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Everything posted by Nadine

  1. Ptetty normal Camp Greyhound behaviour... me thinks
  2. Fly free, gorgeous Georgie. We can't add more days to life but we can add more life to the days. And you lived the best of lives with all those strange greyhound wannabes and your wonderful parents
  3. Very good input in the other answers. I like to add a second thought, too. Afghan hounds are a very old breed. They are genetically very close to wolves which means that their genes are very old, very original dog. Approaching another dog nose to nose is very impolite. Staring at other dogs is also very impolite. Your dog with the oldest genetics met a fairly younger dog, one of those who often (due to their breeding) stare at others in the most impolite ways (in dog speech). This situation triggered something in his very old behaviourism. Afghans are wonderful dogs but you need to understand that they are not your average neighbourhood pooch ( plus oriental sighthound breeds are always guard dogs, too).
  4. Twice a day the tides change and the sea recedes so far that you can walk to the islands in front of the coast. The best place to let the dogs run and have fun.
  5. We are on holidays in the northern parts of Germany. I thought you guys might like some pics of our adventures. Our little holiday cottages sits in the middle of the moorlands, 20 minutes from the coast. Our little cottage, small space for people but a big fenced yard for the greyts Walkies in the moorland behind our home and a trip to the North Sea. Graves from the stone age. This is a very old area. When we got back to sea some days later, there was water where there was loads of space to run and play before. Who can say that there was a big ship where he was running and playing just days before?
  6. Irish tattoos are two letters in one ear and 3 in the other.
  7. You can always pm me if you need advice. And please let us know how it works for Nate.
  8. You would be surprised. I would have never thought that Mooney would learn to use his nose that fast.
  9. Mooney and I attended a seminar on mantrailing. He learns to track a specific person by his or her scent. I learn to trust him and his decisions. Here we are showing off our training efforts. Clever boy, Mooney
  10. Oh yes. I have stepped on it several times. It's the only one whose squeaker still works.
  11. Thanks to brewer's yeast tablets. Great for immune system, nerves, skin and hair.
  12. Just some images of my pack doing what hounds to best.... ...creating work for the vacuum.... and mum
  13. No chance. And I never participated in the christmas cwrd exchsnge and never will
  14. I'm safe on the other shore of the Atlantic, me hopes
  15. No. We don't have those. I don't think I could live with them.
  16. I always liked greyhounds but now I found an even better pet.... It's time to play the music. It's time time light the lights. It's time to meet The Muppets on The Muppet Show tonight.
  17. Come on over. Abu prefers to lie in the sand, too. Gelsey can join Saoirse and Mooney. These two are always running and playing.
  18. More like trying to find more carrots
  19. Actually it was her who started the hole. He just mimicked her.
  20. My little pack of 3 enjoying the warm weather. Spring is here...
  21. I know, Bendith is not a greyhound but here are him and my mum after succeeding in their sar exam on saturday. They are now a certified operational search and rescue team. Btw, my mum turned 72 in january. Sometimes age is just a number. I'm so very proud of her.
  22. This is where all of my greyhounds come from. Brigit works with our little adoption agency here in Germany. She chooses the dogs and keeps some of them in her home until they can board the transport. And I love this series. I hope you like it.
  23. They do watch those films. Some guy riding on an animal.... cow + boy = cowboy.... absolute logical
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