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Everything posted by greysandmollie

  1. Aimee... Sorry the trip isn't going to work out. We all were optomistic for you!! Hope with the med change you see improvement!
  2. Aimee....Go....you never know how much time you will have. And if the weather is pleasant I am sure Chancy will love it! You bought her that mini van and all!!
  3. WOW...sorry for your sudden loss.....
  4. Aimee... Sounds like good news overall!! She is a fighter....
  5. Lots of hugs!! Hope you have a peaceful night...
  6. Aimee...you poor thing!! Hope that Chancy has some more time left after some fluids!!
  7. Aimee... Just catching up with this.... Lots of hugs...it is so tough.....
  8. Wow...so young. I went through this with Rascal. We had good luck with chemo. What is the prognosis based on?
  9. Oh no Aimee.... Maybe a second biopsy?? I feel for you...how much do you put them through is such a difficult call.... for you and Chancy
  10. greysandmollie


    Beautiful tribute to a special hound... Rest Well Caesar...
  11. Rascal did this twice....the first time he stole the whole ear..in the husk...at two complete ears...those passed without too many problems. The next time he got a hold of three ears that were out of the husk but he really did have a hard time passing those. We were almost ready to move to the surgery but finally they moved but it took some time. I can't remember how long now. This was years ago.... Best wishes of a good outcome!!
  12. Oh Carolyn..how frustrating!! No advice....Bounty just broke his never took the time to dislocate them!! for all of you!!
  13. Shelby...that is terrible...in this heat especially! I am sure Deuce was happy to get home!
  14. I went thru lymphoma with my first grey, Rascal. I opted to go thru chemo. He was my first dog and the love of my life. Yes, there is a definate cost consideration. I worked with a local oncologist here in Cincinnati and we went thru three different drugs. Eventually each one would lose its effectiveness. The last one was kind of a hail Mary which had side effects. The first two didn't effect his quality of life at all. He was a little more tired the days he went thru treatment. But the treatment was just an IV port that allowed the to directly put the drugs into him. It was pretty quick and painless. The last drug basically drove his white cell count down too far and we ended up at the ER for a night of fluids and massive antibiotics. The vet thought it was time for euthansia then and I said no. He lived a total of 15 months from diagnosis and six months after we stopped treatment. I would do it all over in a heartbeat.
  15. for all of you!! I am so glad I got to meet him at BG!!
  16. Such a great tribute... Sorry for your loss.... for you
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