. Burpdog

    Y Knot Onyx

    I've said many times that they stay as long as they need to. He knew he was home and loved. It appears that is all he needed to move on.
  14. I've had several that tolerated it well and a few that could not take it. The ones who could not take it tolerated clavamox well.
  15. Sending lots of prayers! Acupuncture will help, but I would want a vet to come to the house.
  16. Burpdog


    Hugs my friend Run like the wind Vinnie!
  17. Costs vary a lot and even in the same city, it depends on extractions, etc. Pulling the little teeth is inexpensive, canines are expensive as are the big molars. I personally would not drive to another vet to save $200 unless you know the vet. The vets I use I trust. If they lose one of my dogs, I know there was nothing that could have been done, ie I trust them. That alone is worth a lot of money. Many vets have discounts during February for dentals. Some dogs need a dental every 6 months and some every few years. There is no set time "limit". It depends on their mouths and some of them have awful mouths with deep pockets. I didn't know what a dental was (I might have heard about them, but didn't "get" it) until I got greys. None of my Dobes or Danes ever had a dental.
  18. I don't know but it seems that it would have to be the added ingredient that controls fleas. I'd call the company that makes it and ask! I've ordered from Australia several times and the products are fine.
  19. Burp had continuting gastritis. He was on prilosec and carafate. The carafate in gastritis is very important (I have gastritis too so I know). I've never had good luck with pepcid. Better with zantac or prilosec or both along with carafate. Sending prayers.
  20. I wish you were posting under better cirmcumstances If he comes home for a bit, you have to combine pain meds--tramadol, neurontin & morphine is one combination, an NSAID and tramadol and/or morphine. Sending lots of hugs and prayers
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