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Everything posted by 40MphMom

  1. Oh Ruby, sounds like your Mama got you to the right Doctor! We know you were a good girl while being poked and prodded. Low protein diet? Kidney issues? Keep informing us as Ruby gets better over time. We Love Ruby
  2. Congrats! Our girls could be cousins. Going to work is the hardest thing in the world. Thank goodness you come back home and have the weekends. Ah, she is just so pretty.
  3. We are doing the Happy Dance for all of you. Have a happy healing party and let your sweet girl get the rest she needs. We are sending you love and hugs
  4. Yay, Greyhound adult babies, what could be better? MurphysMom, hang in there and stay close to your beloved hound, she needs you more than ever. She trusts you, never forget that. We will keep you in our thoughts
  5. I thought my hound was the only one to do this. She has done it from the very first walk, and continues to do so. My girl broke her leg on the track racing, so we felt that was the problem.
  6. Oh my, she is lovely. Enjoy each other's company.
  7. Oh Brynn, you are so lovely. You are magic Enjoy your new life!
  8. We are sorry to hear your sad news. I am glad you know your girl so well, that you can make decisions that will be in her best interest.
  9. Welcome home Zander! There is no place like home, family and unconditional love. We are so happy for you
  10. Baby paw steps. Your boy gets it, he just needs practice. Good Dog.
  11. We are new to your forum, and wanted to wish you and Zander good days ahead. We send love, patience, and nose kisses.
  12. No, no, no, no! I am so sorry for you and your hounds. Although new to this breed of dog, we have made a conscious effort to educate people who approach us with, "Oh my, your dog is so skinny and starving!" Mackenzie has been a tireless educator for the breed standard for her kind. And we fear that someone will take her "health" into their own hands and make her very sick. Wishing your Houndies happy tummies.
  13. Down for the count, but not out of the game. What a lovely girll she is.
  14. Looks like Miss Fifi is the white one...already took the Queen Bed. Lol
  15. Congrats! Everyone wants to see Tallulah, especially MacKenzie!
  16. We are all sending you loving and positive thoughts. Remain Calm and Wait.
  17. Thank you. I appreciate this site and all the wonderful people and hounds here. You are from every corner of the planet! May your hounds be happy and safe this Holiday Season.
  18. Welcome! I am new here to. This is a great place for fun and facts. MacKenzie was very shy at first too. It took her a couple of weeks to get settled. Now she is quite the character.
  19. He is a cutie! Love his raincoat.
  20. The Emergency Vet is just 4 miles from my house! I love those folks, as they repaired MacKenzies knee and broken leg. You are in good hands and what a miracle that your sweet girl is doing better and has that fiesty attitude. Go Miss Doodles, you can do it!!!!!!!
  21. Dostacos, we live in Costa Mesa, right at the Back Bay Wetlands. Diamond Bar is just down the road. Your pup is very handsome.
  22. Thank you! We are quite smitten with her.
  23. Thank you so much for making all three of us feel quite welcome.
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