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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. I let them sniff some stuff, and others I drag them along to stop. The problem I have with Kasey is he likes to LICK what he sniffs and it's so quick, and very hard to stop. It's a prime way for him to pick up leptospirosis from wildlife or from other pets for that matter.
  2. When Kasey would be fussy with kibble - we moved to free feeding, just leaving it out there and he would eat as much as he wanted, when he wanted. When THAT didn't work and he would barely eat, we would add fish oil to it. The sure fire way he would eat would be to mix rice. Honestly since switching to raw, he seems to have a bottomless pit, and I think that's a combination of having a second hound in the house...because if Kasey didn't eat his food, Ryder would and therefore no food anywhere for Kasey. Don't think he liked that very much!
  3. Kasey helped Ryder walk well (I'd like to think I had a hand in it too!) At times, I will admit Ryder is such a handful that it's difficult to walk both boys at the same time, especially at the beginning and especially when Ryder needs alone leash training - Iker will need some alone leash training, but not all of it should be just him. I like them to walk on the sidewalk and not go to the bathroom on people's lawns, so Kasey has learned this rather well and I put him on the side Ryder is not allowed to walk on so Kasey "steers" him away from that side of the sidewalk. He learned how to walk straight with Kasey's help. I would walk both boys evenly just a little bit ahead of me, because the sidewalk is only so wide - although I do practice one on each side now and again. He will not push up against Kasey and just go through him, Kasey walks right beside him like he should, so it is ideal for me. Having him as a calm greyhound really is a helpful aid and I'm sure Treasure will be happy to help. As far as pulling goes, Ryder still pulls, but not as much as before and it's constant work. In relation to your question, I worked on the pulling part of walking with him solo and with treats. When walking them as a pair I would keep treats handy, but would not reward as much, because I really was using Kasey for help. I also found that I did not have to correct Ryder as much with Kasey around, but most certainly you should be doing a combination of 1 and 2. Ryder is fearful of bangs on our walk, and the reality is, Kasey cannot help him with this. I have to. I don't think that Ryder has learned how to do things FROM Kasey, but by me using Kasey as an aid to help Ryder, absolutely. Have fun with Iker and Treasure - the next few days ahead will be stressful, but have fun with it as much as you can. I remember how badly I wanted to pull my hair on during the first month!
  4. I'm assuming that Advantex is a topical treatment? Can't imagine why else you would be worried about bathing. Valid question....look forward to hearing responses.
  5. Where does he sleep at night? If he's with you in your room, you could close the bedroom door and see what happens?
  6. My boys LOVE bread. One slice is usually substantial enough to tide Ryder over until morning so he doesn't have an empty tummy and therefore throws up bile in the morning. My pomeranian lived on it. I think that was the key to his longevity too!
  7. Hmmm, wouldn't charley horse happen after activity though? Although I have had muscle spasms in the middle of the night myself.....
  8. This has happened a couple times before over the years. Kasey will be resting or sleeping and all of a sudden does a quick "yelp" or little "screech" and gets up off this bed as fast as possible. No evidence of a limp or anything strange. He's up, "walks it off" so to speak and lays down, usually elsewhere from where he was. It happened twice this week, which is odd. Usually this happens once a year that I can recall and happens so quick without any ill effects that I often don't notice or even forget happened! I've always thought "oh maybe he got bit by a bug/spider" or something because thats how quick it happens. I check the bed and there is nothing there that I can tell. Thoughts? Does he get a pinched nerve? Was he dreaming, something bad maybe and got scared? Is it the first signs of something bad like seizures?
  9. Kasey had trouble as well when waking up after his dental. I asked for specifics and she told me his heart beat was irregular and had an arithmia (sp?). It apparently stopped for a few seconds than would beat a couple times quickly, than slowly, than not at all. You will need to know what it was so if he ever goes under again they are aware and can avoid the problem as much aspossible. After that scare, that's the last time Kasey goes in for dental.
  10. Oh my gosh, the poor pup. I can't believe it's still happening! Gentle scritches please...he so deserves them!
  11. I would say try to foster one. That will tell you if your hound tolerates other dogs well living in the same space. That's how we knew Kasey was a one dog only type. We thought years later that might have changed and that's when we got Ryder.....nope....still a one dog type. They don't NOT get along, but I do wish they got along better. I thought Ryder would be a good companion and friend to Kasey but he really could care less and I think Ryder would have liked to have a friend.
  12. Ryder LOVES to swim....Kasey hates it and sinks like a stone. Some might love it and some might hate it and panic.
  13. UGH. I remember Kasey finding and eating a dead bird within seconds of me noticing the beak being swallowed!! Nothing happened to him...but I'd imagine he felt rotten while it was being digested.
  14. Oh my. I have a question - it looks a bit like fungus - is it hard? For some reason I'm thinking the houndie has been standing in his own "stuff" for a while.....just wondering how clean his space was while living there.
  15. The cold weather I find bothers Ryder's joints more than warmer weather does. He hurt his back leg a couple years ago (nothing broken, x-rays were clear) but I notice he limps now and again and more often than not when the weather is cooler.


    Sounds like he was a lovely houndie. Keep those memories close.
  17. Sorry to hear this news. That story made me teary eyed. Hugs to you.
  18. This thread makes Ryder's fear of the freezer door opening, sound from the garage when working in there, loud bangs from nowhere and roofers with nailguns like childsplay. What you folks do for your spook pups is something awesome and I pray Ryder never progresses into one.
  19. Awh, looks like a cutie to me!
  20. Yup, same here. We cut back 1 cup of kibble a day for Ryder (he gets fed twice a day, so only missing half a cup a meal wasn't the be all end all for him) when he was getting a little solid. We were able to see the bit of one rib again in a month. We did not increase his activity during this time either....continued with the same routine. He was allowed to enjoy all the cookies and veggies he wanted! Perhaps eliminating this would have helped, and more walks would have sped the weight loss up, but that's just not fair! What didn't help was that his stomach likes to be full, and I didn't like cleaning up bile in the middle of the night. We got around this eventually, but I know how hard it is to cut food back on a food motivated houndie. He has since trimmed up again but I'm not too concerned....he looks pretty good and isn't overweight. Mind you we are feeding raw again for the past couple months, so we'll have to trim that back and I'm sure his body will respond to the cut back just like before. Cutting back the food should be enough, just give it some time - for Ryder it was one month of diligent food reduction.
  21. I see earplugs in your future!
  22. I didn't see the previous thread, however based on the above, I agree with JohnF. If you have ruled out having to go to the bathroom, for a pee or poop or a runny #2 - I would start ignoring the whining. I don't know if he's crated or not but that might help. Kasey got into wanting to go out in the middle of the night a few years ago. Turns out that was his best time to go out and eat poop. Of course, "it's a dark backyard no one can see me." We started bringing a flashlight out there to see what he was up to because he wouldn't come when called. Hubby went out to go grab him and slipped on the deck when on some wet leaves. END OF STORY. Sending Kasey out there in the middle of the night wasn't worth risking human injury for us, and poop eating was trying to be curbed as it was. We ignored him and in a couple nights he gave up asking to go out. Could he be cold at night? Try a blankie/pj's. Did he have a wonderful bedtime snack? A piece of bread before bed might do the trick if he's hungry. Full bathroom break before bedtime too. After all of the above and if there really is no reason for him to want to go out - perhaps now it's habit for him to cry at 2am - try ignoring and be strong.
  23. You could try running and see if he gives chase. Toy in hand would be good too!
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