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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. yes, I think acupuncture will be a big help! his muscles must be sore and all out of whack (to use the technical medical term ). his, well, I can't say incision, you can't even tell it was there! The area looks wonderful!
  2. the medicines she's on should get her GI track and pop under control and help her pain. Has she been tested for Valley Fever? It can mimic OS. hope she starts to feel better soon!
  3. he's just, erm, an original! Glad he's feeling better!
  4. I am so sorry, she will always be with you in your heart
  5. I haven't been on GT much lately, but this deserves a big WOOO HOOO!!!!
  6. for your husband for Riley and for you!
  7. the curlers worked for me (eventually). I just wanted to add, Magic Eraser works great at cleaning up the blood spatter on the walls, cabinets, doors, and ceiling! I hope if CSI ever comes to my house, they can tell dog blood from human
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