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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Thanks everyone, lots of good info here! I talked to my vet again this morning, and she said she still felt ACE was the best choice for Fletcher. She had just come back from a vet conference where they discussed Valium, and how it is being reported, recently, as having unpredictable results in some cases. Still the best choice in many instances, obviously, but not fail safe by any means. At any rate, I am going to give him a half-dose tomorrow and see how he reacts, and we will go from there. I will let you know how he does! Storms don't seem to bother him much, BTW. We have tried Benadryl, Melatonin, DAP, Rescue Remedy, Canine Lullaby CD, t-shirt, TV & AC white noise, some other herbal thing that I forget the name of ... anyway, I hope this works!
  2. I don't like the idea of sedating him either, but it's the only thing I haven't tried. The reaction I am hoping for is sort of stoned , like he's laying on the couch and says "Whoa, dude, fireworks...whatever" My vet said give him one about an hour before the madness starts. I'm thinking I might give him one sometime next week, to see how he reacts (when the regular vet is open!)
  3. I know some people have used ACE, for fireworks, SA, other things, and I know there are people who have had problems with it and don't like it. Of course, I don't remember any specifics Fletcher gets more terrified of fireworks every year, and I have two big shows, one after the other, very close by on the 4th. I've tried all the non-drug and OTC stuff, nothing helps. So, I finally asked my vet for something, and she gave me ACE. She knows greyhounds, and has been Fletcher's vet for 5 yrs, but I'd still like some opinions/experiences. Thanks!
  4. OK Donna, this is what I have. I've not used either vet myself, but both come highly recommended from my raw food group, and they are a picky bunch Dr Karen Ivin (Lyons) Desert Mobile Vet, 480-497-6362. out of Gilbert, I have heard they are expensive, but worth it. Dr Betsy King, Power Rd Animal Hospital (Mesa). 480-641-4141; 602-291-4044 (cell). Not sure if she still does mobile, worth a call. Hope one of these works out! Spencer
  5. I am so sorry Spencer is poorly again! When Sugar's back end problems were bad (hers was degenerative spinal stuff) an Adequan shot really helped. Also, I know you have said acupuncture helps Spencer. There are a couple of mobile vets who acupuncture, so you don't have to take him into the dreaded vets . Let me know if you want their contact info!
  6. I am so sorry Soul is sick again! I think you should consider home cooked, it is more work, but you can tailor it to just what they need and can tolerate. Like Batmom said about Zema, I've never completely figured out what all of Fletcher's "triggers" are, but I never did find a commercial food he could eat. Good luck with whatever you decide!
  7. poor baby I hope she turns out to be one of the ones who makes a complete recovery!
  8. I am so sorry, he was a stunning boy!
  9. I don't have anything that hasn't already been suggested, just wanted to say what a stunning boy you have! Beautiful, and, it sounds like he will keep you on your toes Hope he heals quickly!
  10. I am sorry to hear of the setback! Does the vet think all these incidents/symptoms are related? I was just wondering if the swollen muzzle was something different? More regardless.
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