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Posts posted by mychip1

  1. Platelet recheck today....was 107,000 five weeks ago. Today's hand count showed a range of 65 to 85 k. I am not sure why the range this time,but I am concerned about the drop. The vet who counted it is not the vet who has been working with this. That doc will call me tomorrow....but to ossified you put there, would this fluctuation dog concern? This all started from a machine count in the 40's and two days later a hand count up at 107... And now this.

  2. My JJ has a high prey drive.....we avoid little dogs.....but don't let it make you think any differently of her.....just because they have that drive in them, doesn't take away from the big ball of love that they are I other situations.....my JJ is the most happy go lucky guy...but I would fear what he could do to a small dog if things kicked in with one loose with him....

  3. When Dustin's belly flares up, the sucralfate and flagyl help. We do have him on daily Pepcid.....we have not diagnosed Dustin's flare ups as anything specific as I don't want to put him under to test when treatments are similar regardless. We are noticing a seasonal pattern. Flare ups during August thru October.....assuming allergy triggered.

  4. OK....so we had held off on surgery for a lump (which incidentally went away) because JJ's blood counts were off....


    four weeks ago... Platelets 49K Creatinine 1.9 Lipase 3900


    Recheck today - PLatelets 41K Creatinine 2.0 Lipase 2665


    After the tests four weeks ago, he went on an iron supplement for two weeks and went on a lower protein, low-fat diet.


    He is in thyroid meds, and was on metrondionzole (after eating Daddy's leather wallet), but they do not believe there is a connection.


    His red blood count is in within range....on the higher side of the range (8.4), but still within where it should be. All other counts on CBC are fine except the platelets.


    They are sending me tomorrow for a hand-counted platelet slide.


    Any thoughts?????

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