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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Ask them to give a shot of doxy and a shot of dex. Do NOT rely on the tick panel. You have to get those platelets up. By now, they should have given transfusions. Have they? bold added
  2. In a large dog, when they are sick or infirm, they go down in the rear. Very common. If she is not out of it by this afternoon, I'd be calling my regular vet again. Did they give her any NSAID injections?
  3. Burpdog

    Lr Leda Irene

    Run like the wind and play hard sweet girl! Sending my sympathy
  4. Re thyroid: I had one Dobe girl that got demodex (in a day where some of them did not live). We did treatment and we had her thyroid checked. She was low thyroid and went on supplements. She never again got demodex. The thyroid is the engine for the body and if it's not functioning right, things happen
  5. It was hard but I pushed those thoughts out of my mind with Mahogany. She had 2 years off the farm. Fortunately, she was loved by her owner. I constantly reminded myself not to waste what time was left thinking about "the day". When "the day" comes, it is peaceful (especially if they use a prep shot) and I simply cannot send my "kids" off alone. Yes, it's hard--really hard, but I do it for them. Please stop thinking about the time you won't have him and focus on now, which is where he lives
  6. Yes, all healthy dogs have the mights around the nose and eyes. Did he scrape the spots? Have you done a thyroid panel on her?
  7. I know all too well how you feel. He's already on a NSAID (previcox is basically the same as rimadyl). Because of the line going down, you must be very carefull--hopefully the leg won't break. If the combination does not work pain wise, move to tramadol and morphine. When Mahogany was at the end, she was on 100mg of tramadol three times a day and morphine (30-90 mg) twice a day. I've used 100mg of tramadol every 4 hours. Your vet may or may not be correct as to the time left. The average with amputation and chemo is 14 months. Some longer and some shorter. In my opinion, you do not want to amputate if it's too high in the shoulder, or if it has gone into the lungs (most vets won't do this anyway). Radiation will take the pain away. Wish I could tell you something that fixes this
  8. First, check her temp. Make sure it is normal. Find out if they gave her any acepromazine. If they gave her even a small amount it could be what is wrong. I've had a vet use it and had a drunk dog for 2 days! (obviously that was the last time they used it) Mizzy had two teeth pulled, was up and walking and I was to give her a tramadol if she needed it. She only needed a few the first 36 hours and she was eating by morning. If you are not comfortable, take her to your regular vet. Sending lots of prayers.
  9. No bones he chewed of any kind? Did he come from the States?
  10. Did she get a shot of doxy and dex to start out? How much doxy is she on? There are other tick diseases that don't show up. The negative for erlichia: was that the snap test? Dr. Stack has said, if they are really sick, they might test negative and still have erlichia. She should be on (after an initial shot) of 5mg of doxy per # of body weight twice a day. Sending lots of prayers.....
  11. Sending lots of prayers. Any new plants in the yard this year? Did you check the house for spiders? Any snakes?
  12. Sending lots of prayers! Quite a few vets underdose on tramadol. I hope he has the correct dose!
  13. April 24, 2008 With the fed taxes, a lull now. With the payroll taxes, not until Wednesday. Mizzy is doing great! Winslow: although supervisory skills look good on a resume, methinks you should be working on your own painting! The Greyhound Angel Network auction is only 3 weeks away! Can't wait to see you all Diane I don't think he's going to be painting today Glynis April 25, 2008 I was reading email to Winslow. I read your mail to him about the auction. Since he may be vacationing during the auction, he decided to get on it and paint one for his donation to GAN. As you can see, he was hard at work. His paintings aren't quite done. It was dinner time. Winslow knows, to the minute when dinner time is and there is no way he will work through it. Asking him to do that is just too risky. As it is, I strap a paint filled muzzle on a greyhound and release him in my house. Fortunately, he knows what to do with it. I don't want to anger him. He was a little messy today, but I think he had fun. Note the remains of dinner on his nose. He'll finish the paintings tonight or tomorrow. I am keeping a photo journal like last year. Glynis
  14. I replied in the other thread. Do you have perhaps a nest of spiders? Ants? Prickly bush he is sticking his nose in?
  15. You really have to look at everything you are using--new bed, new detergent, new food, new treat, etc. Dogs can have 1mg per # of body weight of benedryl twice a day. Sounds like you are really under on the dose. I agree about checking his teeth. Sending lots of prayers. I wouldn't let this go on too long
  16. Marilyn takes one of her seizure dogs for acupuncture. They did a special on holistic medicine in Houston back in 1999 (I think). The section on acupuncture was a dog that had many ER visits to treat seizures. He was doing very well.
  17. No. People on tick list are adament about not giving. I think there is a discussion going on now about vaccine induced lyme.
  18. Sending lots of prayers and scritches!
  19. You can't use pred if there are <some> other problems in the eyes (Solomon couldn't have them). Ask the vet if there are other preparations available. I know it's been a few years, but I think the bottle was around $40 for the cyclosporine drops.
  20. No. I've two on them and they did fine (SieSie and Solomon). I'd call and ask. Poor Monty!
  21. April 24, 2008 Hi Diane, How's everything? Are you finished with tax season? How's Mizzy? Here at Winslow's house, things are good. We are looking forward to your visit. Winslow went swimming today. Getting in shape is slow, but he's happy to swim and really likes seeing the horses again. He did 10 short laps in the pool and his weight is perfect so it was a good morning. I was setting up a still life this afternoon for a painting. On my website it states that I work under the supervision of Winslow. This is no joke. He doesn't think I can do any of this without him. I know he was tired from the swim, but he was right there, watching every move. Honestly, he checks everything I do! After he removed his nose from my still life, he plopped down right in front of it and went to sleep. I managed to get a couple of photos of the supervisor at work. See you Saturday! Glynis
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