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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. Revived threads are good - means people are searching and not making up countless others! This is a good one. I voted minor and ongoing for both pups: 1. Kasey has allergies (which are minor NOW - but when going through the hoops of being diagnosed was major at the time), and now also has acid reflux. Ongoing treatment in the form of prednisone and acid controller (Pepcid, Slippery Elm etc.). 2. Ryder has off and on limping issues after hurting his leg which are under control (minor NOW). Ongoing treatment in the form of Green Lipped Mussel supplement added to food.
  2. I searched forever for this thread to cross-post on another forum. SO HANDY for owners....and new/old owners alike that just added another grey to their house. Could we get it stickied?
  3. Depending on how bad he's feeling he will accept treats. I know when he doesn't, he is having issues dealing with noise, because he is a very food motivated dog. He was very stressed years ago on our walks.....that was easily fixed much to my surprise with a long, full sensory overloaded walk. I was thinking if we are working in the garage to have him there with us when we are busy if there is room. Otherwise, have him at the door on leash with one of us while the other is busy and see how that goes over. The "immersion" technique is what I have been using to help with his sound issues. Is there anything else I should use at a time like this? If he's REALLY distressed I will go the med route, but I would like to avoid that as much as possible.
  4. OK. First the freezer and now working in the garage. I'm not sure what to make of this, but my Ryder is quickly becoming the biggest chicken. Because of the loud nature of an air compressor, we take the dogs out of the house on a walk before using it IN the house. We used it for putting trim down after we finished flooring last year - so I would take them for a walk while hubby used it. In general, the sound of an air compressor has always scared Ryder. When we first got him, he was scared of roofers and nailing shingles. It took a good few months for him to get over it, but yet to this day, he is startled of loud bangs - this is no secret. We do try to prevent bangs as much as possible in the house, but sheesh, some stuff just happens....a dish clanging too loudly, and yes I'm sorry but I DO have to open the freezer sometimes.... 2 weekends back now, on Friday before I was home, hubby was working in the garage with the air compressor and tools. Totally different sound - not the sound of a nailer, but of course the sound of the compressor itself could be heard. In the garage is not as loud as in the house, and Ryder just can't handle himself. On Saturday (again I wasn't home), hubby was working in the garage but hadn't yet fired up the compressor. NO NOISE WAS MADE - hubby was just in the garage working. Hubby found Ryder crunched between the couch and the wall as a safe place. So now he's anticipating us going into the garage and making noise. This past Saturday I was home and hubby was working in the garage (no compressor being used at all, no noises, just working in there) while I was in the house. I was able to witness Ryder start panting, and looking for somewhere to go. He was calm and not frantic. I opened the garage door and asked Ryder to come over, even hubby called to him while he was in the garage. He just paced, didn't come over to us. He eventually laid down on the carpet. I actually put a blanket down in the space between the couch and the wall (if you can't beat 'em, join 'em?) He went to the blanketed space. He did take a cookie from me at some point that day. Later in the day, hubby was going to use the compressor briefly, and we thought because I was home and BESIDE RYDER that Ryder would be ok. Nope, he started shaking, panting and sitting in that space. So we can't open the freezer and we can't work in the garage without him freaking. What's next? We can't just not do stuff....how do I get him to relax? Home was a safe place for him when the world outside was loud. Now his world inside is too loud for him too. He used to be so fearless, stuffing his head in every nook and cranny, bump into things that would send Kasey into a panicked scramble....
  5. IBD does not equal Satin Balls. Thank you! Now I know.
  6. What about Satin Balls? Satin Balls. I really have no idea (it's my best suggestion, but I have no idea) I hope everything turns out ok.
  7. Ryder has been taught not to touch Kasey's bowl until I say it's ok to do so. Kasey is very slow, and Ryder would get to Kasey's bowl the second he finished up on his, regardless of if Kasey was still finishing up or not. They both eat in the kitchen, with Kasey served first, followed by Ryder a few seconds later (since I have to walk a bit down the hall to serve him). Ryder always finishes first, and Kasey takes his time. Kasey pauses, licks, and used to walk away (but having Ryder as food motivator Kasey now sticks around and eat all his food - weird change from my never eating Kasey). To teach Ryder not to "pounce" I monitor him, and give him a command to wait. He cannot go near that bowl until I say so. This started with hold collar and command wait. Then it was eventually no collar holding and verbal only. If he would move forward I would simply put up my hand/arm or block with my leg so he couldn't move forward and I would say "wait". Now he simply waits until Kasey is done and out of the way and he approaches the bowl and I say OK and off he goes, happily licking what is left. Now we are at the point if I forget, Ryder actually paces the kitchen walking by Kasey's bowl and eyeing it and wondering "when will she tell me ok?". A command we were taught in obedience class was "Mine". If that's my food and he's not allowed to have it, (also handy to use if he accidently gets into something he shouldn't have), I immediately go over and claim it as "MINE". Loudly and authoritatively command MINE, put your hand over the object, and your body too if necessary. That is my bowl, you cannot have MY bowl. If you release your hand from over the bowl and he advances, again come in with MINE and repeat your motion. Eventually he should get that this is yours and not to touch it until you say - or ever if you don't want him licking up after Henry.
  8. We were taught to meet other dogs and people with the dogs on opposing sides. If I see someone walking their dog towards us, I put my dog on the opposite side of the dog that I am approaching. Ask to sit, greet the person and just let the dogs look at eachother (diagonally across) presuming that person handles their dog accordingly. I don't practice the sit, and generally people I meet just let the dog come up to Ryder anyway, but I always put myself in the position between the two dogs.
  9. You can walk around calling her "crispy air head" for a few days. Lol.
  10. Anyone else love her choice of nail color?
  11. 2 weeks is a short period of time - it is still quite an adjustment period for him. Also, don't expect him to give you eye contact. Eye contact is confrontational and challenging and a sign of dominance. While my 9 year old boy loves giving eye contact now, he did not dream of it for the first year we had him. Likewise for my younger Ryder....Ryder lacks a lot of confidence and although we've had him a couple years now, it's rare for us to make eye contact.
  12. I found taking Ryder to obedience school really helped him gain a little more confidence. It's a setting that the dog is normally not familiar with and provides sensory overload. By the end of the 6 week class there was a huge improvement in his behaviour (mine was super shy and the group of people and dogs was just overwhelming for him). It's nice to see it paying off for PK and Brandi!
  13. Yes. Even the vet thought that was a bit strange but every dog, just like people, react differently. He was soooooo relaxed the first night on pills I was worried he'd stop breathing. I remember checking on him in the middle of the night because he did not stir once. Cut it back to half and all was good. We used it to treat his vomiting in the middle of the night over a year ago and only had one instance since.
  14. My melatonin box says 1 strip (fast dissolving strips you put on your tongue) once a day and its 3 mg for humans. Why would a dose be higher for a grey? That doesnt make sense to me. Is pill form different strength? Its a natural reoccuring thing in your body that helps to regulate the time your body should sleep. Sometimes it takes a few nights of use to get the proper effect and put your body back into balance.
  15. I've used the pills/tabs quite successfully in Ryder. The vet said that they are quite familiar with giving cerenia to greyhounds, and told us the pill format is the best method. Poor pup. 1 pill for him though made him a complete zombie, had to cut the dosage and then he was ok visually and ok in his tummy too.
  16. Poor guy! Fingers crossed it isn't too serious and he makes a full recovery.
  17. Dewclaw pads here in this house. . And good job for keeping that nail so trim
  18. Ryder does that on our walks if we take it up to a brisk run usually because he's excited. I haven't yet fallen over him (knock on wood) but have been very close. He seems to enjoy the thrill of stopping sideways right in front of our legs. Lol the fact that Boomer whines when you fall over him is actually the funny part. Lol. Maybe he just wants more close up contact and lovin'? Ha!
  19. Sad to hear. I'm positive he earned his wings!
  20. Picture please for sure. Toes sound funny.....
  21. I swear they feel no pain. Speedy recovery!
  22. Ensure that you space out pepcid with meds. My vet recommended 2 hours between meds (in our case prednisone) and pepcid and his pepcid dose is 15mg per meal (meals here are twice a day). I've also noticed name brand Pepcid can be given 15 mins before food but some generic famotidine takes an hour to work :s. Something to do with how the coating breaks down. Pepcid certainly can't hurt if your pup seems to be uncomfortable. We actually can get away with giving pepcid once a day now that things have calmed down from a few weeks ago. Good luck. I will be moving towards using slippery elm to replace our pepcid use but have no comment on that since I have yet to try it.......that is an option to consider as well on your end I hope?
  23. There is a dog standing on 2 feet in the water watching the spectacle too!!! He was beautiful. He had an awesome 10 months.
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