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Everything posted by Victor

  1. I second the recommendations to x-ray first. With our angel Lana we lost valuable treatment time because her limping was treated as a probable soft tissue injury first (it was in fact osteosarcoma). The initial signs of osteo can be subtle, especially because greys are so good at hiding pain. Tracker's age (8) is also when many greys are diagnosed with osteo. If Tracker is on Metacam for any length of time make sure the vet checks his kidney function with both blood tests AND urine tests. Our angel Duke had chronic kidney disease that wasn't detected by the blood tests. If the urinalysis shows any protein in the urine, ask that the urine protein creatinine (UPC) ratio be checked. I hope it's not osteo and that Tracker makes a quick recovery.
  2. Gilly says thank you for all the congrats! He's back to his normal self!
  3. Good news! We just "recovered" the last four nubs!
  4. Okay, here's an update for the curious! Gilly has had four bowel movements since swallowing the plastic toy pieces. (TMI, I know!) In the third (this afternoon) we were able to discern 7 of the nubs and some smaller pieces of plastic. I'm not sure what happened to the other 4 nubs. Maybe we may missed them in this morning's poop? In any case, we were relieved to see them passing through! Thanks for all your advice! Here's a photo of poor Gilly:
  5. Thanks, Batmom. We gave him dinner and he happily gobbled it up. So far he doesn't seem to be showing any ill effects. That's amazing that your Joseph had symptoms of blockage eight months later. Scary! I'm glad he recovered from the surgery okay. I hope Gilly doesn't have a similar experience, but it's good to know to keep an eye out. Thank you -- we'll make sure he keeps eliminating normally. So far so good. Pooped as usual tonight, and he hasn't vomited or seemed nauseous. No sign of the plastic pieces yet, but it's probably too soon... An entire washcloth?! Crazy! I'm glad it passed through okay on its own!
  6. Thanks, everyone! So would you withhold kibble and just feed a slice or two of bread? Or give him the bread and then feed him his kibble dinner as usual? p.s. The nubs are about 3/8" x 3/8". And Gilly is not getting any more plastic toys!
  7. Our boy Gilly chewed off and swallowed 11 of the nubs (and some of the surrounding plastic) on this toy this afternoon: http://www.amazon.com/Ethical-5-Inch-Vinyl-Squeaky-Colors/dp/B0002ARYES What do you think we should do? Should we take him to the e-vet to induce vomiting? Or wait and see if he vomits/poops the pieces out? On the one hand I'm worried about the risk of an obstruction, but on the other hand inducing vomiting isn't without risks either (choking, aspiration). Any advice?
  8. Thank you, Batmom and Ellen. I hope this can help someone else.
  9. The results from Duke's autopsy indicate the clot was most likely due to protein-losing nephropathy (PLN). From the report: No gross or histological lesions were identified indicating an acute hemorrhage; the widespread hemorrhages observed in multiple tissues are therefore most likely associated with decompensation arising from DIC [Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation]. The most likely cause of this is the diffuse chronic membranous glomerulopathy. Aside from the large portal venous thrombus, additional large organized thrombi were observed in the spleen, indicating not only a widespread but also a chronic process, consistent with the chronicity of the renal disease. Please always insist that your vet do a urinalysis along with routine blood work, as tbhounds suggested above. Duke hadn't had a urinalysis in quite some time, and it possibly could've saved his life.
  10. Sounds like anxiety with agoraphobia. I'd ask your vet about starting her on clomipramine. Just be sure to give it with food and build slowly to avoid stomach upset.
  11. EffieGrey, I'm so sorry to hear about Effie's diagnosis. I hope the appointment with the oncologist goes well. We'll be thinking of you and Effie. beetle_slayer, I hope you and your vet can get Barbie's pain under control. Do you have smooth floors? If so, it might be helpful to lay down some area carpets for her. We did that for our Lana and it helped a lot. Initially we didn't put down enough and she slipped, so then we put down area carpets everywhere. I'd be willing to bet our Target store had never sold so many area carpets all at once.
  12. I am so sorry you had to let Jackie go. Take care and try to be strong for Lola. She needs you more than ever now.
  13. Our greys LOVE the Spa Sensations 8" memory foam mattresses from Walmart: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Spa-Sensations-8-Memory-Foam-Mattress-Multiple-Sizes/12542630 They're a lot cheaper than memory foam dog beds, and in fact our greys prefer them to the L.L. Bean memory foam beds (we have those, too). If you have space, the full size seems to be perfect for greyhounds. We put the mattresses against the wall and prop up two body pillows from Target ($8 each). We cover the mattresses with full size fitted sheets, which are easy to wash. Right now the full size memory foam mattress is on sale at Walmart for $179 (it's normally $199). If you're pressed for space, the twin size is only $149. For comparison, the L.L. Bean extra-large therapeutic dog couch is $329, and it's not nearly as large as the full size memory foam mattress.
  14. Have you tried contacting your local greyhound rescue group? Maybe they could connect you with a vet who could help at a reduced fee? Did the vet do an abdominal ultrasound? Thinking of you and your boy.
  15. I would ask for a blood test, a urinalysis (to check for protein in the urine), and an abdominal ultrasound. Our boy Duke passed away on Tuesday due to a clot in his portal vein. The first sign was vomiting and the second was bloody diarrhea. Granted this could be GI only, but it could also indicate a blood clot or problems with the kidney, liver, pancreas, etc. Hugs for Peggy.
  16. I think you're right—urinalysis should be done more often. Looking through Duke's records, I see that his last urinalysis was in July 2011. Since that time his creatinine increased from 1.5 to 1.9 in July 2012 and and again 1.9 in February 2014. I wish I'd known to ask for a urinalysis then to see if his kidneys were losing protein. Do you know if there's a thread or page on GT that gives a list of routine tests to run, things to watch for, etc.? If not, I wonder if it'd be possible to create something like that? Thank you, robinw. I just wish I could have done more . Thank you, carronstar.
  17. Thanks, tbhounds. I'm so sorry you've had to go through this more than once. That is good to know about always doing a urinalysis with routine blood work. I will make sure that we do this with Joy. If they do find protein in the urine what is typically the next step?
  18. I hope Houston's surgery goes well. Give him extra hugs for us.
  19. Thank you, macoduck. I'm so sorry the vets weren't able to find anything wrong with your dogs when you knew something wasn't right. Our vet always says she wishes her patients could talk so they could tell her where they're not feeling good. I hope Duke's story can help.
  20. I'm so sorry for your loss. May you and your family find peace, too. Duke would've been very happy to know that you liked his rooing. Whenever we said "I love you" to him, he would respond back with a roo roo that sounded like "love you". I so wish I had recorded a video of him doing that.
  21. I didn't realize you also lost two close together, Charlies_Dad. I'm so sorry for your losses. Our hearts are truly in pieces. Thank you, Houndtime. I'm afraid you are right that some things are just out of our control. Thank you, MP_the4pack. That is good to hear.
  22. Thank you, LazyBlaze. That is so kind of you to say.
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