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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I wasn't able to check in earlier, wow, poor Wayne! I'm glad he's home and feeling better
  2. Remolacha

    Edna The Rat

    what an adorable little face I am so sorry!
  3. hope everything goes well tomorrow for Wayne! I know what you mean about not feeding everyone because one can't eat before surgery. I hate that part! I will be checking for updates.
  4. I've been reading Ranger's thread, but don't usually post. I just had to comment on the bunny story, though Glad that he is feeling so much better!
  5. :pinkele almost done Polli! I hope she bounces back quickly (since she has apparently been practicing her bouncing )
  6. I was always surprised at how long Sugar could go between "pees", and I have a dog door, so she could go out whenever she wanted! She often went from 6/7 p.m. to 6 a.m., her choice, so I wouldn't worry about that unless he starts showing physical symptoms. As for his behavior, it's probably post holiday letdown, I know I feel it He'll get back into his routine soon!
  7. Oh Cathie, I had no idea. I am so sorry beautiful, elegant Annie is gone
  8. I would still take her for acupuncture if you can. It will help her continue to heal and (I think) help to keep it from happening again. Isis
  9. I hope Soul is feeling better today and I hope you can eventually figure out what is triggering his upsets. It took me months with Fletcher's IBD to learn what would set him off, but he was never as sick as Soul was.
  10. Donna, I am sorry I didn't see this last night, but I will be thinking of Spencer today. You absolutely did have to do this, they can get all kinds of nasty from bad teeth! I know you can't help but worry, but when he is home, everything will be better
  11. I hope the meds can stop her pain, it sounds like that's the way to go if she doesn't have food issues, you could give her nice fatty snacks like ice cream, peanut butter, regular butter edited to add, please do keep us updated!
  12. Dallas, I hope its just gas! and for the poor boy who's lost his person
  13. Greg, I'm sorry I didn't see this until now. It sounds very much like what Sugar went though. It started in Sept a year ago, she came in one evening from playing in pain and could barely walk. I won't go through all the details (unless you want to hear ) but she ended up with a course of pred, which was repeated when she had a relapse, and Tramadol for her pain. What really helped was acupuncture. She started in late October, and by the end of the year, she was completely back to normal. Now, normal for her was an arthritic 12 yr old, but she could get around, up and down the steps, and even went for short walks. Her passing in July had nothing to do with her back end problems. Since Isis got "clean" x-rays, I would really encourage you to try acupuncture. It usually takes a few treatments to show improvement, but it works! I can give you the name and number of the vet I used, and I know Spencer's mom has someone else she uses.
  14. I hope its just something minor only suggestion I have is sometimes Fletcher will be restless and I give him a dose of Baby Gas-X. He doesn't like it, but it seems to settle him. I have it on hand in case of bloat. I hope you start to warm up soon! I can't even imagine brrrr
  15. I am glad she seems to be doing better, that she continues to improve with no bad side effects!
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