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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. I am going to note head shaking. Started 2 weeks ago very very slightly and occassionally, he did it again tonight when given his bedtime cookie. Oh I plan to have the harness on and to help him tomorrow morning. I'm quite fearful for what the sun may bring. I have absolutely no choice but to go to work tomorrow for a critical meeting and I have a quiz in class at night. Please pray he'll be ok tomorrow until I can get more gaba to see if it really is helping him. I really don't want him to try to walk around too much on his own if he just can't and I won't be there to restrain him. Hopefully he'll be smart to just hunker down for the day on one bed while I'm gone if he's in bad shape. His left front (same as last week) and I think it's left rear but not 100% because it happened so fast. If that's correct, it was the same left rear paw that was "lazy" in August. Do things like this tend to happen on the same side? Can they do any kind of blood test?
  2. He kinda tripped today when just standing, kinda kicked his back foot. Hesitating again at stairs but went up them ok. He's jumped up on my bed and into the car fine today and has been walking up the stairs unaided since Friday. I ran out of gaba so he hasnt had a proper dose since Sat night and I've noticed since then he's acting funny. I will see how tomorrow goes. By removing him off gaba and if he stumbles, have we confirmed it is likely neurological? The fact that 2 limbs seem to be affected too?
  3. I'm so sad for you, this happened so fast. You are so brave to not have him suffer longer than he needed to. He was so loved....
  4. Sounds like cheeseburgers are in order and perhaps some lovely ground meat from the butcher. I'm sorry you are going through this with Fenway. As you said, make him comfortable and make these his BEST days. If he's able, do some of his favourite things together.
  5. I've booked the grey savvy vet for Ryder, the same one I used for Kasey during his cancer treatment. I need more information and a second opinion which is why I'm going to him. He also consults with Dr. Couto as necessary. He's quite a busy man, therefore we've got to wait 3 weeks to see him (I knew this even before I called). If he suggests an MRI or CT there will probably be an additional wait to get that. Maybe he can refer me to the vet school for something further, I really don't know where this is going to go. At least I'll have time to save up, as rumour has it, imaging is about $2K. I just want to get the scan that's right and will get what we need, and not have to do this twice. Although I'm still on the fence about getting imaging done period. I need a more conclusive diagnosis before going further. If we think it's muscular it's a CT and if it's neurological it's an MRI? Will one type do both? Meanwhile, what do I do in the meantime? I did book another Chiro appt, so at this point I'm going to go weekly, but she even admitted that perhaps doing so won't really get him anywhere. With that in mind, do I go to his regular vet and ask for more meds? Finish the course of meds I have and wait to see his improvement before something strikes again? He has improved this week and can just about go up the stairs unaided (although he does hesitate worried that he'll fall) but he's going down the stairs unaided. I have my hand on the harness ready to pull up if necessary when he goes up the stairs. I will allow him on the couch and bed starting tonight after work and see how he does now that he's been restricted for jumping over the past week and seems to be acting better. It helps that chiro confirmed she cannot feel any sort of disk issue or anything major with his joints or spine alignment. This whole thing is just getting more puzzling.
  6. Chiropractor said neurological. No real reaction to any of her manipulations and she said for the most part he's actually not in bad shape, not many adjustments needed. His muscles in neck and shoulder feel normal. Where do I go from here?
  7. Called to ask and she said yes to give. i'm hoping after tonight I can stop assisting him so much He can almost do the stairs up on his own, but hesitates big time because of previous fall experience. Positive thoughts!
  8. We're going to chiro in an hour. I wonder if I should give him his dose of robax and gaba before we go or not. Mainly I wonder if his muscles will be tight before we go she can better find the issues, although perhaps if they are "loose" we'd get better results? Last dose was at 7am so he's due.
  9. Sometimes they have difficulty "signalling" that they have to go. Keep in mind they did everything that humans told them to do and when, i.e. they were let out of their crates to eliminate at routine times at the track, so they never had to say when they had to go, they just went when they were told to do so. Ryder also never signalled when he had to go. I had to learn that his pacing around the house was a sign. There was no other indicator. Kasey on the other hand stood by the door. Of course naturally, have the dog eliminate before coming in the house, watch when he drinks water and for how long. For instance, I know if Ryder has a big slug of water, I should know that in about an hour he should go out. I do this to make sure he won't pee in doors, and I'll do it because I'd rather be safe than sorry! Take him out regularly and routinely. Routine really is the key. SOme also have hard time developing that "bladder of steel". He might just be one of those dogs that can't or won't hold it. You mention he's a tripod....is he on any other meds right now that would increase thirst or other symptoms like that?
  10. Yeah, we tried for a good solid 3 months, both Kasey and Ry didn't budge, even for high value treats. I think the ramp I have (it's telescoping) it's just not something they are comfortable around. Of course it's an amazing paperweight, but the benefits would have been to simply ramp it up for easier access into a car, but nope.....he nor Kasey could handle it just being flat on the ground. I also live in a condo community where a ramp cannot be left out, so I'd be dragging it into and out of the house after each use, which will end up putting me in the chiro chair eventually!
  11. Thanks for the details. I have a help me harness which is what i'm using. He refuses to learn a ramp i bought for kasey which is collecting dust in my basement. I was quoted an mri for Kasey at $1800 a year ago and we knew where to look (for LS). Taking it day by day. At least he's happy and eating!
  12. Thanks, i thought they were different. Likely a full body CT? Is there any other type? I don't want them to focus for example on the left shoulder when this could also be emenating from a right hind for example. He went down the stairs fine (only 2 steps to the porch) and walked 15 mins and was very happy. He (and I thought) stairs up wouldnt be an issue but nope. Big fall. now he has a scrape on his inner back leg. Looks like i'll be hoisting him up and down stairs like luggage for the next week whether he thinks he can do it or not.
  13. You can try to put in Natural Tears to help (over the counter, the best stuff to use - don't use anything else like Visine, etc.) My guys got them when their eyes were dry....just needed a little help. It's not something I regularly use, just when they need a little extra umph. Dirt easily gets in there.... You don't want to put ANY steroid med in the eye without first knowing what's going on. You could make a problem worse. Natural Tears is innocuous.
  14. Yes indeed, I'm at the point of thinking of escalating the issue. Is CT different than MRI? There is a vet university that I might be able to get referred to (went there for Kasey for allergy diagnosis and they really are fabulous).....but I don't even know what I'd be getting myself into with this limping problem. We have a chiro appt set for Thursday evening, and she has miracle hands. I just have a very hard time upkeeping the routine. Will keep you all updated. He's had improvement today, but still not 100%. At least today he's more weight bearing and can climb the pair of stairs into the house on his own power. I have restricted his use of the couch or my bed for today while I'm at work. It's not the getting up I'm concerned with (let him face plant into pillows is ok) it's the dismount that is not good for him.
  15. He had xrays in Feb and they really had nothing to show, but I'll see what she says when I get an appt. This will be a new assessment because this is a completely different issue than his previous limping episodes. Just at a loss right now. He has had ZERO improvement today. It has never taken him longer than 4 days to get over his limping issue from over exertion. We'll see what the week brings.
  16. Thanks for this. I have looked into massage but there is no one close by that will do this. I was lucky to find a mobile chiro but they charge double the one that we already go to. I want to learn how to do it myself actually, but again the classes are not close by. Will keep you guys posted. Nice to know there doesnt seem to be long term effects with robax.
  17. He has had an ongoing limp issue since he was 2, and we just can't figure it out. I've narrowed it down to tense muscles and that is why he's on metho. He limps heavily after exertion although he limps with the same severity after 4 hours of standing around on a rubber floor at pupcare. Chiro helps immensely but I don't have the time to dedicate driving a hour round trip twice a week so i'm hoping meds can help. Xrays are always clear. No joint issues. They suspected a small potential issue on his shoulder (tendosinovitis - something like that) in Feb. We're trying gaba as a precaution until I can get to a chiro app in case he indeed has a pinched nerve.
  18. Back from the vet with what I thought might have been a pinched nerve. That was dismissed and Ryder is also fine neurologically. He's on 625 mg methocarbomol and 200mg gabapenin (both doses twice a day) for the next bit to see if he improves and I'm going to get the first chiro appt I can. Again suggested xrays of his shoulders, but he just had them 3 months ago. Do I push for a radiologist or something? This in my opinion was way more than a limp this time, and he's not bearing his full weight. In the meantime, what are the affects of long term use of methocarbomol? Any effects combining metho and gaba for long periods of time? Alternatively she mentioned using Tramadol instead if this doesnt work.
  19. This is front left today. Appt at 1130. I videoed what i could. Will go for a walk if we can so he can eliminate.
  20. Did it again this morning. More pronounced. Trying to get a vet appt.
  21. Hit the nail on the head with that one! Ryder gets some kibble when he plays with his kibble ball or other mind stimulating games or as a reward for training. I don't feed it as a meal any more though.
  22. Agreed. One meal raw, one meal kibble. Don't mix.
  23. In my experience, if you are switching to raw just go cold turkey.
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