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Posts posted by mychip1

  1. Hope Dustin is feeling better...and that your heart rate has slowed down too! Scarey moments for our wonderful hounds are as hard on us as them...



    :( I can't imagine how scary that must have been for you! Every time something happens to one of our greys, I feel horrible...like they are my own kids!


    Let's just say, I need to take some of his pepcid this week!

  2. I had read your post the other day....and I am so thankful that I did.....(Though I wished I had kept following and watched the heimlich video).....

    Last night, I gave Dustin a treat and he went off to eat it. About three or four minutes later, I went to look for him and he was doing what you described with rubbing away at his gums with his paws. He did very little wretching, so had I not read your post, I might not have been as quick to realize what was happening. I tried reaching down his throat and couldn't find the biscuit....by this point, his paws had a few cuts from his teeth and his gums were bleeding from his claws. I just started making him move and banging on his chest until without any sound, there was the treat sitting on the floor.

    Like Larry, he seems no worse for the wear, though I am suspect he has a bit of a sore throat this morning as he is hesitant about his dry food.


    So....while I am so sorry you had to go through what you did, I am so thankful that you posted, because I might not have moved to action so quickly if I had not read your post.

  3. He ate some of the dry food, albeit very slowly, but seems fine with the wet and his chicken. Thankfully, that means (I hope) that he didn't stress himself enough to trigger a belly flare up. However, I do think he has a sore throat given how hesitant he was to eat the dry. I always put a little water in it; I think for a few days, I'll let it sit and soften in that water.

  4. Our EZ has horrible teeth and has never let us near him to work on them. No treats have really worked including the dental sticks, etc. Unfortunately dentals were the only option until recently when he just got beyond an age where we wanted to take the chance.


    That being said, I agree that if they are really bad, he may need a dental to get them on track....Some people have had some luck, though, with "awake" procedures picking off the tarter if it isn't too fused on. Might be worth chatting with your vet about that.


    We have tried the petzlife. Some people have said it works wonders, but I must admit that we weren't consistent because even that stressed him out.


    I can't believe he doesn't like any of the things you have offered him....(except Fruitcake)....

  5. Just saw a simiilar post a few dayss ago....Dustin just choked on a biscuit. Pawed at his face and gums until paws and gums were bleeding. Whole piece finally came out....he is panting a litttle but seems otherwose fine. Has had a little water. Any advice on what to watch for?

  6. My Dustin has belly issues...and one of the things that triggers problems is an empty stomach. So, they eat four small meals a day....quite a challenge w/a work schedule - but he absolutely has to have the late night one or we will have trouble.


    And he is on the same dose of pepcid as your baby!

  7. Thanks, All....


    Here is the update. I took him to the vet on Friday morning. She bent down to look at it (without so much as touching him anywhere), and he screamed, danced, cried, etc.!!!!


    She said that to stitch it, she would have to widen it significantly to grab any real skin....the issue of him messing with it would still exist.


    She gave me some spray to kill dead tissue. I sprayed him before work....the only downside was that it seems that when the dead tissue falls off, it tugs on the good stuff....and he had a major bleed (more than when it happened) on Friday night. I got it to stop and kept him from reopening it over night and it looked better yesterday. He seems good when I am out and he is muzzled, but if not, and he licks it just slightly, all hell breaks loose again...and that's what happened last night! Another bleed. (I have stopped the spray because it does look clean.) He was good overnight and it looked good again the morning. The top of it looks like it is healing. So....I will watch him like a hawk...I'm hoping with two nights in a row, the pieces tht are hanging will "seal."


    He is on antibiotics. And, I have ordered four-legged pj's! Juliemac! Thanks for the reminder about the heat!!!! I hadn't htought of that, and we keep the house warm. Since Dustin is always on a bed, he should be alright with a lower temperature too with all the blankets he wants.

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