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Posts posted by Time4ANap

  1. The other advice you received is good. We have a hound who startles easily and have much stricter rules in place about his bed, approaching him, etc. With that in mind, I would add the info below to increase the safety of the kids. This isn't just a hound issue.


    The kids also ned to be "trained" not to approach him when he has something like this. You have to get the point across to them that you're not asking , and it's not optional, for their own safety. The last thing you want is a dog bite to deal with when he is guarding a high value item.

  2. Wow - that's a tough one.


    My first thought was a pinched nerve when he's looking up.


    Being old and crotchety is also an option, and at his age he's allowed some of that, but you don't want it to escalate into something more.


    It's good to see you back. It's been way too long since we've heard about the adventures of your delinquents greyhounds. :lol





  3. Did he eat all of the grounds or just part of the 4 tablespoons?


    My biggest concern would be the caffeine and it's effect on the heart, but in a large dog it's going to depend on the amount actually consumed. Since the coffee had been brewed, a good portion of the caffeine was brewed out of it., but there would still be some residual. In a small or tiny dog, this could be a real emergency.


    If you are unsure, it may be worth a phone call to your vet's office or the ASPCA Poison Control Line (Note - there is a $ 65.00 charge for the ASPCA line, but worth it if you have any doubts or see symptoms inidicating that it had a negative effect.)

  4. No flames, but would you leave young children fo a month?


    Sounds like a flame to me......and a ridiculous comparison. (Personally, i would leave kids faster than my hound...)


    We often board Rocket at a place that only boards greyhounds. It is setup with crates similar to the racing kenels, and has a massive turnout area. The hounds are so well cared fo and have so much fun, that he pulls us into the building when we drop him off, and could care less that we are leaving. He runs into building, goes crate to crate and says Hi to every hound there, and then jumps into his assigned crate when told to"kennel up."


    We usually let him take something of his from the house like a stuffy or one of his own blankets or pillows since he likes to nest. Don't know if it helps anything, but I know that I always like having "my pillow" when we are on the road. :lol


    We have left him for up to 15-20 days at a time. When we come back, he is happy to see us, but I swear it's only because he wants to go home and get some sleep. He is so busy playing ith the other hounds while there, and comes home with all of his "racing muscles." He looks fantastic when he comes back. We love the fact that we don't have to check on him constantly, because we know they will handle whatever happens, and keep us informed if something does.


    Your pups will not forget you. They will be excited to see you, and ready to go home. If they were racers, they were used to being moved around from place to place anyway. Sounds like you have a great boarding place for them. Enjoy your trip.

  5. I would be worried about some type of obstruction. If he doesn't have a bowel movement by mid-day and he were mine, I'd be heading to the vet. That's not something that i would wait until Monday on. If he has a fairly normal bowel movement then I would probably continue to monitor him.


    I'm sure that others with more experience and insight will be along shortly.

  6. I've worried about the same thing in the event that Rocket would be injured. Fortunately, we could probably find someone to help in most cases. One of the things I like about living in a small town is that people are often more willing to help when needed.


    I would check to see if your vet was willing to respond out to the house in an absolute emergency, or if it's possible for them to send a vet tech to help move him if you have no other help.


    If you have anyone in the area who does pet sitting or dog walking locally, they may be available in an emergency as well. Most will charge their normal rates, which usually isn't that much, especially if they are in the area anyway.


    If you have a local Volunteer Fire Department, check in advance to see if there's anyone there who does "odd jobs." Our local firehouse is a great source for finding help of various kinds. Many of the people there do seasonal work and are always looking for a way to make a few extra dollars. If you can find someone there to be "on-call" you can agree on a rate of pay in advance if you need them to come on short notice.



  7. Last night when I responded to this, I could barely type. I was not aware of his needed surgery, so this came as a complete shock. I wanted to post this for those, who like me, never met him, but fell in love with his pictures, and met him through our TV the morning he stole the show on The CBS Morning Show. Here's the clip.



    Run pain-free Knuckles. f_yellow f_yellow f_yellow

  8. Southern States was always a great store. It was a true co-op, as I can remember my Dad getting a regular dividend check from them. It was never much, but we weren't buying in the quantities that the farmers did. As a kid, I bought rabbit food, dog food and hay / straw there. i know my dad used to buy tractor parts, grass seed, and all of the seeds / plants for our garden every year, which was huge.


    Many of the stores closed in a reorganization of the company a few years ago, so the chain may not be as prevalent in other areas as it once was.


    Crap - now I want to go to the farm store.....:lol

  9. We went through this last year with Rocket. Still don't know what caused it although we suspect it was ragweed. He spent the summer on Pred which was the only thing that ended up working. Not our first choice in treatment, but all of the others had virtually no effect. Good luck.

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