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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. Thunder started on zonisamide but it did not control his seizures. Now he's on 250mg of zonisamide and 100mg of phenobarb
  2. He got the 25 staples out today. It healed fantastically. He needs another liver check in a few weeks but otherwise, he does not need to go back He's eating great. I'm feeding him raw and he's loving it.
  3. I highly doubt he will be taking out the staples but yeah I will watch the tech and make sure none are missed. Some of them are pretty buried already I've had Lucky 4 years and he's NEVER gotten on the couch. Last night while watching SNL xmas special, I patted the couch and he hopped up and snuggled next to me. I was shocked.
  4. Damn. All of the hot specialist doctors we see out here are already married. I say go for it! Did you get blood work results yet? Yep and bilirubin is going down. It's 1.6 so still high but he is not worried. I can go to my reg vet to remove staples on Tuesday but of course I'm going to hot vet and pay triple I found him on FB When I got off the phone with the vet, I asked my co-worker if I was obvious. She said just a little I don't care. I'm so happy, I would dance around the office if my ankle would allow.
  5. What was her mass? Blood clot. Imagine my horror as they were telling me I wanted there to be a softball sized blood clot inside my dog (pre-surgery). The other "good" option was a fatty tumor, that one, at least I understood. The morning the surgeon called to say "Benign" I was so happy I burst into tears and proposed to the poor man. Then I hung up and bawled my eyes out. It did note in her very detailed file that I should watch for PLN in her future which is why I was really watching her blood test this summer. We picked it up before any symptoms so were able to start treatment pretty early. I actually switched her over to a kidney diet and some of the suggested supplements immediately after the surgery figuring that it couldn't hurt. Kisses to Lucky! . I know that horror feeling. I went into for Lucky's annual last Tuesday and mentioned he was marking in the house. Vet said male dogs don't usually get UTI's so she said to do a urinary track ultra sound. 2 days (Thurs) later we did that and the vet saw a mass on his spleen. I started bawling right then. The vet started telling me stats but I knew it wasn't going to be good. The following day his looked bloated and his gums were white. I called the vet and he said to get him in ASAP. I rushed him there and he used a syringe on his belly and it was all blood. I started bawling again. He said he needed surgery right away. He called the e-vet, got the est 3500-4700 and told me to get him there. I had to quickly decide if I should do surgery knowing he might not make it and if he did, he might only live a few weeks. I asked for a chest xray. While I waited, I decided to let Lucky go. The odds were not in his favor. When the vet came back with the chest xray, he said they were clear. I was still crying so bawled even harder. I had been ready to let him go that minute so now I had to rush him to the evet. Everything after that is a blur. Couple of my friends and my mom came and sat at the evet with me while we waited for surgery. I got there at 5:15 and he was in surgery by 7:15 and done by 8. I was sitting with him in ICU recovery by 9pm. I have honestly cried more in the last week than the last year. I should be all dried up Oh and I'm totally in love with the surgeon. I just talked to him and asked him if he was married. He's NOT.
  6. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/293144-luckys-mass-was-a-fibrohistiocytic-nodule/
  7. update post 46 ==================== I got the path report when I got to work this morning. The mass was a fibrohistiocytic nodule, grade 2. Prognoisis: favorable. So I googled it: By definition, fibrohistiocytic nodules are not malignant cancers, but rather describe a spectrum of abnormal lymphoid cell growth (proliferation), either with or without fibrohistiocytic cells. grade II nodules are called "benign fibrous histiocytoma" and the best part: If the diagnosis of grade II fibrohistiocytic nodule is confirmed, then further treatment is generally not necessary This morning he ate a HUGE bowl of meat- ground turkey, tripe and lamb. It was the most he'd eaten at once in a week. He had more bloodwork done last night to recheck his liver values. Those results should be back today. I'm still in shock that he's alive. Thank you again for all the prayers. I celebrated with a glass of chocolate wine last night (sorry, I don't have a red wine glass ) This year has been a roller coaster of emotions (my grandma died). I have to much to be thankful for. I'm so grateful that I have a job that allows me to rush out to tend to my dogs and co-workers who are animal lovers. I was thinking last night, if this had happened when I was laid off a few years ago, there's no way I could have afforded the $6k it cost to save Lucky. I would have still done everything but no idea how I would have paid for it. I'm so glad that I'm in a position now that money isn't an issue. And most of all, I'm so thankful for my friends who have been here for me the last week. And everyone here on GT who prayed for him.
  8. Thanks Hilda. I can't tell you how many times I've thought over the last 9 years that I wish we lived closer (and Cynde too). I'm drinking a glass of chocolate red wine (in a white wine glass ) and totally enjoying it.
  9. I feel horrible that I'm joyful when you are so sad about Truman. I'm so sorry
  10. I just called to get the path report. Dr Kellogg wants to see it.
  11. I could use that hug right now. I'm the only one at work.
  12. The e-vet called with the biopsy results. This is how it went me: hello? vet: how are you? me: fine vet: how's Lucky doing? me: it is cancer? vet: *laughs* vet: it's not cancer me: *screaming* WHAT?? vet: it's not cancer me: *crying* He said it's some fibro something or other. I was outside cleaning the yard when he called so I didn't have anything to write it down on. Plus I was crying so hard. He explained it to me but again the crying got in the way. He did say that with this whatever it's called, they give dogs 1 year but he said that is usually in 12+ year old dogs. Lucky is 6 so it should be longer than a year. I asked what about his liver? He said it's fine, nothing on the biopsy. I asked why his bilirubin was so high if there's nothing wrong with his liver. He said it's probably from the rimadyl which had been stopped after the first second day. He likes to use it right after surgery because it's injectable. I do have a vet appt tonight to get his bilirubin checked. I am supposed to call the e-vet back tomorrow with results and we can talk about treatment. I couldn't stop crying. I'm glad I was home when he called. I rushed inside to hug Lucky and kiss him. He just wagged his tail, happy with the attention. Thank you for all the prayers. I just can't believe it's not HSA.
  13. Thank you Dr Kellogg at OSU has been very helpful with info. I would email her if you have not already.
  14. He's hanging in there. We go to check his bilirubin tonight. He has malignant hyperthermia so the vet visit concerns me.I'm waiting for the biopsy results but in my gut, I know it's HSA.
  15. They don't list the value for bilirubin on any of the pages that I've checked. Lucky's is very high 5.4. I don't think there is a reference on GT.
  16. He did great last night. We all slept in the living room which was not fun. I had 2-3 hounds keep trying to get on the couch with me I got him to eat a few bites of food last night which I just now found he had thrown up outside last night. I couldn't get him to eat this morning so I went and picked up baby food, hamburger and mashed potatoes. I almost took him back to the e-vet. His gums were white this morning. I went back home at 11am to check on him and bring him to the vet but his gums were pinkish. I think I gave his meds later than he was getting at the vet. I got him to eat 5 chunks of raw hamburger. He wouldn't eat the baby food. I have to run home again at 1:30 for his next dose of meds.
  17. We are home. I got him in the house and had him lay on a dog bed in the kitchen while I let the other pups outside. Then I tried to get him to eat, nada Now we are all hanging out in the livingroom. I'm beat and could go to sleep already. I get to sleep on the couch for 2 weeks until he can do stairs again. No biggie. I did it for 6 months when Sparks wasn't doing well at the end. Incision The drive home
  18. Lori, Brian and Emma, I'm so sorry for your loss. Truman was an awesome pup. I loved hearing stories about what his latest thing he did in the kitchen I know you will miss him like crazy and there's a huge hole in your heart.
  19. He has been throwing up since Thursday so asprin might upset his tummy more.
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