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Everything posted by EllenEveBaz

  1. Chase is a smart cookie -- he knew that since he backslid on the car jump, he had to do something special with the stairs to remind you of his need for special care. Best of luck with the Holter monitor.
  2. Sending all my sympathy and adding a few ideas to the many wonderful ones earlier: One of my dogs, too, had his heart continue beating intermittently. The vet gave him another shot of the euthanasia agent, and then Bazzy simply finished slipping away. I have always chosen to think of it as something almost endearing, yet more evidence of his big, strong heart. Practical things: Lay in supplies of tissues. Get the financial stuff figured out ahead of time, so you don't even have to think about it on Friday. If you haven't already, you might want to call or e-mail your adoption group to let them know you may be emotional when you pick up your foster on Saturday. One of the hardest things for me is telling people. If you want, let some of your friends know by e-mail and ask them to spread the word for you. Grief is as unique as the loved one we mourn. Act as you think best, not as what you think other people expect. Give both your hounds hugs from us.
  3. Sending all our sympathies. I'm so sorry.
  4. Sending healing vibes to Strider and family
  5. Kidneys looking better sounds greyt. Jaynie, once you go home you'll have some tummy-rubbing slaves at your command.
  6. Terrific news! Congreytulations to Jaynie and her whole team. Keep on getting better, Jaynie!
  7. Sending Low white blood cell count -- Is Jaynie's count low for a greyhound? Greys have lower WBCs than other dogs. Most dogs -- 5.5 - 16.90 K/muL (sorry, can't do medical symbols); greyhounds normal range 2.0-6.0 K/muL. Low platelets -- recently one of my dogs was tested with a 35k (compared to Jaynie's 40). Vet said this was probably due to "clumping" -- whatever that is. He did a "hand count," and said hers were okay. When the vet in the pathology lab verified Jaynie's platelet results, was that by a hand count? Also, the sources I looked up when my dog's platelets looked low said that greyhound values range from 80-120, not the much higher range quoted in your posts. Jaynie's would still be low at 40, but not as comparatively low. I feel hesitant to raise these questions when it looks like your specialist is savvy, thorough, and kind, and of course is much more knowledgeable than I am, but for what it's worth ... Sending even more
  8. Hugs to the Coogster and you. Maybe low-salt chicken broth to help keep him hydrated?
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