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Everything posted by Pippin

  1. So if you have 12 themes, we could submit 12 photos, THIS TIME ONLY. Did I read that right?
  2. Let us know if there's anything we can do to help. Do y'all have enough $$ in the kitty for this project? ***heads off to gallery to save pics***
  3. Tracey, that may be one of hte best tributes I've ever read... Big hugs to you, and tears for your sweet Cosmo. Run free, sweetie, with all 4 legs again.
  4. such a handsome hound.... Remember, grief takes however long it takes...
  5. My group has spayed several 10yr old retired broods, and I don't know that we ever had a problem with it. We've neutered 10yr old males, too. I would think it depends on how the bloodwork looks, more than the dog's age, wouldn't it?
  6. That is a very important point! I've said how many times: they stay as long as they need to, not as long as we want them to. Diane's right. And you DID keep him forever, and you DID love him. And he knew it. That's the gift we give them, and unfortunately, we pay for that gift with heartache. I am so very sorry for your losses...that's way too much in too short of a time. :
  7. Dear, dear, Sage.... Your Callie-girl could not have had a better home for her last months. My tears join yours, but I know that you'll be reunited someday. gentle hugs, Mary
  8. I remember when she came home to you -- such a wonderful day, wasn't it?
  9. shamelessly stolen from Lexi's thread... "When you look up at the sky at night, since I'll be living on one of them, since I'll be laughing on one of them, for you, it'll be as if all the stars are laughing. You'll have stars that can laugh! "And when you're consoled (everyone is eventually consoled), you'll be glad you've known me. You'll always be my friend. You'll feel like laughing with me. And you'll open your windows sometimes just for the fun of it... And your friends will be amazed to see you laughing while you're looking up at the sky. Then you'll tell them, 'Yes, it's the stars. They always make me laugh!" While I take the time to honor her memory, and while the honoring of her memory brings tears, I'm not sad. I had the perfect first greyhound, and I had her in my life for 4 1/2 years. That's twice as long as some say it should have been, depending on how long you think their lifespan is (I say 12-14, others say 10-12). The tears indicate the depth of my love. The heart-pain is healed, and has been for awhile. Thinking of her brings fond smiles, not pain.
  10. Godspeed, Lexi. And St. Exupery's right -- there will come a day when your mama will look at the stars and laugh, because you're there laughing with her. *sniffle*
  11. A New Star in the Heavens... 8/29/07 And the one-year remembrance the Angie video these thoughts aren't new and original, but they're still true. From my tribute post last year... And the first words that I found to express my loss, 2 days after she left.... You're still the best greyhound friend a gal could ever have, little girl. Thanks so much for choosing me.
  12. Oh, Tracey....I just read the latest update, and I'm sooooo sorry. We know in our hearts when it's the right thing to do. Knowing it's right doesn't make it any easier. Hang in there, and give the lovely girl some ear-scritches for me.
  13. MoMo, you're HOME!!!!!!!!! Enjoy your new life, little girl - you're gonna love it!
  14. Auntie Mary, you are no help. I really do understand, though - Miss Zoe does it to me all the time. Sometimes with her tummy, sometimes with her leg/feet
  15. Deer Mommy, You want to no whut I did to myselves? I hurted myselves. Lub & licks, Jake Janet, I hope he gets all better soon, and stops giving you gray hairs.
  16. Marion, My heart sank when I saw the thread title - Not Ivy! I am so very sorry for your loss. gentle hugs to you. Run free, sweet Ivy - all your limbs work perfectly at the bridge.
  17. Oh, Tom - I am SO sorry. Run free, Jed. Find Ember and share stories about your wonderful dad, and send him a sign so he knows you're ok. f_yellow
  18. Pippin

    My Aunt

    Good on you for taking care of yourself. That's an important part of the process. Unfortunately, it sounds like a lawyer is needed. Again, I am so very sorry.
  19. Pippin

    My Aunt

    I am so very sorry for your loss -- I have an Aunt Ruth, and she's my most favorite aunt in the whole wide world. I'll be praying peace and comfort for your family.
  20. Pippin

    Aang & Traveler

    Run free, little fella....
  21. Pippin

    Rip Ears

    Run free, little guy... keep your eyes open at the bridge - Mama Loca will show you how to have a wild good time, and Mama Angie will keep you out of trouble.
  22. Pippin

    The Legacy

    what she said
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